She's talking about the Jews right?
She's talking about the Jews right?
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Just look at that sullen expression. I enjoy recalling the ways in which celebrity whores are used and discarded by their peers.
Ke$ha HOLOCAUSTS the world with LOGIC and FACTS
>one hit wonder ten years ago now says hateful things about a group that doesn’t give a single fuck about it and won’t be affected by it
I would unironically rather fuck Caitlyn Jenner that this abomination of a person
Ke$ha is the FINAL SOLUTION to BEN SHAPIRO and his ILK
good thing. peoples value isnt determined by what some alt right incel on Yea Forums finds sexually attractive... why even comment on how attractive someone is to you?
milk toast
>peoples value isnt determined by what some alt right incel on Yea Forums finds sexually attractive...
Are you entirely sure about that?
the real enemy is capitalism
The only way these kikes can make money is by hating themselves. Look at them. They don't even like the way they look.
Nice try Shlomo
Holy shit that's a broken person if I've ever seen one.
Also, she means Jews
Lmao /pol/ really acts like white elites don't even exist. Like because Jews are overrepresented in banking relative to their population size, they apparently run the entire banking world and have achieved total world domination
They own the music industry and are responsible for her apparent hatred of whites
>caitlyn jenner but more bruce than caitlyn
Dr. Luke is LITEALLY Jewish and he's the guy who raped her/ruined her career
She just can't actually say "Jew"
jews are white
Agreed. Jewish friend in hs was 6'3" with blonde hair and blue eyes. Knew only one other jew and he was pretty white as well.
No, they are Jewish
That's like saying Obama is white
Comments on the article are pretty good at least.
she is literally the worst
>Implying that rich goy men don't take advantage of their power to abuse women
obama is white
you missed the best part in your screencap where they equate eliminating rich white straight men with "real equality."
>implying that's not a false equivalency
How so?
Good thing I'm not rich. Wait...
i'm white but i'm not rich
jewish people are descendants of merchants, always be on your toes when dealing with them
because rich goy men don't own the entertainment industry
jews are white
Yes they do.
She's not just talking about the entertainment industry. Virtually all industries in America are owned by either White Christians or Jews, who most people now consider White. These two groups set aside most of their differences several decades ago and have more or less been in cahoots in controlling business and politics since, and the ancestors of most American Jews had already been a presence for many hundreds of years in Europe before they emigrated. For these reasons, it really makes sense to consider them essentially White
>get raped by a jew
>make a song dissing whites instead
jesus christ
their control is insane
Jews are white
whats jewish about disliking capitalism
why would you criticize jews by name in an industry where most of the major labels are owned by jewish people
you keep your mouth shut and code it
keep saying that maybe it will magically become true. all politics is identity politics, most leftists will openly admit it, except the deluded leftypol ones. I get it you are a white guy and you feel alienated by globohomo and the corporate culture of consumerism and conformity, but you are not willing to take the leap and become a reactionary, so you evade the obvious, muh marx muh capitalism! the truth is leftists prefer multinational corporations and billionaires over working middle class white people.
Jews do. You're fucking wizardry isn't going to keep the secret in anymore. The jig is up, shlomo.
>alt right incel
LARPing as a 1950s conservative and constantly longing for a society that never actually existed in the first place isn't going to make you happy either.
I just don't want to target people besides the people directly responsible, not innocent people who share an ethnicity with them. Is that so much to ask? Why can't you guys just target individual actors instead of a whole group? Instead of calling out Jews, why not say Soros or Alan Greenspan or Koch Bros or Rupert Murdoch or whoever capitalist neoliberal scumbag you want to name? Not every Jew, Black, etc. should be tarred with the brush of a bad person's actions.
kek, she tried to get popular again with a ""subversive" song, but it didn't work at all.
Even if a lot of the entertainment industry is controlled by Jewish people, what's your problem with it and how would you go about solving it? Constantly shouting about how Jews control the media isn't going to make them control it less.
jews are white
It would be good if people knew the intricacies of the issue, especially since Jews are systematically and actively working toward the genocide of whites who aren't them.
only a non white would say this
jews were never considered white
White people don't come the dessert
>Jews are systematically and actively working toward the genocide of whites who aren't them
Okay well now you just sound insane.
