lets go rapties!
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Oh My Girl - The Fifth Season (SSFWL)
190605 23:00 KST
Daily Charts
#14 Bugs
#25 Naver
#30 Genie
#44 MelOn
#54 Soribada
#80 Mnet
>after a month
queens of longevity
jisoo likes the warriors
A man's measure is not by his milkies, but by his thighs and ass
Izone and Fromis minus the Jline are our girls. The AKBs are just hired help although honestly Hiichan is growing on me.
blackpink is the revolution
Reminder that Momo can 1v1 any kpop in the biz in her base form.
>Already outsold by Fromis
more like the craptors LMAAOOOOO
Who would have thought that out of the "Lovely OMGFriendz", Lovelyz would be the least successful
Woollim's Last Hope
my favorite nameshitter whats up
wow she's cute
reminder that most miracles are gentle, sophisticate connoisseurs of the good life
we're not all fanatical chartshitters
i'm a chartshitter tho jinebh
Sana simple as
Never forget when Pledis tried to get Mnet to rig a show win against OMG and fell on their sword
now that's funny
i think you need to give that album sales post another look, blindbro
anyone else want to fuck her hard?
She's definitely not a visual but she's less of a talent blackhole than Sakura and less of a dwarf than Nako.
>the days when Gfriend could barely stay on the charts and Lovelyz was outselling OMG
what a wild four years
Lovelyz charted out faster than WJSN dude, they need major changes
eunhabros what the FUCK
poor man's yeojin
it's only a matter of time before he starts wearing shorts as short as the hem of that hole
i want more david anthony
liar liar, coloring book, and sixteen are bangers
what do you think
>plastic sales
why can't lovelyz chart? can't the handful of bulk buying grandpas play their song?
Way ahead of you, user. He has a tattoo right under his ass
also this
thank you for posting my wife
probably not. she's really pure and i think most guys just want to hold hands with her..
looks like fancy is the song of the 年
hold hands is just code for have rough sex
hmm not yours
Lovelyz aren't going for digital success, they are focused almost exclusively on appealing to their uncle fanbase and doing concert appearances.
WJSN still seems to be trying to grow their fanbase especially since they probably can't rely on Chinese ujungs forever.
you better not be calling us that
are you okay with her refusing that?
You're welcome for me posting my wife
apologize to our jennie
>tfw thunderstorm knocked out internet so i'm forced to phonepost
how the fuck do people do this all the time
do you think the managers ever have to stop him before they leave the dorms because he's not dressed decently enough to be out in public
Clover, obviously
hey dont impersonate me
apologize to arin NOW
Lovelyz music has the least public appeal, they only have their hardcore fans that support them
Woollim also doesn't promote them properly, they're old school and haven't adapted, so not that surprising that Lovelyz aren't that successful, but at least they have enough fans that fill up the seats at their concerts
that's what i'm using
If You Like Boy Groups And You Have A Penis Then You Are Gay: CHANGE MY MIND
that's a big pin
The opposite. If Wonho is dressed too decently, they need to slut him up.
thanks for posting my wife
who is in this webm that gets keeps getting reposted across Yea Forums
Jisun is refusing to follow the script
Maybe it's too late but for the guy who was asking about the vlive from that webm
Also Gfriend members participated too.
what if they only listen to it and never watch MVs?
Perfectly agreeable
I'm not impersonating you, I'm just the guy whose wife is JiU
shut the fuck up steven
based me
my wife mentioned
Cheng Xiao from Cosmic Girls (WJSN)
She has been in China for over a year now so you won't find recent kpop appearances
you're automatically gay if you hear a mans voice singing
cheng xiao, formerly of WJSN
... but will not be recognized as such, that honour will probably go to izone, kpop's finest atm
my wife
fucking retarded spamnigger
>I got to see WJSN before the chinks left
>but Bona and CX didn't go to the event
An ethereal thigh goddess youtube.com
based guy that yelled at soob
This is my wife.
Please only say good things about her.
why that one? there are much better webms of her than that
sorry, i don't really follow them. i thought that she had left.
my mistress mentioned
what the fuck is the difference between a main and a lead rapper/dancer/whatever?
my sidechick
she's wasn't fat
Cheng Xiao has had more appearances than either of the chinks with WJSN in the last year
only showing up to work 2 times in the last year but better than 0
honestly jiu posters are the worst posters here
none it's just a thing to entertain roasties
main is tier 1, lead is tier 2
esl retard
The main is the person who carries the group in that discipline and the leads are usually above average in those respects, though sometimes not depending on how small the group is.
