Has anything aged worse than 90's indie rock?

Has anything aged worse than 90's indie rock?

The toxic maculinity-- the grungy slackerness (thats purely presenting as anti-authority but doesnt actually stand for anything like marxism or do anything to destabilize the status quo...)

what a shitty genre

Attached: Untitled.png (974x645, 913K)

omg op how could you possibly say that
im literally shaking right now omg omg omg

omg QUEEN!!!!
I can't stop screaming!!!

Hair metal has aged worse. It's so uncool it's been erased from history.

Attached: 90s indie rock and 90s college radio rotation chart.jpg (3834x2800, 1.62M)

Attached: Chris Ott Top 100 albums of the 90s (in order, L to R).png (3834x2800, 3.01M)

Attached: NORTH AMERICAN INDIE ROCK 01.png (3726x2800, 3.09M)

Attached: NORTH AMERICAN INDIE ROCK 2.png (4122x2800, 3.03M)

>dave matthews band

Chris Ott's a weird one.

Attached: NORTH AMERICAN INDIE ROCK 3.png (2959x2261, 1.94M)

yeah yeah shitty b8 thread #8385 were we circle le ironic sjw talk, but whats the album in the bottom right?

>toxic maculinity
>genre of self-pity
try harder

yo la tengo - painful

Yo La Tengo - Painful

How is mbv masculine though? Kevin Shields is literally the biggest femboy of that era

obvious bait thread is obvious

>aged bad
pavement, guided by voices, modest mouse, nmh
>aged well
dinosaur jr, yo la tengo, mbv


>cheer accident
>indie rock
what a last ditch effort at sounding patrician, when the other charts have shit like . why else would all the skin graft be grouped together? these charts are shit and “indie rock” is a stupid, irrelevant genre tag

If I count creep as part of that wave, did Radiohead age well?

So true

lol @ yo la tengo aging well, no one talks about/cares about them anymore like they do all the other bands you mentioned

Cis white men don't make good music

they still sound fresh and original, unlike some bands that are still talked about today. yo la tengo reveled in simplicity and emotion. only a dumbass would measure authenticity by popularity. not everyone can have good taste.