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Other urls found in this thread:

why do some people samefag so much?

early newfag thread
it's okay tho we forgive you

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The only good parts of Monsta X songs are Jooheon

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i don't know but you make a great point and more people should post like you

first 50 seconds are peak memepop, rest is 5/10

poor mans rose

post more of her

its actually Kihyun's weird reverberating voice, then joohoney and i.m's weird inaudible sound effect rapping

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yeji's feet

leave pristinposters alone

leave the sharkshitter alone

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me tickling them with my mouth

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Attached: cutestgirlintheuniverse.jpg (1080x1345, 140K)

reminder pristin debuted as trash and disbanded as trash

Attached: our trash.jpg (1536x2048, 560K)


Shut up. Fromis did not flop. They are doing good and are a top 10 group. Quit saying they are flopping. It is not true you jerks.

lovely sluts

Attached: IMG_9001.jpg (1000x1500, 972K)

ugly slut


fromis was sabotaged #justiceforfromis

i'm out

Attached: 201906061713125510_1.jpg (540x876, 451K)

we dont wan't no troub
just movin' forward

fromis is selling about the same as AOA before Good Luck.

Attached: 201906061507475510_1.jpg (540x767, 445K)

loona was sabotaged #justiceforloona

>tfw you accidentally hit yourself in the balls and jump out of your skin

kpop for this feel?


what did she mean by this

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gonna drink a bottle of vodka alone rn

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who cares Im only looking at yeoreum

>falseflagging stops
>wujushitting starts


Attached: yeonwoo drunk.png (1382x778, 1.14M)


we like

Leave cripplecuck alone /kpg/ is the only life he has


Attached: DwaNYiQW0AAP951.jpg (959x1448, 125K)

this but fromis

based yeonwoo

Attached: cha.jpg (1000x914, 121K)

I'm not him but I also have no other life
I mean I go to work and shit too but that is worse than kpg

We like cripple here and there are a lot of us.



Attached: IMG_20190606_120134.jpg (1364x2048, 351K)

yeah... i'm thinking she's back

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She is only for big huwhites

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rose is a pure tho

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thinking about SinB...

oh fuck, I wanna be bullied right now

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do we like kang here

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Stripper shoes

>why do some people samefag so much?

when you spend 16 hours a day here, some people have to spice things up for themselves

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>3M left
>1M left
>3M left

do some coffe, chill and stream

Who would ever pick a white roastie over her?

mistress sent me this

Attached: 1550979127413.webm (1058x1028, 736K)

leave our loonabros alone

Attached: 59370.jpg (2000x3000, 1.29M)

the only Kang we like

semen demon


Stop picking on fromis,

kevin o'leary...

>i'm okay

why would she not be? she leads a pampered life free of hardship


Attached: IMG_20190606_120703.jpg (1267x1900, 385K)

big feet



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wife sent me this

Attached: wjsn_cosmic - BxR8l0XJmIe_BxR8kj0nmXk.webm (480x360, 922K)

stop picking on pristin first

cutest/best girl

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next this nigga is gonna say jisoo is pure LMAOOO

Somi isnt virgin confirmed

fuck she's cute

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we flovers did nothing wrong to deserve tihs

>walk into hotel room
>see this
>she tells you to get on your knees and smell her feet

what do?

rose is way pure bro

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Attached: 61201524_325572311703398_5357893233070934123_n.jpg (1080x1112, 208K)

who is this?

i usually think jennie is ugly as fuck but she actually looks decent here

Twice and BTS are the only good kpop groups dbh

I don't know why kpg continues to tolerate these mentally ill schizophrenic erpers that post Fromis and start shit with everyone, LOONA didn't even do anything to deserve the shitflinging.

pure ugly

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This but BP instead of Twice

ask her to crush my head with her thighs

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word but itzy

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how does this prove anything? matthew is all the proof you need

Attached: IMG_20190606_121259.jpg (1152x1728, 218K)

>Music Bank
>pre recorded shit
>No Fromis
zero reasons to watch

get on my knees and smell them, but then i dare to sneak a kiss on her big toe and she kicks me in the balls



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chuu honestly yawns like a whore

shut the fuck up, tranny

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how's your social score

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see they started it and we loonabros got all blames

Jeongyeon's thighs

she's sucking ghost dick

Attached: IMG_20190606_121626.jpg (1365x2048, 466K)

dubgluteus maximus?

better than yours MAGA

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fromis bros didn't anything bad

not that uggo, slugroastie

Attached: IMG_20190606_121841.jpg (799x1200, 175K)

doug is going all out tonight

>pedos did nothing wrong

subs. fucking. when?!