Ashkenazi Jews are genetic southern/eastern Europeans with very distant semitic roots. They're white.
it should be more proportionate to the population of the country and the media should serve the interests of the public instead of a wealthy minority. as you can see by the dire state of american mass media at the moment and the negative influence it has had, maybe breaking up the monopoly would be a huge step forward. i'm not against jewish people owning media channels, i'm against nepotism and monopolies where 90% of the media is owned by the same few conglomerates who are only concerned about profit rather than informing
Well then it seems like your problem is more with unregulated hypercapitalism than with Jews. You can't ignore the multitude of rich WASP families who own monopolies and abuse nepotism, too. It's not exclusively a Jewish thing.
This is strictly an issue of capitalism and lack of regulation. Look to the US in general as the real culprit.
obviously, it's bad whoever does it
the media industry just happens to have a lot of jewish people doing it. it's not even just jews obviously. it has nothing to do with an inherent characteristic of all jews or whatever, because this happens in other industries with other close knit groups and cartels/monopolies. wasps of course do it, im not ignoring people like walmart waltons or bezos or other pieces of shit but wasp nepotism gets criticized rightfully so. jewish nepotism is treated more sensitively, and i understand why but it does exist in certain industries.
i understand fascists and nazis do go to the conclusion of all jews and include white genocide nonsense theories, but i am not that person. ive been on Yea Forums too long and im not fond of israel's human rights practices so i might have some unfair biases i need to work on.
well yes obviously
Keep weaseling your way out of the truth so you don't feel like "le bad boy nazis". You know the real deal, stop this muh marx muh capitalism shit that they feed you in college so you don't question things. This guy was right.
jews are white
white women are niggers
i'm your dad
nazbol gang
Fuck Palestine!
Fair enough, but they've always been invested in destroying every race who isn't them. Ever since the Old Testament.
jews are white
Fuck off colonizer
Israel is an illegitimate state
You see, their goal is global dominance and they've always been working toward that. They believe it's their chosen destiny.
I am not a conservative, there is nothing left to conserve in this society, I am an Esoteric Hitlerist National Socialist revolutionary.
leftists always target all white people, and openly say being white itself makes you guilty and irredemably evil regardless of how poor you are , so why shouldn't we treat them the same way, quid pro quo? their stated goal is to humilliate us and destroy everything we had ever found meaningful, so why shouldn't we take them at their word?
israel is not a real country
you are a polack with a goofy religion
>I am an Esoteric Hitlerist National Socialist revolutionary
>I am an Esoteric Hitlerist National Socialist revolutionary
That's a neat way of saying you're on an FBI watchlist.
That is the only real White Privilege: a Jew gets to hide among actual White people.
Im not afraid of the FBI,they are a bunch of queers and sjws
I love how you have no argument as to why Jews aren't white other than muh feelings. Most Ashkenazim even have blue eyes; their features are distinctly European and genetic testing proves this.
When equality means ridding the competition of White men, superiority is naturally confirmed.
Me too. Didn't she get passed around by her producers to get where she was? Fucking pottery desu
israel is a real country just because you are racist towards whites doesn't make it any less true
jews are white
Well they're queers and SJWs with a lot of guns, helicopters, and the backing of the entire US government. Whatever dude, it's your funeral.
you're a little nigger and you're falling for probably the most insultingly basic-bitch-looking-ass domestic counterintelligence the united states federal government has cooked up in at least 50 years. all of this sappy faggot identity shit is a means to distract you and delegitimize your grievances. you're not a fucking revolutionary you are just flinging shit in a protracted flame war and boosting websites' engagement metrics. go pick up a real book and not some schizo faggot racist astrology shit
fuck jim mason and fuck o9a suck my dick
go cry to r9k about it i don't wanna hear it
everyone is always gangster till the fbi comes knocking on their door
israel isnotrael
it's all so tiresome
I am training with a full scale guerrilla operation force in REDACTED, learning parkour, digital computer hacking mixed martial arts amongst other highly advanced USMC marine tactics, while you attend yet another mandatory privilege checking session at your local DSA branch.
The Bolsheviks were jews
the only thing that makes her different is her womanhood. she's still rich, white and straight
jews are white
So were Ayn Rand, Milton Friedman, and Ludwig Mises. Your point?
now we are getting somewhere. maybe race is more important than economics, only braindead marxcucks and lolbertarian shabbos goyim disagree.
