Is he a sociopath?
Steve albini
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BIG mac
no, just a nerdy faggot who needs backhanded
he's just a smelly sperg
Lmao. Guy cut his jeans at the knee because he thinks it's cool. What a fucking loser
The fact that so many books still name the Big Mac as "the greatest or most enjoyable or most filling" meal ever only tells you how far food still is from becoming a serious art.
he's a burger
no, just autistic.
They piled in,
he reminds me of some gamer edgelord middle schooler but grown up
That thing he wears on his waist is fucking embarrassing. What an unbearable faggot
that is essentially Steve Albini's aesthetic.
that archetype has always existed, he was an 80s punk rock incarnation
honestly is almost kinda makes sense.. it looks comfortable. i mean if it works for him let him wear his guitar like that but i'm glad at least someone is trying to think outside the conventions of performing
He only does it because he's a scrawny nerd with a weak core
all the albums hes been involved with suck, overrated hack who never did nothing good except make normally good bands sound like shit
did steve albini do something to you or something?
No, I just can't stand weak men who think they're not weak men
like you?
No, like Steve Albini, Michael Gira, and people who admire them (you)
hey dog i'm the guy he replied to originally. don't make me look bad i just wanted to ask about his personal relationship with steve albini i don't wanna insult the guy
like you?
Idiot, he does it because it gives you better range of motion moving up the fretboard.
No dipshit. He does it because "it's not as hard on your back"
He's a faggot pussy and Big Black and Shellac fucking suck and he's a shitty guitar player
Lmao yeah you need so much range of motion when you're playing power chords
like you?
barampa pum pum
I like Big Black, I think they're cool. :]
No. He's a whore.
is albini-posting just some guerrilla viral marketing from mcdonald's because of falling big mac sales?
one of the worst covers ever. the original is so much better.
>Yea Forumstrannies hate based and redpilled steve now
sad state of affairs
Has he ever caught flack for that weird Run Nigger Run - Pray I Don't Kill You Faggot tune he did?
hot opinion buddy
their cover of the model is fantastic though