It's Kanye's birthday. Say something nice

It's Kanye's birthday. Say something nice.

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When I listen to Yeezus on high volume on my headphones, it massages my ear buds. Thanks, Yeezus

*ear drums sorry


Thanks Ye

happy birthday kanye


drop Yandhi

I don't consider about two thirds of Rap music to even be considered music but Graduation and Late Registration are some of the best albums I've ever heard and you're alright in my book. Thank you Kanye very cool.

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thanks Ye, i like your music. when are we going to Africa?

hi kanye

Suck a dick

those are probably his two most uninteresting albums
maybe just stay away from rap, it's not for you

Hi Kanye. Good job!! Happy birthday

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Robocop is the best song off of 808s

ye is a very good album that is misunderstood by most people. I feel like in years down the road, it will receive its fair reappraisal and will gradually be appreciated for being the quirky little masterpiece it really is.

I may be salty but niggas is NUTS

Yeah I learned that a while back when I tried to listen to most of Kanye's other works. I don't think rap'll ever be for me.

Happy bday Ye

coincidentally, i was listening to College Dropout without realizing it was Kanye's birthday today. it just isn't clicking with me. I took a listen to a majority of his discog and they just can't click with me.I can't be the only one who feels this way

KSG deserved a lot more love from the public

I like Runaway