Literally just some random prick with an RYM account.
Literally just some random prick with an RYM account
Other urls found in this thread:
has anyone said otherwise? its idiots like you who randomly post him everywhere that turn him into more than what he is
Literally just some random prick with internet connection
>Literally just some random prick with an RYM account.
he's influenced an entire group of young people to become avid music researchers, film enthusiasts and inspired them to grow an interest in art and philosophy. j_c decided to study anthropology because of him. karl's views on art wouldn't be the same if he hadn't discovered antiwarhol's account. raf aka heavyqt became interested in deleuze and hegel because of him. fractured went from being a run of the mill hipster to one of the most interesting people in arts today and a groundbreaking musician. hardboiledbabe is one of the most promising artists of her generation and has introduced experimental music, literature, and film to thousands of young women via her tumblr. all these young and coming people who are about to take over the art and academic worlds, thanks to antiwarhol.
based and antiwarholpilled
Who did more for ethnomusicology?
AntiWarhol or Alan Lomax?
How am I supposed to find good Chamber Music now that i can't see his ratings. I want to die
>he can't navigate rym
imagine being this much of an embryo
thank you friend
someone post the monster inc slug lady pic
>4 pages
I don't like him, but I still added him. Don't know why
sometimes i wonder if rich has ever had sex. he's almost 30.
don't bully him - rich is the man
you cant see his stuff now
>rich is the man
he's a dick
you guys should stop being mean to him.
This. Be nice to one another. Life is short.
Man's got PTSD.
Damn... Shit sucks.
how you do this on rym?
adjust URLs around a bit
Guys, AntiWarhol is FtM. That is why he used the handle "berdaches" for his once, berdaches is the Native American term for two-spirit (trans) people. He added himself to the LGBT list. His face looks 80% female -- she/he is probably on testosterone HRT now, but she/he still looks just like a manly lesbian. His haircut is exactly like a dyke girl trying to pass as a man. Yes, it is true, Rich is a reverse tranny.
is this a copypasta? he's just gay dude
This guy's 5.0s fucking suck
Fry Me Up Some Dubs AntiWonton
"He" is clearly a cis woman. Just look at pic related, literally a fat dyke.
>all those scene girls commenting on his profile
Why are non-white people so disgusting?
AntiWarhol has brought a lot of joy to a lot of people's lives by introducing them to music and movies they never would have found otherwise, and now treasure.
He may come off as cynical and aloof, but I suspect he has avpd. I'm the same way, maybe that's why I relate to him so much.
Will we ever see a full-body pic from Rich?
the joys of discovering rym and slsk and kg the joys of discovering internet connection the joys of having no friends and hobbies and life the joys of sucking my e-penis the joys of the joys of the joys of the joys ∞ " "
i think he has beautiful skin and hair. it's completely fine to not be attracted to certain races but that's an unfair assessment
is he filipino
native american (specifically blackfoot)
he's blackfoot
rym is filled with frauds
ughhh mom why did you get me these beatle reissues for my birthday!!!! you know A Чaca Эдыcoн э ceў тэмпo 1902-1929 is more my speed
>over 12000 ratings
>hasn't rated anything by Cecil Taylor, Royal Trux, Faust, Captain Beefheart, Vampire Rodents. Tim Buckley, Gong, Frank Zappa, Von Lmo or Phish
yeah I'm think he's a poseur, why do we care about him again?
he doesnt like those
he has shit taste then
When that fucking Jasmine Star album was added I finally decided his 5s were pretty shit now
Drone scaruffi harder idiot, he has shit taste but so do fucking you. Anyone who just mindlessly copies someone else's taste is a retard. Frank Zappa was a shit house musician who couldn't write interesting jazz to save his life so he wrote rock music instead. Wow bro modal interchange!! Dude he was revolutionary, like no one had made rock before him like that!
I called antiwarhol's taste shit retard
from what I've seen, she's kinda plebby music-wise. I mean, she has exposure to a good amount of not so well known music, but it seems she just skims through stuff and rates without really thinking about it, just to add another stamp to the collection.
