You don't look cool when you say Radiohead is shit/normie, you look like an idiot...

You don't look cool when you say Radiohead is shit/normie, you look like an idiot. Just because they're an entry into art music for a lot of people doesn't mean they're bad artists.

Attached: 00d97c99f9fb5872e9a44f06ae7e20fd011de125.jpg (640x640, 239K)

and you look retarded coming on here to be whiny and defend the multi gazillionaires who don't give a fuck about you or the posts praising or attacking them here or anywhere else

Pop Rock is not Art music

i agree with u OP

i agree. in rainbows sucks ass though. it's contrarian to think this gets close to ok computer.

I like In Rainbows, but it doesn't deserve as much praise as it gets, especially in comparison to Kid A or OKC, which are vastly superior and more cohesive projects.

Their music is boring as fuck.

>reading comprehension

Was good friends with a huge Radiohead fan for a while. Once watched him run to the festival main stage when the gates opened at 11 am, to be in the front row for a Thom Yorke solo set which wouldn't start until around 9 pm.
Turned out he was a fag with a crush on me. Go figure.

>Turned out he was a fag with a crush on me
I believed you until this part

I'm not kidding. Not homophobic, I truly dislike him for other reasons, his obsession with Radiohead being but one of them. A small one, at that.

That's not what art music means.

It's not that the gay part that makes me skeptical, it's the someone having a crush on you part

>Defending Radioshit


Ah, so funny! There are attractive people on Yea Forums, user. Stop projecting your ugliness onto me.

epic thread

And just for the record I agree with OP's premise. People who think it's all as simple as "liking/not liking x artist makes you y or z" have low IQ.

I heard The Bends and Creep.
Now let me tell you why I hate this band.

nobody says they're bad artists
stop projecting and kys

>Turned out he was a fag with a crush on me. Go figure.
Absolutely fucking based

Two of their albums are prime Yea Forumscore you retard. Go tell reddit or whoever the fuck it is that you're trying to preach to.