You wake up tomorrow and you find the last artist you listened to doesn't exist anymore and only you know their songs.
What do you do?
You wake up tomorrow and you find the last artist you listened to doesn't exist anymore and only you know their songs.
What do you do?
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I would probably forget Neu! also
be depressed that ill never be able to produce anything close to the caliber they can
>no Judas Priest
Uh i think i can play Hellion/Electric Eye
Would be a billionaire
how well do i know their songs? if i can remember them well i might try to copy them and pretend i wrote them
>Candy Claws
I kill myself
pretend to have written them
I do not have the money, skill or voice to reconstruct every Nine Inch Nails album. So I'd probably just quickly jot down stuff about them
>Mr. Bungle
It's not worth it go through the trouble of finding a bootleg Mike Patton
looks like id have to learn how to death growl. or i could just play their prog rock stuff but thats not as good
>still have no talent or ability of my own
nothing, i guess i just hum them in my head hoping someone somehow also remembers the song enough to recreate it.
alexander von schippenbach
kinda useless
Why did they use a manlet pajeet for this movie instead of a normal guy?
>Jeff Buckley
Nooo, how could he just sink without a trace.
If only I could play fripps guitar
>Leo Kottke
absolutely nothing because my guitar playing is shit
meh, i can live
Make a shitty movie to tarnish their legacy with
Fuck I hate this bare bones plot and I can't wait to see this movie flop like fuck
I will make tons of money off reddit
If only I could play Bruford's drums.
>Ningen Isu
I don't know how popular they are in Japan. But they're interesting enough to where I could probably make it big enough to live well for the rest of my life.
what a retarded premise, doesn't make sense, people only cared about Beatles because of beatlemania, the songs were completely disposable
i think it'd be pretty easy to replicate bladee's career in this situation
that guy's an absolute insane cunt and it doesn't take reading more than a few of his articles to see it
>My Chemical Romance
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shit
>Kate Bush
Sadly, I have neither her vocal ability or her good looks.
Bruh you literally would just have to start a band with him
i'd pretend i had an abusive step father
Why would people in 2019 care about a bunch of grandpa pop songs? The Beatles endurance is partly a historical thing. You remove the history and you have a bunch of well-written songs with niche appeal.
spend the rest of my fucking life trying to re-create 1/10th of the music this man has gifted the world with.
>a bunch of well-written songs
maybe like 1 or 2 are actually well written
Anthony Kiedis might be up for the job
It's a moot point because if you removed The Beatles from history the entire trajectory of popular music would be massively different. But ignoring that aspect then I would say The Beatles songs, or at least a lot of them, would still be able to translate well today under different production styles.
>ad hominem
My other response: Yeah, I agree, that Scaruffi guy really is something.
Not even dignifying this with a (You). Get better material.
Scaruffi? I agree
>implying I can recreate The Avalanches' music
Fuck, Danny Boyle is really making ass garbage these days.
What is this? Why is a street shitter in a Beatles movie?
this movie is going to be amazing
Get as much dick and poon as i want for the rest of my life
Plagiarize them. It was The Smiths.
>Paul McCartney
So I get a ton of Beatles, Wings, and his solo stuff.
>Mississippi John Hurt
Welp, I'm 60 years out of fashion playing and singing a style that has already proliferated to the point that none of the music will be seen as of any value.
Also I'm not black, or from the delta.
>if you removed The Beatles from history the entire trajectory of popular music would be massively different.
Not at all. They went to India and learned how to play the sitar, WOW. Chuck Berry, Elvis, The Beach Boys and TVU had way more of an impact if we're talking about artistic value.
>how to spot an underage retard who just discovered music trying to fit in on Yea Forums
Tom Waits
I'd gain a cult following but that'sit.
>Pink Floyd
Couldn't recreate it, LSD production reduces by 80%
>Chuck Berry, Elvis, The Beach Boys and TVU had way more of an impact if we're talking about artistic value.
One of those artists The Beatles were a direct influence on and we're not talking solely about artistic value.
>Also I'm not black, or from the delta.
I mean, that wouldn't affect your chances in the blues or folk scene these days.
>Neutral Milk Hotel
Okay, this is epic. I would probably wouldn't quit my day job, so I could do the Jandek thing and become an underground legend, and then tour when I'm like 50.
nah man the Beatles ripped of Brian, Scaruffi said so
Show Varg how much better my music is.
Hello universal pictures executive! Welcome to Yea Forums.
>I have not gone through his entire essay, which is very long.
nigga it takes like half an hour to read
shit my pants because I don't play saxophone, and can never replicate the sound of Charlie Parker
Fucking retard