Claim your ideal method of suicide

Claim your ideal method of suicide

Attached: Please Kill Yourself.jpg (1280x720, 37K)

Heart attack while cucking OP's wife

jumping in front of a subway

gasoline bath with a cigarette

thinkin about driving to colorado, smoking massive amounts of weed, fucking some prostitutes and driving my car off a mountain.

by having a huge penis stay mad

please don't, we have enough people coming here already.

Renting a Lamborghini at a track and Ayrton Sennaing into a wall at 170 mph

Sedation followed by lethal injection

This has nothing to do with music.

you cannot and will not tell me what to do.

ignoring countless medical red flags until i just drop dead

exhaust pipe

is voluntary euthanasia legal yet? asking for a friend.

Gun but I'm a euro poor, been thinking about hanging myself a lot lately with my belt as the noose

in parts of Europe

closest you'll get in america is a bag of helium wrapped around your head, like all the senior citizens are doing

> Nobody claiming the THAD suicide by cop
You people disgust me

don't forget to do it in a fursuit while beating off.


Going to a minority marginal place with headphones on my head and showing off my phone and while saying nigger

i just want to die, bros. idc how.

i just did.

Suck my dick

calm down man, everybody wants to die.

c a n n o t
w i l l n o t

I want to kurt Cobain myself.
Also I remember a chart where it had good music to listen to while committing certain types of suicide.
Does anybody have the chart?

Attached: cover.jpg (1013x1000, 1.01M)

sigh, rejected again :(

i just did.

Laying neck on traintracks waiting for train. I call it the ten to gullitine

Attached: suicide chart.jpg (2400x4992, 1.83M)

Ripped apart by multiple grizzly bears.

Either that or death via lack of sleep + food + water. I want to really suffer.

*ton i mean. godammit its always something

i think they call that The Treadwell


>death via lack of sleep + food + water. I want to really suffer.
that's have a nice life as fuck.

Drowning via a running garden hose being forced down my throat while sitting in a kiddie pool listening to In The Aeroplane Over The Sea.