Yep, I'm thinking this is the best Death Grips album. Not a dud track on here. Pummeling.
Yep, I'm thinking this is the best Death Grips album. Not a dud track on here. Pummeling
Literally how do people rank Death Grips?
What makes a good or bad DG track?
This closely followed by NLDW
tracks with the nigger word = good
tracks without the nigger word = bad
It's literally their worst album.
>Not a dud track on here.
and not a single career highlight either
Giving Bad People Good Ideas, Hot Head, Bubbles Buried In This Jungle and Bottomless Pit are definite highlights.
gbpgi is the most monotonous boring shit they've ever made
Bubbles is the only good one.
Jenny Death is by far their best. They never sounded that HUGE since or before.
Fans of this band should just give up trying to rank their music.
There is absolutely no consensus whatsoever and there never will be.
hot head is literally the pleb filter
So all of DG's tracks are bad?
wasted those digits replying to b8 my man
Quads have spoken.
Spikes Spikes Spikes
If this isn't your favourite Death Grips album then you're a pleb.
Get filtered.
quads of truth
You literally forgot the best ones, Three bedrooms in a good neighborhood and spikes.
No idea why Yea Forums shits on this album so much, it's the must fun to listen to.
I guess that's why.
This album was literally intended to be shallow and easy listening. It's like The Money Store but with less depth. It's fun with some great bangers but it's clearly not their best album.
spikes pikes pikes pikes pikes