ITT hot takes
>all The Smiths albums sound the same
ITT hot takes
but you know which one is the best one
all post punk sounds the same
All are good, I listen to Queen is Dead and s/t the most though
and the best one is.... correct! it is s/t
All dream pop sounds the same
All the artic monkeys songs are the same but with different lyrics
Why would you think that a band that recorded 5 albums of material in basically 3 years time would sound different?
the music i subjectively enjoy is objectively bad
I'd rather have a bunch of good albums that have a similar sound than a band that tries to change their style up every album and doing a mediocre job. What bands have done it well?
All music sounds the same
obvsly hatful hollow
>the smiths
>dream pop
pleb detected, the smiths music is classified as jangle pop
lots of things sound the same
I love you
none of these are hot takes
only right wingers/racists know how to make black metal that actually sounds like black metal (rather than watered down indie rock)
based retard
he's posting his own hot take
Judas Priest fucking suck, they're the original metal sellouts.
Tom Petty fucking sucks
Nirvana is the worst band of all time and Kurt was a drug addled pussy who went too late as opposed to too early
what about Sugon?
how can you be based and retarded at the same time?
you can be your mom in bed
Not even remotely the same thing, sorry. That's the exception, not the rule.
beatles sound different in 3 years span
pink floyd
the smiths don't
Beatles yes.
Pink Floyd is because their songwriter left, not really an equivalent case.
Radiohead just copied Warp Records early catalog, hardly interesting or innovative since that was all a decade old by that point.
these threads are rich. it's always just a chaotic mess of idiots rushing to expose themselves as plebs in a desperate attempt to feel unique. A more fitting thread title would be "ITT: prove youre underaged and spend little time actually listening to music"