Then again, this is the case for most of these people.
you people need friends lol
he likes the work of others mmm him gud
>she's kinda plebby music-wise.
yeah okay, let's see your superior obscure taste.
she's not gonna have sex with you
average looking girls on a pedestal because of music taste
hows therapy
Don't Bully
not even the taste part, just average girls on music sites.
yeah no, there's plenty of shittaster girls in rym no one gives a fuck about
therapy is something most of these girls need bruh
one selfie is all it takes
who's bottom right?
also where my trans guys of rym at?
none of them matter
nothing really matters, right?
over 12000 ratings
only 0 times having had sex
lol shut the fuck up faggot, odd future has done all of that better than some dumb rym faggot
Newfag here, how is antiwarhol so smart?
who the fuck is this dyke
He tends to avoid rating popular music unless he really likes it or hates it.
While you were droning AntiWarhol and listening to 10 hour-long box sets, I was following brofessoroaks ratings and tumblr account and look who's on top now
based lad is the only rymer I acknowledge as being at the very top, compared to him antiwarhol is a literal who.
this subhuman didn't add me back as a friend on rym.
Since then, I've lost all respect for him.
Linkin Park - Somewhere I Belong 4/5
false advertisement
based fakerater
that's literally me
literally the most influential critic
didn't he make this chart too
he's not even a critic
yeah, that's incredible
>exit level
and hes hot? wtf
i hope she sees this bro
>normie with some random Japanese albums peppered in
>literally just a random prick with an RYM account
Yeah, I think I’m going with the latter
best rym profiles
learn some historical and ontological perspective, young zoomers
Cringe everytime I see his name
me thinky he full of shit
why was doru banned again?
he obviously is
no one knows
Nothing will be more elitist and pathetic that obscure RYM drone culture
shut up faggot
Im so glad i never made a rym account after all these years
I'm sure you are.
It's just because she's a girl, right? Her ratings are all over the place and very random. Her reviews aren't even real music reviews.
i can't dig much of those avant garde/improvisation ratings but he has a pretty based taste in bleeps and guitar music in the vein of Fahey and Buckley. i'd be his friend in real life, desu
>pretty based taste in bleeps and guitar music in the vein of Fahey and Buckley
Is that supposed to be "based"? Seems like rather average Yea Forums core.
on paper i guess? that Juan Atkins compilation he rated 4.5 is on the Yea Forumscore chart but i haven't seen it talked about much, same with Fahey outside scaruffi circlejerk threads
Laugh at them
why do they always look exactly like this
>this is your average rym "female"
this degenerate is the mortal enemy of /ourguy/ BAYAR
>tfw the album's rating has dropped 0.4 stars since BAYAR exposed Uboa
fucking BASED
Sorry I meant 0.04
The degenerate counter culture will make it rise again. This always happens. Bunch of retards.
Pretentious retard. The high pitched vocals are a stylistic choice and a nod to 90s eurodance.
he cute
raters are literally critics
antiwarhol please unblock me. I'm a big fan of your ratings
redpill me on 10 hour-long box sets that will never get revisited
why is he wearing a barbershop quartet shirt
fuck transphobes like bratty
bratty did nothing wrong
fucking fags can't discover shit on their own
Kek this
bratty the homeschoolcoming queen
bratty the fake hickie queen
bratty the call men "sir" queen
bratty the wear grandma sweaters queen
An aging, fat, old Japanese man removed his 15-inch darkened monster cock from her still-moist cunt, overflowing with rancid semen. And then she died the end lol. Naked, black men as far as the eye could see
bratty the queen
simple as
bratty the shy orphan girl with bruises on her knees and messy hair and outdated clothing that people make fun of
stop bullying bratty
can't tell what is and isn't ironic in this thread
rateyourtranny circlejerk shit belongs on or anywhere but here
how is this possible?
we're already on 8ch, now go back to kpop faggot cuck
"we" as in around 5 faggots
they're my friends :3
do you think she fucks?
i want to think he's a neet but it's most probably a pseud fakerater
>so much effort to appear as a patrician film connoisseur
>his music 5's are just avant-teen copypasta artists and Can
i think she has mental illness that makes her not want to or at least she doesn't want to talk about it
i talked to him before, he watches them for school and works film festivals often.
you niggas disgust me
the chad grope
Better than generic Yea Forums shit honestly. Bach and Nancarrow are great
nice thighs
too skinny
lot of padding going on too desu
this, they're sick faggots who abuse girls for their own pleasure.
what the fuck was this thot thinking jesus, i'm angry
i wish i could protect her
jazz isn't her taste. it makes sense
you do realise youre exactly what shes talking about
hope she sees this bro
im not an orbiter of her though
fruitfork is a sad and lonely man! ~
who tried to groom her? wasn't it that guy with the hamburger nipples that was friends with katelynn?
in all honesty as fucked up as it is, it's still better than mistreating antiwarhol for the 10 years in a row
Why would she give Machine Gun 4 stars then, considering it's much more inaccessible and actually for nerds who are into improvisation jazz
hope he sees this bro
New user here.
