What the fuck is up with this album?
What the fuck is up with this album?
Shit album by a shit band.
a solid would rather listen to this than Sandinista/10
Considerable step up from their debut.
Sandinista>London Calling>Combat Rock>this>S/T>CtC.
its a great album, one of their best
you must hate the clash if you think the steaming pile of shit that is sandinista is better than the rest of their actually good discog
>t. pleb.
Sandinista is a masterpiece. Maybe too long for your attention span? Too many chords? Too layered production?
really good album
Sandinista is god tier for about 2/3 of the album. the problem is it's also shit tier for 1/3.
easily joes worst attempt at being experimental and the reason their discog isnt perfect
>the reason their discog isn't perfect
>not cut the crap
fucking atrocious taste
Sandinista is 10/10
Sage European Home, Young Punks, Stay Free and Tommy Gun are absolute classics and amongst the best The Clash ever did
However once you get beyond those it starts to suffer. The combination of a more standard rock production and playing style and more lightweight, lighthearted songs makes it pale in comparison to their debut
Julie is fun for being how cute it is but it’s endemic of the album. They take pretty heavy concepts and then put them to a fast poppy beat, in an attempt to comically send them up rather than attack them. Drug stabbing time is a very big failure in that regards. Guns on the roof and last gang in town are good but again the kind of lifeless rock styling really stops them from being amazing. Their debut had some much energy with rhythms and melodies bouncing everywhere.
Also should mention Cheapskate, one of The Clash’s worst songs, and English Civil War is horribly trite
This. Sandinista! is 60%+ shit and should have been a single LP.
Cut The Crap is a great album, really gets a lot of undeserved hate simply because of no Mick and Topper, plus the drum machine
But Three Card Trick, This Is England, We Are The Clash and North And South are incredible
Wouldn’t say shit, but yeah too many dub songs, also that abysmal rendition of Career Opportunities
I think Sandanista’s biggest crutch is that in its synthesis of punk with other genres, it -unlike London Calling- loses a lot of its provocativeness.
If we’re going to post some opinions I’ll post some
>Guns Of Brixton is the weakest song on London Calling
>Should I Stay Or Should I Go is The Clash’s worst song
do do dodododododo
>Guns Of Brixton is the weakest song on London Calling
it's definitely one of them. I personally think Four Horsemen is the weakest.
>Should I Stay Or Should I Go is The Clash’s worst song
this is just objectively not true. It may be the worst of their hit songs, but they have tons of songs that are way worse.
My (unpopular) opinion: Koka Kola is one of the best songs on London Calling, both lyrically and musically.
Sandinista would be best as a 7" of up in heaven b/w police on my back
lol at the Sandinista hate. Y'all should have seen the critical praise that album received when it came out.
I like Four Horseman simply for the incredible bridge
I honesty couldn’t think of a song I hate than Should I Stay. At least Sandanista’s Career Opportunities is kitschy. Should I Stay is just lazy and perfunctory
I agree with you about Koka Kola, and it’s the perfect lead in from Death Or Glory (my personal favourite)