Lil B is/was unironically just about as groundbreaking & influential to all of modern hip-hop after 2009, as The Velvet Underground were to all of rock music after 1967.
Prove me wrong.
Lil B is/was unironically just about as groundbreaking & influential to all of modern hip-hop after 2009, as The Velvet Underground were to all of rock music after 1967.
Prove me wrong.
I can't, you're absolutely right. Only stupid zoomer faggots don't know this fact. Lil B deserves eternal respect.
Literally this. Rap in its current form would not exist without Based God, and to a certain extent, Soulja Boi.
Lil B was the first one to go ENTIRELY all in on memes, social media, online distribution, and cultivating an image of being an unapologetic weirdo without any of the unironic grime and aggression of any previous rap weirdos. He did exactly what he wanted, when he wanted, and took the absurdity to the extreme. Massive mixtapes, goofy and experimental projects and songs, hyper braggadocio, and never charging a dime for it. The guy pioneered everything common place in 2019.
Lil B also congratulated me on the birth of my child. Thanks Lil B!
He's the reason you can't find a pair of Vans for $30 at Shoe Carnival anymore. I'm not mad at him for that though, it was his ass that sent me there to buy them in 2007. His influence is that deep.
I'd say Soulja Boi came out of the same wave. MySpace shit. Lil B had much more of a lasting impact though.
i agree. lil b deserves so much credit he's never gonna get but if you know you know.
soulja boy is up there with lil b
Soulja Boi did more towards popularizing myspace-era mainstream rap anthems. Crank Dat paved the way for shit like Watch Me.
anyone who shows no respect for lil b should be kicked out of this board.
based as fuck user, couldn't say more, so I'll let the based god speak
Irrefutably correct, OP
Based thread full of based anons. I hope all of you feeling the blessings that the Based God casts upon us. TYBG.
Lil B doesn’t make good music.
loved him since myspace with the pack as a solo artist and was waiting everyday to see if he uploaded new shit. I recall everybody clowning me because he's a rapper with tight pants and bright clothes and sounded crazy. now look at today. I honestly believe he was the spark that made all of modern rap and I hope history sees this.
I didn't read the thread but you, you perfectly captured it.
I like this one
i wouldn't exactly say he's underrated but i don't even know what that many people think
Said it a million times and I’ll say it again - Lil B, Chief Keef and Yung Lean defined what hip hop would become in the ‘10s. Their influence is found everywhere
based trips. listening to drain gang makes you feel so special and blessed, but insignificant at the same time.
>he doesnt know about the first Internet Rapper
Colt 45 & two Zig Zags
Please don’t ruin this based thread by being in a light 2 ITT. Fantano style.
it's true actually. people who call him a meme rapper or listen to him "ironically" are shitters.
you need to realize that their approach to music is extremely similar user.
big ask, but does anyone have the original free music myspace tape and his based freestyles? he put them on spotify/apple music but they seem to be different than originals
no one has to credit anyone in hip hop its literally music for tween consumption. grow up you aging faggots
extremely cringe & unequivocally bluepilled
show some respect to the based god
Duuuuude GOT
Haha ;)
shouts out to the wnba you gotta lotta fine ass bitches I wanna fuck in the mouth
>game of thrones
>implying you have any taste at all
i agree
It's a fact, not even an opinion. He's one of the most influential rappers of all time.
I do. I don't know how to upload them but I have slsk, I'll give my username if you want them. I know this is a later answer and you're probably gone. I'll have this thread watched and wait for your reply
better yet, if anybody could point me to an upload site that *isn't* MEGAupload I'l do it so it can be forever in the archive
Finally something we can all agree on