I'm a JiU respecter
for (You)
CX will never betray us
i became a mtf tranny because being a guy is super gay
Most Koreas are ESL tho...
lets go rapties!!
difference between main and lead dancer
already taken, sorry
by me
does jiu have a nice ass? i would like to respect it
Yuehua can't pull Seaweed and Miggy away from Rocket Girls long enough to actually do anything at all with WJSN. Considering how fucking big Tencent is it's not really surprising they haven't comeback at all.
im afraid not
my wife sent me this
thinking about JiU...
..... I'm sorry that you have a fuglo wife my dude
Yes, but those webms are only for me
send that shit back (your wife)
jisoo posters are the best posters here
The funny thing is that Yujin is actually pretty fucking good and Elkie is also really strong it's just that SY is that much better.
good i'm not a kfapper
actually it's the opposite
invited back to mlt
just waking up . . . how has your day been?
china mentioned
The right two girls look almost Korean standard, and then the leftmost is so unbelievably average. Wild.
it isn't
what about Kard and Triple H
left looks like a daughter of the steppes
literally just shorts and a crop top
That's Yamy, EXID's CEO (billionaire Wang Sicong, he also allegedly banged Kyulkyung) went on Weibo during the finale and basically said she didn't deserve to win because she had the face of an ugly chinese man
We hate mainlanders
>me waking up
when is woollim new gg debuting..
video of this?
Brutal but I also kek'd.
mei qi name has the 美 from the clc song
Might be false since next broadcast of MLT is on the 15th and their bangkok concert is on the 16th.
Because 美 is mei you fucking moron
it means beautifur
2 years
Poor momoring, who tricked you on that shit?
>two years
>presumably with Eunbi
she doesn't want to offend korean nationalists
Because she's american
didn't yujin fly back to film while they were in japan
They said Woollim intends to debut a group with her in it this year
>2 girls
No. WL girls is rumored to debut Q4 2019 or Q1 2020
couldn't find a yoo fancam sorry youtube.com
they're debuting this year but when is the the question
Japan and Korea is a 1 hour flight. Korea and Bangkok is 6 hour flight.
And they need to rehearse for the concert.
we did it raptiebros
Was going to say, would've been worried for Eunbi in her late 20s debuting with purepop concepts
Rocket Girls is full of complete garbage.
Miggy and Seaweed are by far the best, Chaoyue is pretty but makes Hyewon seem incredibly skilled in comparison. Sunnee is Thai Miya. Yamy is Yamy, Jinna is acceptable and most of the rest are completely forgetable.
I do like Mimi alot though probably because she's super pure
it's the raptors vs curry rlly
hell yeah
they're not going to put those two in it while izone still exists and woollim already lied about golcha's supposed original debut
Here's your yoo fancam bro
First for Gob
based streamable.com
all over Yea Forums you say?
How much left until somi's debut?
Be honest you think she will hit it big?
Lmao. Are we going to pretend Yena isn't going to be added to EG after IZ*ONE?
Eunbi will be a retired mother in 3 years like Basedul and Yulhee
Woollim can't hold off on debuting Woollim girls forever. They'll debut and then add Chaewon and maybe Eunbi later. It won't be purepop most likely because lol Juri and Eunbi
Why does Jiheon always look so smug
noooo warriorbros noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I would believe that Yena will join Everglow simply because an even amount of members makes choreos awkward, they have 6 right now and its a bit weird
it's ok friend they are missing 2 players you know
damn, i want a sprite so bad
holy shit, thanks dude I asked like 5 or 6 hours ago.
there she is
I'm starting to think Produce 48 was just a massive networking event for AKB girls to extend their idol careers
lol just like bp
Since she's on YG now i really hope she flops and succeed on another company.
She's fucking doomed unless it's an absolute banger. Knetz fucking loathe YG now and while they probably can't fuck with BP or the Boy groups taking it out on Somi seems likely.
