After a 4 year break, GIRL BAND ARE FINALLY FUCKING BACK, new single and album. I'm fucking sick of this faggot board praising Reddit as fuck shit like IDLES and Tropical S()Ystorm while Girl Band gets overlooked. FUCK YOU

Girl Band - The Talkies
Release Date: September 27th

01 Prolix
02 Going Norway
03 Shoulderblades
04 Couch Combover
05 Aibophobia
06 Salmon of Knowledge
07 Akineton
08 Amygdala
19 Caveat
10 Laggard
11 Prefab Castle
12 Ereignis

Check out some live Girl Band, they are the best rock band of the 2010s


Attached: GIRL BAND.png (1153x1245, 1.39M)

Other urls found in this thread:

This shit hard, hella excited for the new album


hm thats an awful lot of tracks for a band that only wrote one song

Saw this, definitely hyped


Girl Band is a great band but this pkost is so lame and gay. Please stop. You can't make fun of reddit and then turn around and act THIS reddit.

how long did it take you to cobble this image

LOAFed and GIRLed

I know what people respond to, the days of great bands going unnoticed on here are over. You may not like the delivery but you WILL Remember their name you fucking idiot

GIRL BAND AND ARCHERS OF LOAF will be forced upon you fucking idiots until you stop talking about Jai Pau and Idles

Attached: LOAFed.png (613x638, 152K)

kill yourself

Stop the shill threads, or this band will meet the same fate as Daughters. They’ll become tourist core, and I would hate to see that happen to a band I kinda like. Also fuck Archers of Loaf, Polvo piss on them from heights.

Tourists only respond to Fantano scores, he didn't even review their album so we're fine

>Girl Band
>none of the people in these groups are women
Why do male musicians do this? Men are so fucking retarded and uncreative and unoriginal that it’s crazy

i'm not even meming, i though this was some Dicklick Brigade type thing until i saw a YT link to an actual song by this actual band.

seriously that pic in the OP would be perfect for an album cover for something like that.

>Polvo piss on them from heights
Holy based

tourists respond to rym scores, pitchfork scores, and also SHILLING ON Yea Forums!!!!!!! holy freakin crap louis what a thought!!!!!

lol @ Polvo being as good songwriters as Archers

Good band but moreso busy guitar wankering with good tracks scattered in while Loaf was both brilliant idiosyncratic guitar interplay and brilliant vocal melodies/delivery

>lol @ Polvo being as good songwriters as Archers

i can only assume you haven't listened to Exploded Drawing

That's where the majority of those aformentioned good songs exist, yes.

>he hasn’t heard the best ep of the 90s
Oh no hahaha

Attached: 629F99E0-6777-421B-9942-2B792C346A0E.jpg (900x900, 140K)

>bro, can you sing?
>not really
>have any good vocal melodies tho over this guitarwork?
>uh, no..
>alright we'll just keep it like this...

>using an instrumental as an argument
>a very well crafted instrumental that highlights the song writing capabilities of the bands rhythm section
>even when the vocalists in the band sing on every other track on the ep

Polvos great.
A solid 4 to 4.5 tier band.
Archers is 5/5. Riffs, song structures, lyrics, cool vocals.
If Archers had wanted to sell out and had released icky or vee vee on a major label, they wouldve been as big as Nirvana, or Weezer and I 100% believe that.

>every other track

whew, the struggle is real

>riffs, song structure, cool vocals
I guess people just like what they like, Polvo tick all the boxes for me.
But can you find me an Archers song as good as this?
I would be interested in it

>avoiding my argument completely
wew lad, I don’t know what to tell you

Ash Bowie has weak, even terrible vocals, and his lyrics are ok at best.
Are Polvo better musicians? Probably.
Are they (Ash B) better songwriters?
Are they cooler?
Probably as well.
Archers was a total package. They are more hooky, catchy, and accessible than Pavement, Built, Superchunk, and Polvo but they intentionally chose not to sell out.
Madonna wanted them on her label Maverick but they turned her down because Candlebox and Alanis Morrisette was on it, they also turned down several others for those same reasons.
They were distributed by Elektra because Alias records made a deal as a partner w Elektra that they had no say in.
They NEVER sold out.

>cool vocals


Archers of Loaf is the epitome of reddit tier trash. Please throw your computer in the trash so you can continue to be irrelevant unwanted and completely unlikable where nobody has to endure your awful opinions.

Archers of Loaf don't even have a subreddit

LOAFposting saved Yea Forums

Though it seems now Loafcore band fanbases are fighting amongst eachother

But that's better than hearing about Drake vs Pusha T

more like 'shit' amiright?


so happy these boys are back
i was genuinely worried someone died after the tour got cancelled for 'health reasons' and we didn't hear from them for years




based (@ making a redditor cringe)



They were on a break for 4 years? I remember they had that EP that everyone on this board loved and then they released that extremely underwhelming album and I just haven't heard anything since. Hasn't even felt like 4 years.