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it's been like 3 could've learned Korean and subbed it yourself at this point

Attached: D8TfwZOUIAEmAPw.jpg (2160x3840, 757K)

who did you guys drop flopis for?
elris here

Attached: MessyFrenchJuliabutterfly.webm (720x1280, 2.84M)

word except that's my wife

Attached: 1527627949331.webm (1280x720, 2.78M)

>tfw you just dunno what to do with your life. sitting there and staring at kpg not even posting most of the time. all day today, all day tomorrow

one punch man looking mf

fromis is #1 group everyone else suck

MX twinkline are useless hacks

we loonabros are innocent


never too late to start bettering yourself my dude

Attached: IMG_20190606_122155.jpg (800x1200, 156K)

apologize to flovers for making fun of fromis

she belongs to seola

Attached: SooSeo3.webm (990x720, 2.9M)

I know, but thing is I kinda did that already. but it feels like in the end there's nothing

you've been the worst posters here for a year straight

>hear Korean with subtitles for hundreds of hours
>learn nothing
>hear anime with subtitles for hundreds of hours
>makes perfect sense
Why is it so?

Attached: IMG_20190606_122321.jpg (800x1199, 152K)

japanese is easy to talk/listen, hard to write/read
korean is the opposite

they should learn from fromisbros the best posters of kpg

feels great dbh

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Fix my 2019 girl group tier list, anons

>A - will be nominated for many year-end awards and dasaengs guaranteed, will almost definitely win at least one big one
Twice, RV, BP

>B - not as certain to win awards, but lots of public support and high recognition
IZ*one, Itzy (maybe; too early to tell; likely GG ROTY), Mamamoo, (G)I-DLE, APink, Gfriend, EXID

>C - known and loved by many but don't quite see superstar success this year (yet)
WJSN (close to B tier), Lovelyz, Oh My Girl, CLC, Momoland (another comeback this year will determine placement more solidly), Cherry Bullet, Loona, Everglow

>D - known but struggle to make it to the high echelons
WeMe, Fromis_9, GWSN, DIA

>E - pretty nugu tier. Releases went largely unnoticed by public. Likely won't show at award shows unless something drastic happens
BVNDIT, Nature, Saturday, NeonPunch, many others I've probably never heard of

Attached: up to speed.png (1536x864, 23K)

shame about the baby grinch face

Attached: D2ZeKXCWwAAZj_m.jpg (1352x2048, 254K)

you're the worst posters, fromiserper

is gfriend dying

fromis killed gfriend #basedfromis

I still love fromis, thanks

Attached: winkyuri.webm (782x792, 1.79M)

it's dead jim

I already blasted do I go for round 2?

god damn trannies are all mentally ill

that's up to you to decide

Attached: will she suck it.webm (640x1138, 1.66M)

nah. they're popular in Korea so they don't need to show up a lot on shows and stuff to make money.

switch izone and rv
switch omg and exid
switch fromis with clc
rest looks good


>2 million views vs 80
lol yeah

their sales only ever go up, so nah

Attached: 1468953533028.jpg (1200x1800, 755K)

Why is CB C tier

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my god

Attached: 3232235521_0X4IfsrD_66881b8febedeeecb59562f63e629e621a80ed8b.jpg (740x409, 65K)

No, they're ascending into the legendary spirit realm.

see fromisposters are bullying us loonabros

I've definitely been where you are man, things do get better though, if you want them to. nobody cares about you more than you do

sorry about getting halfway deep on kpg lmao

Attached: IMG_20190606_122434.jpg (800x1200, 119K)

>CLC, Cherry Bullet, Loona, Everglow
These do not belong on tier C with the other groups


clock is ticking for a new SM gg.
or 3 more NCT units.

why are loona and cherry bullet above fromis


thanks man


My wife and my kid

Attached: 711bde06eae6db42cfbde59dd21dea67da2459ea.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

round 2 it is

fromis is being sabotaged by kpg right now #respectfromis

It's too early to put Cherry bullet higher than Weki Meki. Also Weki Meki made a good comeback.


