Redpill me on McLennon

Redpill me on McLennon

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you have to take the blue pill for this


it’s really cute

I don't think Lennon needs any more things in his backside.

Cartoon twink Paul is best Paul

I bet a girl drew this. If only they knew how hard and violent you have to be to successfully sodomize someone, they wouldn't make these cute twink memes.

>I bet a girl drew this
That's not a risky bet, user

Paul has good taste.

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John is a kooky cat

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Heh, I guess not.

Interesting that Paul drawn in that style remains recognizable, while John doesn't. He was the cute Beatle alright.

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Official /mclennon/ anthem:

Do you recognize a John in this one?

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Lennon was more than likely a repressed bisexual, and it's all but confirmed that he had a sexual encounter of some sort with Brian Epstein when they were in Spain but I highly doubt he ever had those kinds of feelings toward Paul. Their relationship was very strong and quite intimate at times but it was more brotherly than anything else.

I think there's a better argument in saying that John may have had feelings for Stu. I mean who wouldn't fall for that guy.

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>As mild and oblique as the comment was [Paul's "You took your lucky break and broke it in two" line from "Too Many People"], it seemed to cut John to the heart. On top of the questionnaire inside the McCartney album and the lawsuit, it was like the tipping point between a divorcing couple that turns love into savage, no-holds-barred hostility. Indeed, John's wounded anger was more that of an ex-spouse than ex-colleague, reinforcing a suspicion already in Yoko's mind that his feelings for Paul had been far more intense than the world at large ever guessed. From chance remarks he had made, she gathered there had even been a moment where - on the principle that bohemians should try everything - he had contemplated an affair with Paul, but had been deterred by Paul's immovable heterosexuality. Nor, apparently, was Yoko the only one to have picked up on this. Around Apple, in her hearing, Paul would sometimes be called John's princess. She had also once heard a rehearsal tape with John's voice calling out "Paul ... Paul ... " in a strangely subservient, pleading way. "I knew there was something going on there," she remembers. "From his point of view, not from Paul's. And he was so angry at Paul, I couldn't help wondering what it was really about."

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this is now a Stu thread

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They probably listened to that on kinky fridays

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>meets a girl

You think this person isn’t really familiar with the full reality of sodomy?

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>tfw remember beatles shipping phase

Do you mean Eppy?

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Yeah, call it a hunch.

It’s not a phase!

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>i put the coon in tycoon
what did he mean by this

There's a lot of fucking assumptions there. Again, Paul and John had a very powerful and genuine love for one another, no shit the break up was gonna take a huge emotional toll on them but everything else about that is a huge reach. Paul has explicitly denied there being any kind of romantic element to their relationship.

Jesus fucking christ I did not realize there was a market for Beatles erotica.

I think you might be right

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Which Beatles songs are /mclennon/core?
>Two of Us
>All I've Got to Do
>If I Fell
>In My Life
>I Will
>Got to Get You Into My Life

What's the source for this?

Wait till you see how much I have saved!

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whoa dude, this is a blue board

someone needs to show paul these and film his reaction

Here There and Everywhere
>McCartney began writing "Here, There and Everywhere" at Lennon's house in Weybridge, in early June,[11] while waiting for Lennon to wake up. McCartney recalled: "I sat out by the pool on one of the sun chairs with my guitar and started strumming in E. And soon [I] had a few chords, and I think by the time he'd woken up, I had pretty much written the song, so we took it indoors and finished it up."[12]

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Introduce me to Paul and it will happen

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That aside, I was trying to pick love songs that didn't mention a girl

I think its confirmed they jerked off together but that's it

Source please.

The along and Winding Road is pretty explicitly about John

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>femme John
ha, no

good shit

The Beatles' story lends itself pretty well to autistic tumblrgirl shipping: two longtime friends who braved through hard times together and were torn apart by fame and temptation, then they bickered back and forth like ex-lovers only to rediscover their friendship just in time before one of them is tragically slain.

It comes from a book by Philip Norman named John Lennon: The Life, From 2008

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john is thicc

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How’s this then?

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thicc john > sticc john

They did sexually interact once. It was the night John accidentally took acid when he thought he was taking speed, and had to be taken home. Paul stayed in the house with him and decided to take acid again, not having done it for a while. Apparently he found John's presense overbearing in that state, like there was a power emanating from him. Reading between the lines, he sucked him off that night. The breakdown in their relationship seems to date from that night, and McCartney's discomfort with the memory.

It’s almost weird there’s not more of this stuff then

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Might give that a read, although I know Norman wrote a bitter, pissy biography of J. G. Ballard. Interested that Yoko said that, I always knew she was cool.

Hmm, I’m going to just believe this

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Rank their thighs bros

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I haven’t read the whole thing, I just saw the quote online

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What about thicc Paul?

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i accept this as beatles canon now and am surprisingly fine with this happening

I'll read it. I go with the "Lennon and Sutcliffe fucked" theory too, so this will be gud.

Do you accept this too?

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If they're gonna do this I wish they wouldn't do it with that era of them, we have documented proof that
A: they hated each others' guts then
B: Paul's beard looked disgusting
B is more of a problem, I don't want to picture this matted-looking sweaty hair beneath McCartney's rimming mouth.

They do have nice thighs, hard to rank

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You’re right, younger is better

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You should post about it when you’re done, say if it’s good or not

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what other musician ships do you like?

They also fapped together on a regular basis

If you want me to, I will.


Yeah but they all fapped together, and we presume they weren't having orgies. They played soggy biscuit though, apparently, which is disgusting. And George lost his virginity to a groupie while the others were in the same room like "yes, get in m8".