How do I get an Elisabeth gf?

how do I get an Elisabeth gf?

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getting off Yea Forums definitely would help

Be a chad with low standards.

start by not being so pathetic on the internet

>nose ring
you can have her

ask her out for coffee and talk about real life. just be a normal person.

>wanting a girll with a mole on her chin


why is she so beautiful anons

>large forehead
>large bone structure
>big chin

She has nice eyes/eyebrows but that's literally it

jesus christ, you people have such unreasonably high standards.

>implying I have high standards

That's a 5/10 at max


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Yeah she's pretty. Nice eyes, hair, lips and smile.

Not really, she's cute but she's not "beautiful" and certainly not enough to make a weird obsessive thread on a music forum about

What are you?

Incels having high standards lol

How is this music related?

If she gets in shape and wears make-up? She could be hot.

>>large bone structure
implying this is a bad thing, its the literal foundation for thiccness.

you autists literally need sex asap.

they are the male equivalent of the fat chick that wants a 6’2 male with a lot of money

She's already wearing makeup and that isn't going to fix her facial bone structure

As she ages all these flaws are really going to be apparent. Hairy mole on chin, big forehead and chin aren't so "cute" when your youth has gone

she cute

not a good looker keep her

Her cheekbones are good.

who said he was trying to be with her for life?

You should try posting her pic on Yea Forums so you can get advice from incels. Always works for me. I'd suggest the music discussion board.

>that chin

You sure it's a she bruh?

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She looks like she sucks a mean dick.

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why hasn’t she had her chin mole removed bros

Because she's the kind of girl that doesnt care much about her looks. The kind of girl I'm looking for.

because the mole isn't a negative

Moles are literally always a negative, they are gross

She would look better without it and if she was filming porn they would cover it

This. Something on your face looks good. A lot of girls tell me the scar on my forehead looks sexy.

easy there, Harry

Man, imagine cuddling with her while she smiles.

Who the FUCK are you?!?! SUCKA

I know right? She's really cute looking.

I used to think so until I had sex and they became a major turn on to me

How about this?

Attached: Screenshot_2018-08-22-01-33-22-549_com.tinder.png (1080x2160, 1.08M)

Moles are cute

She is that kind of girl I dont want to fuck because she is too fine and cute and lovely

Out of whoever browses Yea Forums's league.

go away milky truck
This is the Elizabeth thread

ugh looks like a lamestream bitch normie

Do you lke to lick the moles and rub them?

Fucking freak

Maybe it's her eyes. She seems a little too innocent for me.

Or this

Attached: Screenshot_2018-08-23-15-57-38-040_com.tinder.png (1080x2160, 1.12M)

Post More Elisabeth

>Covering her face
That's usually not a good sign.

ass is probably fat tho, so that negates all of that

i'm going to tell these girls that they're being posted on incel central

Those are literally both bot accounts you retard