Attached: [MPD직캠] 우주소녀 다영 직캠 4K 'Boogie Up’ (WJSN DAYOUNG FanCam) _ @MCOUNTDOWN_201 (1567x2012, 274K)

thought it might grown on me but its still shit


need more yumjis

Attached: nGBY3vu.jpg (658x1049, 172K)

you know the one. the derivating and the Ambers and such

Sales are good for a rookie group, but not that amazing. They have a solid fanbase, but they didn't explode onto the scene or anything.


stop being rude to fromis it's not there fault

they missed their timing, they should've debuted them before pd48. after the first couple episodes it was all over

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kekzone delusion hours

not kpop

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Loona has very high international support; CB has very high domestic support. Fromis has struggled with both of those. They're not doing terribly, but they're not exactly icons of the industry.

fucking skank

Summer comeback soon. That'll make or break it

Saying picky 4000 times in 2 minutes is not a good song

f(x) 10 year anniversary comeback though, Don't stop believing

But yeah there pretty much is zero reasons why SM can't debut SMNGG this year. Unless RV and NCT are going to spam comebacks in the second half of the year there isn't a ton of upcoming stuff.

Taeyeon might get a winter album out and you have EXO + EXO subunits but otherwise it's NCT/RV/SuJu right now.

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Attached: L[oo]na.jpg (1280x720, 81K)

FNC kind of fucked up debuting a 10 member group when there are already like 10 other 9+ member groups active. Nobody has time to learn them and there are only about 3 good CB members anyway.

Hana's ears are underappreciated desu

Attached: 구구단_(28).jpg (846x666, 65K)

so boring in here without itzybros

can someone post that girl with the cute face?

theres too much kpop to download and I'm too lazy to do it

Attached: 04.gif (500x350, 2.48M)

melting granny

Not to you, anyway.

does it matter? there are flops of all sizes

slutty ears
high watt bulbs with McGyver electrics...

Attached: 1534716924828.webm (640x1138, 1.24M)

they're a cute, well kept secret

Attached: hana.gif (500x400, 3.37M)

highlight of the day

Attached: DSh4pP6VQAE_Iud.jpg (4096x2730, 886K)

I don't care if you guys don't think she's pretty
I would kill for a rosegf
and I don't even want a gf, what

Attached: big red.jpg (1080x1349, 136K)

those calves are kinda gross dude

>high watt bulbs

one of GodJihyo's many miracles.

she had a panic attack during the meetup

why is this site full of homosexuals?
fucking disgusting

i have a few of he in my ear folder, but she's unfortunately not slutty enough to show them a lot

Attached: DcbsXNCVMAEkWYQ.jpg (960x960, 170K)

wjsn saved the summer

Attached: 1539025704434.webm (1280x720, 1.9M)

Fromis keep expanding their physical sales each comeback and their digital scores seem okay, it's too early to tell how they'll do with Fun overall.

They are strong domestically and have a ton of CF potential. At the end of the day OTR can afford to promote them until they can force popularity. For example they'll get some MCountdown special stages and get invites to all of the Kcons.

Attached: D8XiYmZUEAAhdYJ-orig.jpg (961x961, 122K)

why does her face look entirely different here?

what a faker

He makes a good point though. There aren't many girl groups with a low number of members, and CB could have easily been two separate groups (with one not having debuted yet, potentially)

This is how Rose looks like according to /kpg/

Attached: file.png (1000x1000, 508K)


Attached: 5x513mgxsq291.jpg (1536x2304, 271K)

why are you incapable of posting cute girls


that thing mogs horse

wait, that might be sally

Attached: thighboy.jpg (571x860, 69K)

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Attached: 我讨厌黑人.jpg (1280x1920, 352K)

Sally is also a secret earfu, not as big but the shape is very cute

Attached: 006KbCPKgy1fvcsrbmno7j30ou0qogpg.jpg (894x960, 153K)

WJSN save kpop with every comeback.

we're gonna complete this by the end of the week

Attached: 1530310884357.jpg (2800x3600, 3.25M)

the fanchants they got for Fun was impressive

BASED thighboy poster

sea ww@

You need to stop lewding Dayoung

Attached: D8X1pJ-VsAA6ar0-orig.jpg (1333x2000, 572K)

fat brown pits please

Attached: chanmi1.jpg (600x881, 67K)

Gaypop is kpop.