Who AntiWarhol and why should I care about him?
warhol is a grown ass adult who isn't autistic
idk, probably an aesthetic appreciation for it or something. dont take the opinion of an autistic teenage girl too seriously
that was sarah/applehead's stalker, this was some random 8ch pedo who inpersonated her, made fake videos and tried to convince people she was a mod on Yea Forums. he spammed her all over infinity for a good year, just ask the people on there.
Imagine having more than four 5/5's
anti hasn't been harassed that much until recently tbqh and he was never sexually harassed by incels
>who isn't autistic
user, i...
Famous Canadian music critic, he listens to obscure and great music
what a strange place chan culture is
she's RACIST
and a transphobe
she likes sophie and throbbing gristle tho
Racism and transphobia is the punk of the 2020s you heard it here first
bratty is the leader of the new avant garde movement
>she likes sophie
Ableism is pretty lit too
You haven't lived until you've played keep-away with a cripple's phone
Hate crime reported to the police. Expect a knock on the door. Cheers!
What fame?
I haven't seen much mention from him outside of Yea Forums.
His RYM profile is relatively empty outside of photos.
Mistah thug 8ch loser
>hamburger nipples
tfw 6 pages
Which RYMer has the most 5's that are actually deserving of their rating?
how did you screenshot your cursor
12 here
Which RYMer has the cutest feet?
ShareX's region capture feature uses its own cursor
got into fights with mods constantly - he tried to evade image upload rules, which i get bc mods prefer bad "real" pics to pics that show the art properly - i had a run in w/ a couple, too; doru is also conspiratorial and paranoid, but largely nice and of course has amazing taste
Lots of good users got banned, there's literally no such thing as a good mod, they all let the 'power' go to their heads and lose common sense.
i hope she sees this bro
classifriend is BASED
semi colon niggas stand up
backspace that i
imagine not being #endashgang – cringe!
>classifriend shilling himself on a Yea Forums board
what happens if i block every mod
that's an em dash
its longer dickhead
You can't block mods (I've tried).
what happens if i block scariffi
you cant suck your own dick (ive tried)
what did you do to get blocked by antiwarhol?
also, open an incognito tab dumbass
i would not be surprised if he blocks people who post their usernames here
Rich would never do that
well he should lmao
riceshoes, no lie
what's he up to these days
Seriously, what is it about rym that attracts so many repulsive trannies like this?
Also do they genuinely think they look like women or are they all just memeing on us?
is he ever getting unbanned? or horbgorbler for that matter?
is that shit about him having /pol/ tier beliefs about jews etc true at all?
AntiWarhol is okay. But he is a product of white supremacy. He is purely an orientalist in terms of his interest in non-western music.
He inflates ratings of traditional music from non white majority countries or eastern European countries.
Only based scaruffidrones know what's up. And yes, scaruffi is right about almost everything.
GrimesCuck and mihr are more cultured and sexually accomplished than any of these users!!!FACT!!!
grimescuck is the worst user on the entire site. i wish death on him daily
AW is not white though, he is a member of a marginalized POC group (Native Americans) therefore it is impossible for him to be racist, orientalist or whatever the fuck you are accusing him of.
James's profile picture itself makes me want to kill myself
He's great imo and actually one of the very few users who "gets" pop music the same way ~No_ did (based purely off the fun to listen to factor, no cancerous idpol or other agenda pushing/signalling shit).
embarrassing post imo
No_ was a boring obese dadrocker
Delete this
yeah we should just stick to posting masturbatory rape fantasies over rym girls instead of focusing on people who are actually doing good things for the site and community.
grimescuck (you) is a detriment not only to the rateyourmusic site but the music listening massive worldwide
put your trip on for fucks sake btw
>very few users who "gets" pop music the same way ~No_ did
Not having a clue of what this thread is all about makes me feel so based
~mihr/clvrtx is actually amazing user and would be a shining beacon of nu-rym if he didn't delete all his ratings for personal reasons. his taste is super eclectic, is great at finding obscurities, is from a cool asian country, expert of music, film and literature and is accomplished visual artist and philosopher getting prestigious interviews. probably rly cute irl as well.
