This is child pornography

This is child pornography.

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nice avatar gaylord


Nudity is not pornography you /pol/-addled cretin.

>Nudity is not pornography

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t. mentally challenged sandwich consisting of one or more cooked patties of ground meat

it's ""art""

Cum tribute plz

You are now on our list

if it offends you, you are a literal pedophile.

what if the baby grabbed the fish hook? how unsafe.

No, THIS was child porn.

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reminder that somewhere in the world, somebody has jerked off to that album cover
and obviously this one as well

Hello, America!

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nice projection, no one was offeended

>and obviously this one as well
guilty as charged

OP is definitely a pedo

in Burgerland it unironically is

it's not. no us law defines it like that you obsessed faggot.

Time is the ultimate rapist

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typical liberals

no one's forcing you to look at it

t. closet pedo

Why was it so important to Kurt for the penis to be seen on the cover art?

he was a braindead liberal trying to normalize pedophilia

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It’s only porn if the child is being sexualized you faggot. That’s like saying that a video of a woman breastfeeding is also porn because she has her chest out.

>naked child
>legs spread
>penis on full display
>mouth open
Your definition of "sexualized" must be pretty damn loose if that baby isn't sexualized to you you fucking pedo

child pornography has to be sexual in context otherwise there'd be a ton of people in jail for baby books
The cover is about society having us chase money from the moment we're born, idk anyone whos ever been born with clothes on

it sounds like you're projecting pedo

it's no secret that music industry jews like to rape babies

>The cover is about society having us chase money from the moment we're born,
thats almost as bad as that muse cover

>society having us chase money from the moment we're born
and that's bad because....?
and a sustainable alternative for modern societies of similar sizes is......?
god I fucking hate libtards

>The cover is about society having us chase money from the moment we're born
I get that, but there are ways the nudity could have been obsecured.
I don't like looking at baby dicks, sorry Kurt.

Lol pedo.

>and a sustainable alternative for modern societies of similar sizes is......?

>society having us chase money from the moment we're born
But that's not true, kids don't give a shit about money, they don't worry about money, especailly fucking babies, they can't even make money

are you aware that literally everyone who has a child has done this

He’s fucking chasing a dollar bill. Is he in some suggestive fucking pose? Is his genitals the center pieces of the photo? Is he getting fucked in the ass by some model? No? Then it’s not sexual you faggot. If anything it’s just avant-garde. I bet you’re the same kind of retard who’d like Huck finn to be banned because it says “nigger”.

everyone in this thread is calling each other a pedo when they've most likely beat their nevermind sized penises to loli porn before

Kek based

>He’s fucking chasing a dollar bill.
sweet, I can make an argument that stippers do the exact same thing, chase dolalr bills with no clothes. sexualization
>Is he in some suggestive fucking pose
again, legs open, mouth open, penis on full display. To me that's pretty fucking suggestive you scum
> Is his genitals the center pieces of the photo
yeah, pretty much they are. It would have been SO fucking easy to photoshop them out and make the same exact argument you're arguing for, yet the didn't
> Is he getting fucked in the ass by some model
no, neither are any of the other models that shoot solo porn shoots
> Then it’s not sexual you faggot
It clearly is you fucking pedophile enabling nigger

lol, this quote is fake, in an interview he literally said the opposite, that colored folk should gtfo from his concerts

>legs open, mouth open, penis on full display
I know what you mean man that's coquettish af