How did you get tinnitus?

how did you get tinnitus?

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>Can't even protect one of his 6 most basic senses from being damaged

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stood at the front of a street sects show without earplugs

I spent two summers working on the crew at a golf course, we were allowed to wear headphones while we worked, but the only way to really hear music while on top of a mower is to crank it up loud


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Glasses-fags BTFO'd

People born after 1975 have 6 senses, grandpa.

I was born in '93, spider-man.

>street sects
yeah that'll do it

Became a drummer

shot guns without earpro

Listening to Beatles live recordings


Ear infections, long hours mixing fl studio as a teenager, noise shows. I try to take care of my ears now, I wear earplugs at work, I'm in a department next to lots of machinery and my coworkers probably think I'm a faggot but I don't care.


Posted about it before, had ~25 ear infections by age 6. Grew up thinking everybody's ears rung in quiet rooms.

why did you have to remind me

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I didn't
t. 38 year old boomer

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>fucked up eyesight from computers
>tinnitus from listening to loud music everyday with my headphones
>unsatisfying orgasm probably from spinal cord injury and low sensitivity on penis thanks to very warm showers
>I'm only 19

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Just woke up with it one day.


wait what hot showers lower your dick sensitivity??

Idk but that's the only explanation that I can find

Meniere's disease. Life is suffering.

Went to a Sunn O))) and Swans concert close to each other without ear protection because Gira recommended it so. Fuck you, Michael, you ear rapist!


lmao ive been listening full volume for almost 7 years and i still dont have tinnitus

Blasting music from my Zune at full volume when I was in 6th and 7th grade.

I mainly listened to Skillet and Three Days Grace back then :)

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Listened to music real loud and stood at the front at some loud ass concerts, same as most people. It doesn't bother me, I just think of it as noise music i can always hear

not wearing earplugs at the racetrack

Much Video Dance in like grade 8 unfortunately

i dont have tinnitus but i had it temporarily after the death grips concert

The moment that I've always attributed it to was listening to Animal Collective's Strawberry Jam loud enough in 10th grade that other people could hear what I was listening to. Mine isn't that severe but it's pretty noticeable.

what the actual fuck

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Seeing a stadium gig when I was 9 + a bunch of motorsport. My poor ears never stood a chance.

One day I heard a very loud ringing in my left ear, louder than the ringing normally is. I thought maybe something had flown nearby and everyone heard it but no and it hasn't left since even though it's quieter. It's more of a you-don't-notice-it-until-you-do kinda thing now.

A bike tube blowing up in my right ear. It's there but thankfully hasn't got any worse. When I go to shows ( I don't that often anymore), I use ear plugs and they really help a lot.

that's the best part, user

>genuinely thinking this
hows that flouride, tyrone?

Saw Swans without earplugs.