That's a nice way of saying he's fighting institutionally entrenched powers in ways you jerk your friends off thinking about.
notice how this rule never applies to white people, leftists always attack whites as a group, but insist whites treat jews/Pee oh cees as individuals, even when jews and pee oh cees constantly advance their interests as a group
Jews dont consider themself white only when its convenient for them. Just look at jewish "people" on twitter
Trust me, no Jewish billionaire is afraid of some schizophrenic Neo-Nazi on the internet. You're not "challenging" any power.
the nazis were tapping into the deathforce of the universe through the swastika, hitler is but a prefiguration of kalki, the destroyer, ultimate avatar of vishnu, Hitler was human all too human all to merciful and restrained. Kalki is already here, and he will show no mercy to the hosts of the kali yuga.
The cybernetics of control was created by jewish scientists as an anti Nazi weapon, a means to contain the runaway feedback of the third Reich and restore a stable equilibrium between judeo bolshevism and judeo capitalism. Charles Manson knew this.
The Fuhrer never died, he slumbers today in the halls of Shambhala deep under the Himalayas in the hollow world that lies within this earth, awaiting for the hour of absolute chaos in order to claim his revenge so the world may end and we may know peace. We are uprooting the tree of knowledge, with us will perish the universe, love will begin when the world ends. Hail Hitler! Hail Kalki! Hail Manson! All Hail the Black Sun!
First off, I am not that user. Secondly, Jewish billionaires seem to be deeply paranoid about Neo Nazis on the internet. Actions speak, user, and a lot of people have listened and heard. You had best realize that pathologically calling people schizo when you start to feel like a fish out of water is making the situation worse for you.
im gonna wedge a mossberg 500 up your hare hare asshole and see if your pagan nigger lady comes to save you how about that
Jesus Christ, take a break from the internet for like two seconds. You're not the majority opinion. Most white people aren't secret Neo-Nazis no matter how hard you delude yourself into thinking they are.
And no, Jewish billionaires don't care about you. A lot of journalists and woke Twitter activists do, that's true, but even they're more concerned about you as a potential domestic terrorist threat than as a threat to the current system. You're insignificant. You're nobody. The "elite" just consider you a nuisance at best. You're not special.
jews are white
"They" being concerned with me as a potential domestic terror threat should be incredibly concerning, seeing that that would be time, money and resources that ought to have been used to address an actual thread.
Holy shit, you're such a coping faggot, you can't even address the situation at hand without casting me as the thing you feel personally threatened by. That's why you and everything you know is fucked, above all other reasons. You aren't able to discern a friend from an enemy.
most white people are what we call lemmings, barely even sentinent, cons we are recruiting them all for the revolution against there consent, we are putting the white cowards in a position where they will have no choice but to fight for their miserable lives. we seem to have fallen for our own propaganda aimed at man's nobler instincts, when as our foremost racial philosophers will tell you, truly noble instincts exist only in a minority of whites and not at all in other races. and wherever these instincts exist, they have been perverted by the jews and their universal tastemaking and brainwashing apparatus. the truth is, in this dirty struggle the ultimate prize will go to he who is the dirtiest.
you're so fucking annoying dude
you just made yourself an enemy for life
jews are black
Where the fuck are you gonna get money and resources? Literally nobody is willing to fund you (except maybe FBI infiltrators) and if anyone comes forward you'll all just collectively decide that they're in cahoots with the Jews and probably try to assassinate them. This is what's happened to every white nationalist group throughout 20th century American history and you legitimately still haven't learned a thing.
Also I don't feel personally threatened by you lmao. I know most of you are alcoholics and meth addicts who hardly even leave your houses.
based /x/ poster
I didn't realize you don't know how to read. My mistake.
>My name is not important. What is important is what I'm going to do. I just fuckin' hate this world. And the human worms feasting on its corpus. My whole life is just cold, bitter hatred. And I always wanted to die violently. This is the time of vengeance and no life is worth saving. And I will put in the grave as many as I can. It's time for me to kill. And it's time for me to die. My genocide crusade begins here.
jews aren't white
jews are white
>jews are white
yes jews are white