1. Here Comes the Sun
2. Something
3. While My Guitar Gently Weeps
4. Long, Long, Long
5. Taxman
6. It's All Too Much
7. Blue Jay Way
8. Only a Northern Song
9. Love You To
10. Within You Without You
Top 10 Beatles songs
Kino is NOT for lewd
Based and Georgepilled
Based Georgefag. George is unironically the best songwriter and overall musician in the Beatles. Best solo career too. Listen to All Things Must Pass before quoting me pleb faggots
John and Paul BTFO
Memes aside only two of these are good, literally only teenagers think George wasn't the worst Beatle
Rocky Raccoon
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da
Happiness Is A Warm Gun
Don't Let Me Down
I Am The Walrus
The Fool On The Hill
She Came In Through The Bathroom Window
A Day In The Life
Being For The Benefit of Mr. Kite!
Where’s think for yourself? Old Brown Shoe?
>Within You Without You
I want to suck on those perky nipples so bad
Think For Yourself and If I Needed Someone are criminally underrated George songs imo
Where the FUCK is Octopus's Garden
I'm Only Sleeping
Happiness is a Warm Gun
While My Guitar Gently Weeps
Martha My Dear
Norwegian Wood
The Fool on the Hill
Here, There and Everywhere
I Want You (She's So Heavy)
You Know My Name (Look Up The Number)
Any list without Revolution 9 is a plebs list
Imagine the smell.
Where is I NEED YOU?
Gone Troppo is his most underrated album, I find a lot of fellow George fans haven’t heard it. If you haven’t heard it yet, give it a listen. He made it quickly and released it with no promotion
Wrong picture. Twink got a pussy.
1. Strawberry Fields Forever
2. Tomorrow Never Knows
3. She Said She Said
4. Happiness is a Warm Gun
5. I Am The Walrus
6. In My Life
7. Hey Bulldog
8. Come Together
9. All You Need is Love
10. I Want You (She's So Heavy)
No, user. You are the teenagers.
1. Ob-la-di, ob-la-da
2. Blackbird
3. Can't Buy Me Love
4. I Want To Hold Your Hand
5. Eleanor Rigby
6. Here Comes the Sun
7. I Want You (SHE SO HEAVY)
8. Come Together
9. All You Need is Love
10. Hey Jude
No order:
Happiness is a warm gun
I want you
A day in the life
Helter Skelter
Twist & shout
The fool on the hill
ob-la-di, ob-la-da
With a little help from my friends
You got to hide your love away
back in the USSR
Rain, Girl, Norwegian Wood, Nowhere Man, Ticket To Ride, Glass Onion, Sexy Sadie, Cry Baby Cry, Across The Universe, Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds, I'm Only Sleeping, the list goes on....