She's charismatic, pretty and a competent dancer and vocalist but I can't see her catching up to Chungha in popularity.
more like Produce 48 gave them the perfect out when shit coincidentally hit the fan a few months after it ended
akb has been going downhill for a while, gen1 all gone
What shit hit the fan? I don't know anything about AKB aside from P48
blackpink have the best choreography
You stupid fucks can't stop talking about Fromis. They did not flop. Their sales are really good and they are top 10. Fuck you Miracle shits.
>Somi is a competent vocalist
About a week. We should have had some proper teasers by now.
It really depends on how good a song they pick. She cant sing very well and if they select a song that doesn't hide this she is stuck being hot but useless
>AKB has been going downhill
>Still sells the most singles this year and last year
Of course it was. Sakura already indicated she wasn't participating in the Senbatsu elections moving forward which almost certainly meant she was retiring in the next couple of years.
PD48 fucked up in that while Sakura was a given, HKT probably didn't want to lose two of their aces while Sasshi was likely to retire.
I unironically hope woollim girls is purepop
There's another one with them wearing the same clothes.
I guess the moment on the webm must be on this one.
IT IS NOT FUNNY. Fromis is the best.
Reminder that IZ*ONE has less than 2 year left
Jesus Christ. Thanks user.
calm down fellow fromisbro they want you to seeth
Not trying to be a doomer but the SSK is canceled, one of their prefecture groups has been dropped by every sponsor imaginable and even the government bankrolling their activities, they still sell a million but only because they have fans and a laundry list of idols to pair on HS to keep them alive, stagnation at best and bleeding at worst is probably a bad look for future of AKB unless they do major shakeups
my favorite yoo pic
Purepop is almost as crowded right now as cutepop is. I can't imagine a new group being able to challenge the Gfriend-OMG-Lovelyz midtier groups.
Blessed Yoo
Cursed Yoo
I miss Itzy so much bros
fromis was sabotaged
her legs look weird here
Twice's producer unironically tried to kill fromis
mogs bp in every way
Thoughts on AOA Yuna?
except talent, visuals, vocals, or album sales
where are the blinks?
not even close blind idiot
BP is immoggable
they do, you're just too retarded to understand it
10 10 10 10 10
yeah it's that one about 17:00 into it
this guy gets it
What could they do to save the group?
lay off 90% of them
that's actually based
did you greet your waifus happy memorial day yet?
but especially all those things
you got me in album sales
dreamcatcher throwback minx concept summer bop when
ssk is what sells singles they don't really have many strong members left besides jurina?
kinda ironic, since the only one that's remotely attractive is the one that looks like jithoo
freaking CUTE
remove NGT48 and other snakes
stop shooting gravure and exploiting young girls
release fun bops like old times like iiwake maybe instead of trash like sentimental train
blackpink is the most talented and beautiful group
I keep forgetting Minju and Hyewon are in the group
Mnet M Countdown
6:00–8:00 PM KST
Sandeul (B1A4)
Seungguk Lee
Weki Meki
Jung Dong Ha
Cherry Bullet
finally an attractive girl
Minx was still a mistake
>no itzy
why bother
I'm sorry user. I thought it was cute.
Minjoo is currently their Japan center, how can you forget
It is akin to saying WoW is dying but they are still the leading MMO. AKB is on the downhill but their only competitor at the moment are still only themselves.
Need swimsuit concept
Nogizaka is getting there with less people (single this week sold a million), it will probably be them to dethrone if anyone
i think fromis sucks
this is good thanks for sharing
what? you can call her what you want to
>bacon voted for this as his top photo
an actual GOD
I'm a twicebro and i hate blackstink but why start shit out of nowhere?
jisoo is still a baby
that's good. it will be easier when they disband
always knew blinks were pedos
especially sua
BP's vocal talent was mentioned earlier
i agree
shame about the face
dubu mogs her
Maybe. Maybe not. For now they are still pretenders to the crown that AKB still holds.
dubu has a better caboose as well
make it a seulgi's ticklish feet thread
have we seen this yet
yuki thread for the yukibros
imagine being this gay
Dreamcatcher ass concept
So basically You and I redux
pinked out murdered out like it ain't no thing
we freakin love the whole song
wher yuki pit
wtf is that
don't make fun of yuki you LOSERS
she's not for that
you know i'm serious right
Kpop idols all dress the same. No one really stands out with a unique style.