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I'd kiss Lennon.

he’s objectively got the worst mouth, look at that shit.

Dude you kiss the person not the mouth.

pauls got some nice lips

ACKSHAULLY you kiss the tissue. there are no persons just projections of your own self in the external world. in a way, youd be literally kissing yourself by kissing lennon. i advise you kiss some other Beatle, that way you dont self suck and shed some light into unexplored areas of your personality.

>seething redditor

Lennon looks like he's on speed. It's like someone's photoshopped a Beatles wig onto John Balance.

"user, I...I didn't know you liked me like that." She had to fuck black guys and suck Jewish dick to get to the top... "Do you think Tyrone thinks about me, user?" An aging, fat, old Japanese man removed his 15-inch darkened monster cock from her still-moist cunt, overflowing with rancid semen. And then she died the end lol. Naked, black men as far as the eye could see

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I’d snog George (with a tiny bit of tongue because I’m not a total slut and I don’t want to give the wrong idea) for making Wonderwall Music and injecting Eastern musical traditions into mainstream pop music albums.

Did faggots exist in the 60’s and 70’s, beyond politicians and old guys?

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The marketing for them was so cringem

paul and ringo look the juiciest

Paul > Ringo > George >>>>>>> John

is this a legitimate question?

Ringo's got the dick-sucking lips

Holy fuck you guys should see the state of my monitor right now

objectively george

Yes, when I look at pics of fags from the 60’s it’s almost always old guys, and maybe a few young college students

>and for you fellows tough luck!!!
beatles knew what was up

based paul looks best here
ringo & paul look best here