Sexiest rockgirl/metalgirl ever?

Sexiest rockgirl/metalgirl ever?

Attached: young-courtney-love-6.jpg (640x956, 60K)

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>there are ""straight"" """men""" on this board who wouldn't want to be smothered to death in THESE
umm that's a yikes from me sweetie

Attached: courtneylovetits.jpg (1000x1000, 642K)


Attached: debbie harry.jpg (680x680, 122K)

i mean...

Attached: young-courtney-love-13.jpg (640x784, 76K)


Nah. Gross

What a clown. Must've been on a pharmacy when she applied the make-up. Also she fucked Kurt then murdered him. Now she gets picked from Dave Grohl regularly and if you want a piece of this busted clown with how she looks, acts, and the fact of that you'd stick your cock in a garbage disposal as well.

way better looking here then she was here or especially here Current pictures are really sad. Plastic surgery means you just don't age normally. Should have left well enough alone.

Attached: Courtney-Love-_-Daily-Front-Row-Fashion-Awards-2019--01.jpg (1470x1960, 189K)

I want to be fucked to death by L7

Attached: l7 young.jpg (400x284, 22K)

>talking about boobs
>using "sweetie"

ye, i would too

Have you not seen her peers? She turned out fine

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Joan Jett, Lita Ford et al... oh Dave....

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Who is at the bottom....

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Ellen Ciara Rowsell

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I always loved Lydia Lunch

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>cherry picking

Attached: Love.jpg (500x421, 33K)

>tfw no no wave gf

what the fuck in that creature on the bottom right???

Never trust somebody who willingly gets plastic surgery

>Ellen Ciara Rowsell
Ah, Wolf Alice. They got some decent stuff

It's Kat Bjelland, she wasn't some sex goddes but still went down REALLY hard...

Attached: tumblr_oa0xylq2lj1qj5z09o1_640.jpg (640x624, 57K)

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yeah... so sexy....

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