Tfw paul was the best bassist, pianist, drummer, lead guitarist and songwriter in the beatles

>tfw paul was the best bassist, pianist, drummer, lead guitarist and songwriter in the beatles
Really makes you think huh

Attached: 4e65ef1f582f8e7335ccb2175986c510.jpg (602x800, 152K)

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Best guitarist was Harrison. Best pianist was Lennon. Best drummer was Ringo. Best songwriter was Lennon.

>Best pianist was Lennon.

>best drummer
Paulfags are redditors. Ringo is objectively the best drummer.

If it wasn't for U2 that brought the Beatles to the Top of The Pops in England basically George Harrison wouldn't have done much as drummer.

His solo work you dumb fuck. He played piano well. At least better than Paul on Hey Jude.

>best drummer
>best lead guitarist
>best songwriter

Bernard Purdie was the best drummer and best piano is a toss-up between George Martin and Billy Preston.

>Ringo is objectively the best drummer

Attached: 1543824638414.jpg (379x488, 89K)

his solo work is basic as fuck for the piano parts
none of those people were in the band

>Ringo is objectively the best drummer
Yes, objectively.

And Paul is great on the piano?

better than john

How so?

more complex lines


>more complex lines = better
But fine. Such as?

Akshually yoko was the best pianist in the beatles

is this cunt mentally disabled?

Paulfags are redditors.

technically, yes it would make him a more proficient pianist
martha my dear and the abbey road medley are good examples.

>complex lines alone makes him a more proficient pianist
Based musically illiterate poster

also you can hear his improvising skills on the get back bootlegs. also little woman love.

all we have to judge is their playing, and mccartney played more demanding lines. how would you recommend judging it?

By how good it is

George has the best album though. All things must pass makes the Beatles and ram sound pale in compariaon

>By how good it is
how good what is and how would you measure it? it's very subjective, whereas technical proficiency can be measured by some standard in the level of difficulty of the piece preformed.

Who is a better musician, Paul McCartney or Yngwie Malmsteen?


Totally. Ringo wrote the playbook for modern-day pop drumming. Fact.

Yngwie is at least his own person and not an actor lookalike pretending to be a dead guy.

>best songwriter
That's just not true. John was better and I'm a Paulfag
Yea of course.
Debatable but yes probably.
Paul himself said that he isn't that good of a drummer
>lead guitarrist
In the beginning yea. George grew up to be better than him.