10/10 albums

Show us your masterpieces. What albums are absolute demonstrations of the power of music?

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guy who cried to this album reporting in

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not that one

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Read The Diary of Anne Frank for the first time recently. Listened to this immediately after and cried. I know it's a meme, but it's a perfect album. Unrelated, but it still amazes me that Holocaust denial is a thing.

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i know its shit apparently but i love this album

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holy shit yes!

Rome in general is really tremendous.

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Tweez is better

I love absolutely everything about this album.

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I like it so much, it's very good

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ERR wrong you're gay


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not even close

Noise rock masterpieces

See a couple good choices so far.

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Holy shit my nigga


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only two are correct so far

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My fucking sides

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i just really like quick, lofi jazz

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mmm i wanna cum in robot little lipstick mouth squirt squirt hhehhehe giggles

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This but unironically

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Do you boys have any albums for when you just want to listen to soft sad music

GodWeenSatan, you faggots


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I posted ITAOTS, but Either/Or by Elliott Smith and Carrie and Lowell by Sufjan Stevens would be my go-to as well.

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those are the nights where i listen to the brave little abacus's full discography

As it were is def a 10/10 even if brains just feels completely out of place

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Seeing them in early July. LA. So pumped



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i think what made me fall in love with CODY was when i used to listen to it on the bus on the way to and from the shitty community college i used to go to. something about the sights and scenes in the city [particularly at night] matched that album perfectly.


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No other album has come close to me

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this album cover was honestly ahead of its time. people eat this minimalist-type shit up nowadays.

Gonna shill this shit again. Aoty 2018


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I will admit that it requires a special taste, but once you get it its a masterpiece

i actually prefer Faust So Far. is there something wrong with me?


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Can't believe this hasn't been posted yet. Not one other album has been able to completely transport me to another place like this one does.

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Unironically this. Made my 5 star list last week after almost a year of listening. So good.

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barely see it talked about on here, one of the best concept albums ever

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Not even close tier:
Good tier but not 10/10:
Great, could be if you had low standards tier:
Close to 10/10 tier:

smelly hippy zappa wannabes from germany
talentless nigger
Communist Korn
indie pop with reverb
it amazes me that those so-called "gas chambers" were proven to have wooden doors, despite no standardized gas chamber having woods doors even back then. also shit album
incel king crimson


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a sunny day in glasgow might be the best nu-gaze band the amount of subtlety in their music is insane, if you listen closely they use static and feedback and distortion and scuffed electronic noises the way other bands play guitar licks, they put them in the exact right spot to give their songs an extra layer of detail and energy no other shoegaze band does it quite how they do it, in fact i think the most similar band to them in that aspect might be World's End Girlfriend who obviously plays post-rock and not shoegaze at all there isn't even anyone else in the same genre doing what they're doing

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no (you) for you, faggot

Also Marquee Moon, Close to the Edge, and Magnolia Electric Co.

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how can so many of you listen to normiefag bullshit?

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it amazes me people still think the gas chambers were a thing

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Holy cow, love it. More like this, please. Nu shoegaze definitely doesn't sound bad.

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It amazes me how people still think they don't exist.

show the proof

I was thinking about maybe listening to Talk Talk again at some point.
Not anymore.

So I guess testimonials from people who actually escaped the camps and saw everything that was happening, means nothing? Crisis actors, perhaps?

Thousands of witness accounts. They used to have training films for G.I.'s showing the shit they might see at the camps as a way of inspiring G.I.'s and giving them purpose. Lmao the nazis started abandoning or moving prisoners fron camps as soon as they possibly could've been captured.


Do not let this guy ruin talk talk for you, they rule. Please, hear this humble plea.

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>implying that masterpiece means 10/10

Sorry senpai, those are for 9s. My definition for a 10 is something that transcends that term.

Can’t argue

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>call's everyone's albums shit including multiple albums he's probably never heard
>doesn't even provide an example of his own

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Checked. A really long article about gas chamber denial.
Don't really know why we're talking specifically about the gas chambers.

this was a great contribution to the thread. thanks for dropping by.

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would've been a 10 if Somebody's Calling Me didn't exist

plenty of good shit itt though.

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Overrated album, pic related is better
Neither are a 10 though
Based true 10/10

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Dinosaur/Bug are better

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Unironically this

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>they use static and feedback and distortion and scuffed electronic noises the way other bands play guitar licks, they put them in the exact right spot to give their songs an extra layer of detail and energy no other shoegaze band does it quite how they do it,

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my fave part of this bait is grouping the same albums in different categories; Stars of the Lid is a 10/10 group bruh bruh

This is my shit right here; Deathconsciousness is a fucking incredible work of art, both in conception and execution

Honestly cannot be improved. Bryter and Pink Moon were an exploration in style but FLL is just perfect

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faggot nigger

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>Born in the USA

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fundamental misunderstanding of music detected

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t. Yea Forums drone

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OP here adding another, thanks for contributing everyone

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based trips

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I'm with this guy.

ITT: Yea Forumscore

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Incredibly Wrong:
Kill yourself
Kill yourself
(i like this album but it's not 10/10)
(best album of all time)

Going through the thread one more time I have a special nomination for retard of the thread:

This is my 10/10 which I forgot to include. If you disagree I don't care

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Kill yourself as well

Another 10/10

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oll korrect

>he doesn't like tilt

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actual worst taste ive ever seen in my life good job

>The Past Is a Grotesque Animal
>Gronlandic Edit

The introspection on this album only gets more relevant to your life with every passing year.

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The most important record of rock music
Unfortunately, not perfect from start to finish
I can see why Piero never gave out a 10

Objectively bad album. Utter garbage.

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people who don't like it are just impatient and unwilling to actually turn off their biases for a while. same goes for people who say 'noise isn't music'


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it's ok, that guy is clearly trolling. list-fucker is impossible to take seriously


i mean, it's probably better not to dole out 10s for every album you love. that way ratings actually mean something. not that i'm one to rate things numerically anyway, but still.

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>liking Weezer
Listen to more music

this is 20 years old now
i am old now

Absolutely based to such an extreme extent that people literally cannot comprehend

Excellent choices, anons

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>he likes SIGUR ROS

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first thing that came to my head


>used to inspire troops
So propaganda.

low key good stuff

very mu picks, amigos

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this makes me feeeelll

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some are shit


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When I was in high school to mid college this was true, wonder if youre in the same age. It was like admitting what a fragile piece of shit I was.

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so nice

A great album but not a 10/10, probably a 9/10 for me

either 13 y.o. or 30 y.o and should be embarassed

not sure if this thread is ironic or everyone just has shit taste

I believe you meant "whether"

Maybe you should show us your godly taste, user.

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whoops, I think you meant to post this

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All very based. Dino Jr. especially. fuck that albums good

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154 is the thinking man’s choice. In fact 154 is probably my favourite ever post-punk album.

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I hate 90% of you

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My favorite album ever
Also based

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I love you