Attached: 1550035749469.webm (889x500, 2.91M)

Attached: DuIwkmbXgAEC7wl.jpg (901x1200, 195K)

there she is

Attached: 1559699824329.webm (480x598, 143K)

not really, no

Attached: 1552623908672.webm (640x1376, 832K)

Attached: D2pPlgmUcAAiaQZ.jpg (1000x1500, 142K)


>SM forever mogged by CJ&M

It doesn't matter how decent you are as an earfu when you group member earmogs the fuck out of you.

Attached: D8ChaB1VsAAvuRU-orig.jpg (1267x1900, 376K)

there he is

uhh, based?

is he trans

Attached: 1549849202645.jpg (1077x1446, 172K)

Please explain the appeal of streaming to me. Is it not just a bit weirdly obsessive? You're purposely gaming the system to make it seem like your group is more popular than they are. How is that cool?

Word but only EXO, TVXQ and SHINee


whocares queenslayyy

which fromis is the cutest member in the group, naky or gyuri

Attached: Boogie Up.jpg (708x1080, 174K)

Attached: 1548991337584.webm (640x1376, 610K)

gugu ears

Attached: 1541285272915.webm (652x584, 477K)

there he is


post her ass

we memed their way to coachella and some kind of global notoriety so it's worth it
you can ask the same question about people who bulk buy albums

Attached: 1531446052628.jpg (900x1200, 183K)

it's SHE

Attached: Dt0dU3hVAAAdcvD.jpg (682x1024, 104K)

you would first have to think that views matter so your logic isn't sound right off the bat

cute squid

he's beautiful


Streaming on the music platforms gets you show wins and show wins result in better payment for appearances and more opportunities for CF deals.

YT views aren't as obviously linked but a lot of the shows have a pretty big % of the score determined by SNS scores aka YT views. So if you have a fandom that can crank out a shit ton of views in the first couple of weeks you have an advantage against average groups. The top Kpops on YT also get a higher level of access to western markets and exposure.


Attached: 1524940872438.jpg (1365x2048, 423K)

Blinks have autism

Attached: shindong.png (500x282, 222K)

People bulk buy albums to get into fansigns. It's like willy wonka golden tickets.

Kim Chanmi

Attached: NaturalGrimEasteuropeanshepherd.webm (640x800, 549K)

gugudan has the strongest earline in the game

shinee is gay as hell

I do have a bit of autism
and since coachella I can say Im a bit of a blink too so can confirm

Attached: 1544334206236.jpg (1144x1715, 318K)

Still the kings, especially since Big Bang justed themselves.

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Attached: 6d15eb2c2eba2ad2d1ccd5162577c80d.jpg (1000x1500, 159K)

if she isn't showing off her goods i don't care

I guess they have their niche...

now this is what I call bropop for the straight white male

Attached: vio279hljr291.jpg (1000x1582, 1.76M)

Kim Chungha

girls ww@?

Attached: 213123.jpg (1138x358, 31K)

Beautiful and underrated with a talented sister and also a loving mother. Truly the ideal idol.

not Kim Chanmi

Attached: hye.jpg (640x906, 79K)

yeah well people mass stream MVs because it's 100% free and it helps your group, not with a direct $ income but with exposure.
blackpink wouldn't have gotten half the opportunities they got in the past year if their youtube numbers didn't blow up.



ujungs... we exploded

in charge

Attached: large.jpg (500x750, 42K)

shut the fuck up

you're not fooling anyone chaemom


please give me another comeback, goddess

blackpink fans don't get new music or buy albums so the only thing they can do is stream the MVs