I was underwhelmed by their album at first but have come to regard it as a modern classic

"Lawman" sounds more like a traditional rock song but with the noise cranked up while the album is all about the amazing vibe it creates

Did they stop making the same song over and over again?

t. SEETHING Black Midieddit fan

>I'm fucking sick of this faggot board praising Reddit as fuck shit like IDLES and Tropical S()Ystorm while Girl Band gets overlooked.
i associate them all as the same type of urban outfitters indie post punk shit. what makes them better?

They're secret trans

at least black midi dont try to pretend theyve written more than one song. they literally have released only one song and remixes of it lol

Reminder that LOAFposter is 15

I don't picture this being played at Urban Outfitters

I'm 28 and I'm guessing the other LOAFposter is at least over 25 as well due to a fellow affinity for 90's indie rock

you know what i mean tho. cis alt boycore. same type of white guys listening to this as listen to idles, protomartyr, tropical fuck storm, etc...

You're an autistic teenager with an obsession with middle of the road 90s indie

You sit alone at lunch

Uh, pretty sure the majority of The Fall's fanbase is also cis white guys

He's talking about artsy softboys with humanities degrees that drink craft beer and work in HR at tech startups.

What modern rock oriented bands are "non-soft boys" listening to?

Institute, Uranium Club, Ausmuteants, Ex-Cult, Nots, Diat

>Aging Hipsters Hire Same PR Firm as LOAF

Literally a blatant Dead Milkmen rip off

this thread is so much more gay than the black midi thread.
an Idles song about homosexual sex would be less gay than this thread.


You're mentally retarded. Have sex basedcel

Beer commercial rock

Seething archers of onions fan

>idles, protomartyr, tropical fuck storm, etc...
normie cis urban outfitter malecore
art school hipster now barista "anticapitalist" core

Ausmuteants are cucks, I remember one of them said in an interview that their fashion icon was Milo Yiannopolpus, clearly in jest, and the Melbourne music scene got butt blasted and made them apologise

And Archers of Loaf is 42 year old gen-x liberal who owns a failing brewpub and has an open marriage core.


What a fucking nu-male band

Attached: Untitled.png (500x475, 43K)

Literally 99% of rock bands from after 1990 are onions lmao

I was listening to this Archers side project yesterday and had a thought

"To wash away luisa's bones
From the ghost who guards her grave"
*instrumental hook*


Reminds me a lot of

"To the sounds of the guitar, yeah
Played by Carlos Santana
*instrumental hook*"


Can someone PLEASE listen to these and validate if i'm right or not i know no onee lse i can discuss this with

the loafposter also probably fantasizes about eric bachmann fucking him in the ass every day too




what the fuck bro

Bachmann, the Archers of Loaf frontman, goes on to suggest that in revisiting Archers of Loaf, he himself must adopt an alternate mode of expression, almost becoming a different person.

"I apologize to Archers fans who want it to be more authentic, but in a way, it's like David Bowie — you're kind of acting," he explains. "With Archers, I was a smartass. It was kind of a put-on man, I'm sorry; I was being a smartass punk kid. It's a part of your personality but it's just an aspect of it."

On his new record, No Recover, Bachmann writes about becoming a new dad and there are songs for his son, but they are not the conventional kinds of joyful affirmations you might usually hear in the folk realm. While he does not employ his Archers of Loaf voice, the kind of darker perspectives that band often conveyed aren't far from Bachmann still.

"I would never write a song in that [Archers of Loaf] character about how I don't want my son to kill himself," he says. "It's too sensitive, too personal. Archers is more detached, more socially analytical and less personal. It's more making fun of Walmart and more punk that way — more social commentary than what I write now or with Crooked Fingers, which is more personal."

When asked if he's recently attempted to write songs more in the Archers aesthetic, Bachmann says yes.



>post with this much autistic hype
>using onions as an insult
>ruining archers of loaf
>song is boring as shit.

The Fall's fanbase are very varied

What do you think of 2001, by chance?


The film, 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Whst's your opinion on it?

>not even popular enough to be known on the site made for normie-neckbeards
lmao go outside you fucking loser

white guilt is cringe

based and loafpilled

Melbourne band in the same scene Exek had a similar controversy, the frontman said in an interview that occasionally the Melbourne scene gets a bit too social justicey, then ironically they had to back track and apologise on their facebook page

I've never seen a Girl Band thread with more than 4 posts


Good movie. A bit bland at points but the tension in scenes and cinematography are great.

If that is your real opinion, that's fair. Your opinion is valid.

no its not. that movie is genius. A bit bland at points but the tension in scenes and cinematography are great.

lol theyre just gonna grow up to be IDLES