/bgapg) bitch gotta penis general

/bgapg) bitch gotta penis general

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Who's got a penis?

Bitch got a penis!

i like the pic where hes in a restraint


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I'm not a transphobe though

reminder to report off topic /pol/ threads

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I want a trap to make me suck her off in front of my gf while they both make fun of me and then watch the trap fuck my wife in front of me how do u accomplish this when i know no traps and am an incel/music for the feel?

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why did you post that I this thread though?

>music is off topic if I personally dislike it
Okay anime girl

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I want to be fucked by her thick girl shaft

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her penis is ugly

don’t act retarded. the purpose of this thread is to cause a transphobic flame war, not discuss music
mods deleted the last thread from an hour ago. this one will be gone in a bit as well. enjoy your 3 day vacation!

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>/bgapg/ doesnt have discussion

Bitch got a penis is deconstructed club. YFM was breaking down the conventions of electronic music long before M.I.A., Sd Laika, or SOPHIE entered onto the scene. Besides being biting satire on the simplistic nature of repetitive club music (as well as the love of crass sex and ignorance), the band deftly challenges notions of binary gender roles by presenting a hypothetical character whose sex defies all attempts at classification. Ray William Johnson urges us to contemplate the titular conundrum that also acts as the song's refrain: who's got a penis? At first it seems rhetorical, but it soon becomes apparent that the song's scope is much larger than it initially seemed. What people normally have penises? Our initial assumption is only men, but the song suggests that such distinctions are not so clear-cut. If the titular "bitch" (that term being a subtle reference to the dog-like hyena, whose females possess male-like genitalia) can have a penis, than what does having a penis truly signify for any other person, male or female? A philistine would assume this is merely a reference to transsexual identity, but it goes deeper than that. It reflects the breakdown in traditional gender roles over the 20th and 21st centuries, a period in which women and men have increasingly defied the expectations of behavior set out for them. As Johnson illustrates, women are capable of acting as though they have a "penis," just as men are able to engage in traditionally effeminate behavior (that of a "bitch," perhaps). Like with the noble hyena, the lines distinguishing one sex from the other have rapidly diminished and will continue to do so.

The song raises the question of what it means to have one set of genitals over another, and the deeper meaning (or lack thereof) associated with them.

Just in case you faggots didn't know, that channel was a project by Ray William Johnson


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>balding has-been

BGAP is one of those modern classics

Can one seethe any harder?

reminder to report avatar posters

Every single flame war in /bgapg/ is caused by you capricious anime posters
The tranny cries out as he strikes you

/bgapg/ is a general of peace we only wish to discuss this work of art but misinformed poltards and anime posters argue and halt any discussion!

Who's got a penis?

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Bitch got a penis is unironically catchy.

its unironically a good song

seething tranny, you will never look like an anime girl, or any girl

It made me open to the idea of a bitch with a penis
Why is everyone mad about it?

reminder that this got crossposted to /lgbt/ and everyone there thought it was funny


I was rewatching BGAP earlier and the music video is extremely prophetic. Our main character basically gets forced on a drug which bluepills him much like how if you're conservative today you get scrutinized. Truly ahead of its time

>this is what trannies think they look like

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I noticed that to the ending isnt real its all his drug infested mind rationalizing our state of society. BGAP is about our hero getting attacked by society for wrong think

he was retarded though, because none of the bitches actually had penises

I though most women kept their things in their bras though, who the fuck keeps things right next to their vaginas

if anything this meme is anti transphobia as it is mocking the song (although the song is not actually transphobic) aswell as peoples very extreme reaction

That was a dream sequence there's no proof that the drug they gave him didn't cause it

the video honestly makes 0 sense since the 3 nurses are also the 3 bitches, who may not actually have penises

they do it seemed clear to me that after he gets the injection he goes into a dream light state. I wouldn't be surprised if he got raped during it as well


Why did this one get popular all of a sudden? I would've thought Mr. Douchebag would become the new old hit of RWJ, given virgin/chad shit.

daily reminder /bgapg/ doesnt support the raiding of threade

This is inaccurate. I'm against feminism too.

transgenders will campaign against /bgapg/ while praising actual transphobic artists

>obese black man able to seduce three bitches (that end up not actually having a penis) of various non-black races

dj khaled
rick ross

it happens when you got the $$$

obese men eat pussy the best

Because making fun of trannies is a past time activity for many on Yea Forums.

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(Transphobic Rock)

trannies are the new bronies, who were the new furries

dude looks like a lady walked so bitch got a penis could run


I want to vomit.

Wait, so the bitch has a penis?

Animeposters pls gtfo, these threads are for real men

these threads are for bitches with penises sweetie

>this is who you share Yea Forums with

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come on this guy's not even trying, he just looks like some Yea Forums autist

yo i'm eatin a real yummy cold salad right now.

>commenting on Youtube videos
ohs nose nigger what is you doin

honestly catchy

I mean, this is Yea Forums. I'd estimate 60-80% of the people on here being 16-20 year old social awkward basement-dwellers. It's not that surprising that those same people make cringey comments on youtube videos.

anime? more like trannime

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Reminder to beat trannies up in the streets.

based? im thinking based.

because it also happens to be one of the lowest rated singles on RYM. so it’s perfect for making fun of them.

Whets your favourite album?

>the song is "transphobic" in a very stupid way
>is one of the lowest rated singles of all time in rym
>rym has a community full of trans people
>the song was part of that rwj retarded project
i think it's plain to see why this is shitposting material

i love how much butthurt that image does

The general that saved Yea Forums

Imagine thinking you fucking trannies are actually hurting anyone's feelings with that, you're all circlejerking blind followers of the LGBTQ community which is actively trying to hurt free speech and in some cases establish fucking communism so they can be lazy, I wouldn't have a problem with any LGBTQ if they didn't associate with such a horribly manipulative social cult

>leftist """""""""""""humor"""""""""""""

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woops looks like someone got triggered
toughen up snowflake

Exactly like a tranny to do, ay the victim, call out whoever hurt their feelings and say if you fight back you're a cuck and weak, you are scum and it's absolutely plain to see



what did you mean by this?

Traps aren't trans you absolute faggot. Just say you like shemale porn instead of femboys who crossdress (but still call themselves guys).


I find this suspicious, considering how much futa and shemale porn gets posted here.

the only people that post that are either shitty trolls trying to gross people out, /trash/niggers, or Yea Forumsegenerates