Is Jason Derulo Yea Forumscore?

Is Jason Derulo Yea Forumscore?

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>i only listen to Jason Derulo
What a fucking dissapoinment
I was expecting either p4k-core, tumblr-core or some Dream pop
But the poor's man Chris Brown? Jesus christ

i hate women and black people

Based incel
>Black people
Cringy MAGA

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>hates black people
>not all minorities
>probably doesn't even hate lgbtq people

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>art-hoe flaunts a longsleeve tee of some obscure extreme metal band on social media
>turns out her actual taste in music is painfully basic

Every. fucking. damn. time.

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Are you non-ironically autistic? It's a fucking joke.

then why she'd pick jason derulo, out of all the normie radio-pop artists out there, as part of her "joke" when she could've used a much funnier example



hmm, good point

never thought of it like that

That's the joke. Jason Derulo is the most nondescript, innocuous pop musician imaginable. It's like someone saying that their favourite pizza is cheese pizza.


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Rivers only cares about the whole and half Japanese women


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you have really dumb idea idiot

nice tummy

You're only allowed in this thread if you own the 1984 12".

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I fuking hate phoneposting.