Claim your favorite melon review. Not so fast, I got this one
Claim your favorite melon review. Not so fast, I got this one
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I claim the ms paint comic where he rated her ape pussy, but I don't have it save so hopefully someone else can post it
NAV - Bad Habbits
have some self-respect
got mine!
watch out your thread will get deleted for this
Melon disrespected Bladee. He can literally suck anal bypass.
Kys faggot
the one where he said xxxtentacion's death wasn't a big loss for music
Melon very drained in the brain
I came here to remind everyone that he gave Red Light a 1/10
unironically, why is he such a liberal cuck
All very based and drained out individuals
he's from cuckneticut
reviewing that fake Gorillaz leak really boasted his autism
the one where he reviews his own music. oh that's right he's never created anything of worth and is a culture vulture
But anyone who's a conservative is literal brainlet
Because he got called out for being such a conservative cuck.
he turned hard left after bullshit accusations got to him
similar situation to pewdiepie but pewds handled it far better. which is kind of a suprise because he is a childrens entertainer
They both are.
none I hate melons
but I found this nigga eating beans in twin peaks
since when is h3h3 pseudo intellectual
I guess its cause he does call-out pseudo crusades but even then he's not much of a presence in Yea Forums.
listen to his shitty podcast once
why he deleted it though
he pussied out after fader's accusations?