I fucked that up
drinking and posting in glitchwave
i wish you could have seen my grimace
>not being a Scaruffi stan makes you a poser
who's the guy?
hope she sees this bro
Nigger tier thread desu
Redpill me on ~cute, is he a based user?
stop trying to shill yourself retard
he's already established one of the most famous and well loved users after ~lad, but nice try cucky boy
think again boom bam in her face
literal astroturf, this literally-who has approximately zero influence and zero personality (and zero taste)
wrong on all counts did you even check the links? he's also an image queue volunteer with thousand of site contributions. top notch reviewer also and cool dude in general. but you wouldn't know, your so behind the times your still sucking on antiwarhol e-penis.
i sense hardcore self-virallization
>trust me his ratings were EPIC before he deleted them
>yeah his lists are really really short and incomprehensive but that's because he only adds the best stuff
+ stupid irl name
+ ugly profile pic (no sense of aesthetics)
+ ultra-inflated friends list (sign of a meme user)
+ open comment box (no mystique)
+ Listening to: danny l harle (dead/irrelevant meme artist from 2015)
+ 21 years old (too young to be a titan)
this guy fucking sucks and no one would shill him so hard without either knowing him personally or being him
Jealous faggot
>'s not classyical....... 1/10 eegor....
GrimesCuck is by far the worst user on the site and the first I blocked the second that feature was added
mihr tries way too hard and he must seriously spend like 75% of his time inside making lists that only a few people care about. It's kinda sad, he should try to get into academia and actually make a difference instead of believing he has "clout" and that he is doing anything for those artists through his rym lists
he's so hot i want red rocket in tummy
scaruffi > any rym pseud
based balding zerglet
kill yourself normie
and who's that
old rym thread meme to troll newfags with
john maus' son
they broke up
yeah keep telling yourself that
someone in the last thread gave details
why would you want to know
you really had to bump the thread huh
I can't search his name through the archive
yes and so did you
dog it was on the first page when i replied to you
it was on the last page when you bumped it
neither based nor cringe
My account is a scaruffidrone account but it's the only good account.
Guess my account
I'd trust a random RYM boomer over Scaruffi any day. is just his RYM before RYM existed
w2c rym gf
glitchwave discord
groom some 14 year old tumblrina into liking eai basic channel and 4 inch penises
Based John Marvin
why have so many rym girls been groomed by pedophilez
This, of course coming from people who legitimately believed fucking Deagger was some kind of avant garde rym god
09/12/11 22:30 PST
"i need to get laid" etc
AntiWarhol 09/21/11 16:49 PST
you don't have an opinion [∞], you don't even know what you "listen" to / "rate" [∞]
Celibacy is the path to enlightenment
Y'all are sad.
You are based as fuck, do not listen to the sad incels itt
People use rym for the threads?
confirmed gc
FACT: if you hate on GrimesCuck you hate fun and have no social life whatsoever
FACT: you are projecting
hope whichever anti-Yea Forums RYMer you're trying to impress sees this bro
Like an asian retarded mark Kozelek
mootkips is the greatest individual to ever post on this board
Turkish BVLL Like Abelian
every Titan and the majority of popular users stopped caring about Yea Forums years ago
it's only literally whos posting here
lad still browses Yea Forums
yes. many times cringed out ppl in respectable music discussions w/ that shit - also i think antivaxx
i mean im sure a lot browse here and will check in from time to time but to actively post in rym threads is ridiculous in the (((current year)))
did the wire interview him or something?
i'm a titan and i have literally never posted on Yea Forums
nah you're probably thinking of exitsense
stop samefagging
listening to Chinese pop singles
GC and Mihr are both fucking cool dudes, the hate they're getting itt is tedious and unwarranted. You want some legit target to hate, go laugh at cringey underage dilettante pseuds like ~yukikosyndrome, ~sunspot and ~slice_of_life just to name a few
any links left?
>t. mihr
wtf is this thread, who are this people, was antiwarhol banned, wtf is going on, why does this has more than 300 replies?
welcome to /rym/. enjoy your stay.
erom krul
do you like kpop?
no its even worse than contemporary American pop
I prefer shidaiqu