Taylor Swift BTFO

How will she ever recover?

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>How will she ever recover?
By completely ignoring this.

Is the first line supposed to be profound or what?

i'm fucking gay lol, fuck me in nmy fat gay boy-fanny-pussy

Does Fantano really think that Billie is deep? Fucking embarrassing.

taylor has the better line

Fandango post fader has been just insane. They truly did a number on him.

>edgy zoomer garbage vs lighthearted pop
hmmm but billie is like so quirky and unique lol

What happened?

Brian Wilson: "sometimes i feel very sad"

He wrote that shit like in his late 20s early 30s yall

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Brian Wilson was 23 when Pet Sounds was released user.
What am I doing with my life

How old is Fantano? 40? Did a tween girl hack his twitter account? Everyone that's old enough to drink makes fun of Billie's faux-edge.

idk who the fuck this is, but from the man jaw in the thumbnail and the shit spelling and grammar you can tell it's a mentally ill discord tranny

>one shitty hook
>versus one decent line from a song

wow k

The emojis in that Ellish line are making me picture a crap pseudo-sign language mime routine being done along with the lyrics.

Yeah, Bob Stanley, a thick cunt obsessed with tiny women with flat voices, reckoned that was more profound that "Bob Dylan or Joni Mitchell wordplay". Because he apparently can't tell the difference between music and lyrics. Former critics shouldn't be allowed to make music.

Does he not realize that all women know that men will forgive, and consider profound, the most vapid shit in the world if it comes from the mouths of jailbait? He's making himself look baaaad.

He doesn't
I don't think he or any reviewer ever praised her lyrics, except maybe on the counting motif in Wish You Were Gay which was most probably her brothers idea

Swifts lyrics are actually better here. Bad example. Actually you'd be hard pressed to find any lyric by Ellish that surpasses Swift. Arthoes have a very bad knack for this shit, and always pick the pretentious shit over anything else.

How old is Billie Eilish’s brother?

no but its funny when juxtaposed with what taylors saying

same age as hopsin so 33


He really seems to be saying it is, though.

Well he deemed it worthy to retweet someone dunking on Taylor's lyrics in comparison to the "deep" lyrics of eilish

>those smilies

no it'S not


he mostly praises her production which desu is fine but also not nearly as interesting or bold as he claims. it's like a worse version of lorde's first album

thats not fantano is it?

Billie Eilish is Kim Wilde for the Instagram generation, no more and no less.

Billie Ellish is an aging vegan, she'll have huge crow's feet by the time she's 30. Meanwhile Taylor is approaching 30 and still looking young and fresh as ever.

Could easily be more a dig at Taylor than it is a praise for Billie.

its cringy hes thinks either are especially good or bad. that that tweet was clever or anything possible. its literally dumb af

is this what counts as progress for 4channel?
2012: twitter screenshots of literally whos and fantano posting
2019: twitter screenshots of fantano retweeting literally whos

People who partake in, and promulgate Twitter beefs are essentially subhuman retards.

do they indulge in familial sex?

he retweeted it, brainlet

Imagine if Billie Eilish had enough imagination to try an incest gimmick?

Kim had a good voice though


This is honestly true. It's made him very self conscious about everything; his self destruction is truly mavelous to behold.

I'll have to look this up

t. bored Yea Forums tourist

sometimes i feel so happy
sometimes i feel so sad

I got to hand it to the record labels, they really got all the hipster liberal faggots to get on board with all of their shit these days. Is she really pretending Billie Eyelash's lyrics aren't cringey 14 year old girl shit?

>these days