My favorite math rock album is No Drums and Bass in the Jazz Room
Math Rock Thread
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nice taste, this album makes me happy
Sajjanu - Pechiku!
Did anyone hear the unreleased track that was supposed to go on pic related?
What did you think of it?
I haven't heard it, but I loved the acoustic version of the album. Sounds really good
Yeah the accoustic version gives the album a very different vibe. I'm especially in love with the accoustic version of Crocodile
Good taste user, really wanted no DnB on vinyl for a while but it costs like £100 on discogs and fuck that.
I like
Tera Melos (they rock so hard and suck so bad depending on the album)
Music for this clean guitar finger tapping feel
i wish i knew where to look for more math rock bands like hella
patrician EP coming through
OP here. I bought it off of discogs for £75 because it's probably my favorite album. It's gotten me though rough times throughout my life, and it feels majestic to hear as so.
Would this album fall under Math Rock or is it more Midwest Emo?
Fantastic taste OP.
I can never get tired of this album. It's a solid 10/10 playthrough.
I consider it math rock. I also like all the Midwest Emo albums though like Sharks Keep Moving is really good and I think Colossal is also considered that too.
ehh while it is Math rock, it leans towards more on the Rmo side
Any more bands you'd like to swing my way with a similar sound?
Thanks user
What if isolated the sound with no vocals. Would it be more on the Math Rock side?
Penpal (album: Penpal) is probably my 2nd favorite math rock band that falls under the Midwest Emo
Thanks a bunch!
Bumping to keep this thread alive
This is seriously good, thanks!
Nice, I didn’t know they did a reissue of the album
Also first for Don Cab
I like that clean guitar math rock, so far I got:
TTNG (not that great but some decent tracks)
Piglet (amazing)
Chon (poppy and mainstream but good)
Covete (i want to make that bitch pregnant and play guitar with her with her big baby belly full of my seed)
on the less math more emo or metalcore end of the spectrum I like
Camping in Alaska
Number 12 looks like Jews
Reccs PLS. Too bad Midwest Math died in 2007. :( now I know how jazz fans feel.. jazz is dead
yea probably
I found this album by accident and wasn't sure if it was acceptable cause it's got too much brass it reminds me of ska
I Like a Band Called Adebisi Shank
they're not "true" math tho i guess, but always seem to be brought up in these kinds of threads. their last album is so good and always makes me sad because the last song is called "(trio always)"
Lava Land is a fucking classic..
My aoty whenever the hell this was released, super underrated. dunno whatever happened to the band.
>anyone got more jazzy math inspired shit like clever girl?
these guys got a song literally called we miss you clever girl
don't be a fucking creep. yvette is too good for you anyway
>anyone got more jazzy math inspired shit like clever girl?
check out father figure
first i ever have heard this track, thanks for the recc bro... tight track.. 2010 tho? shit I was like 19 years old back then.... wtf was I doing with my life by NOT being into this shit back then?? too busy listning to Pink Floyd and MIles Davis and shit? wow I wasted my fucking time listing to old ass dead shit whenI could have been part of something amazing that may never come back...
I can't wait for the day when university music departments offer a math rock degree.... these mfers knew what was up...
hey now, miles davis is some good shit. birth of the cool, silent way, kind of blue, bitches brew, list goes on
apparently I have one of their albums from way back, knew the band name sounded familiar!
will have to give it a spin again and then maybe check out the rest of their discgoraphy depending on how I like it. Cool track tho, so good start.
shut up yvette!
how did you find this? it only has 2k views on youtube and 16 ratings on rym
fuck if i know, don't remember how they came on my radar
my guess is that when I discovered bandcamp for the first time I was both pretty excited and autistic, and all the search features was nice to dive deep into
dude, i know miles is tight shit, but he's been dead for so many years and his discog isn't going anywhere, i should get gotten into the modern scene (that midwest math) first and miles later, instead of miles first and midwest math later...
>TFW never will see authentic 2007 era mathrock live with scenegirl whores in the audience due to blowing a perfectly good opportunity....
tfw europoor so wouldn't have mattered if i got into the scene when it was fresh. at least i got a snowing LP when they were relevant
what's your fav midwest math?
this is bretty good tad to much synth tho
I already posted it here.add tera melos old school shit to the list. im from new england so could have gone to shows
Don't know if this can be classified as Math rock but it has a similar vibe to what OP posted.
Love this album.
finally someone else knows this gem
hardly obscure, but i can kinda see what you mean. it's not as mainstream as TTNG for example.
Speaking of TTNG/Animals. How are they live recently? They are in town tomorrow and I'm debating seeing them. Animals is one of my favorite albums, but its not the original singer
why is no one producing that crazy atonal stuff anymore? As much as I love the genre it’s gotten shockingly stale and it’s pretty hard to distinguish bands from one another now. Am I just getting old?
How did you guys get this far in a math rock thread without mentioning anything Japan? I know you guys like to suck Yvette's fat Asian girl cock but these three do it better and would absolutely rape Yvette if given the chance.
China numah wahn neegaaaa