Attached: ­.jpg (1440x1800, 158K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Yeonest Woo

i miss fat sana

>fromis fans
freaking cute

Attached: D8NvxrmUYAE80Ym.jpg (1536x2048, 266K)



more like doodoo


my face.

could you take it all?

Attached: 13116722_1596711683978487_1173782989_n.jpg (1080x1335, 99K)

you should check out these if you looking for for webms to make
I just burnt out on making gugu webms and never got round to making them..

Attached: gugudan - Solly (Soyee & Sally) Couple - Diary.webm (358x718, 2.93M)

Attached: 1556212948222.webm (600x800, 2.91M)

Attached: D8NvxrnUEAEGrik.jpg (1535x2048, 235K)

>suga, kook, v, and jimbo boy with luv fancams have millions of views
>joon, hobi, jin fancams not even past 400k
why are army so tasteless?

Attached: 1546021833915.png (1135x851, 1.35M)

Fromis? More like swing and a miss

Attached: tumblr_inline_p5b22ghl7d1van7zv_400.gif (268x250, 1.35M)

Attached: [4K] 190530 우주소녀(WJSN) 너에게 닿기를(To reach you) @아주대축제 직캠 fancam by D (918x720, 2.93M)

wow that is the ugliest girl i have ever seen in my life


why those three specifically?
make what easier?

Attached: 1556183473134.jpg (354x562, 47K)

do we hate dubuspammer as much as slugroastie?

i'll check those out

Attached: smartest girl in the universe.webm (430x490, 1.86M)

chuu? more like poo lol

post her ass.


a god

Sally is good for TWO things

enough i have three of those opened already

show wins...

sally has problems with hearts
>being cute
>being basedee's gf

Attached: DZsM5k6UQAAuo23.jpg orig.jpg (2048x1365, 346K)

>worshiping idols

Attached: snaps.webm (640x800, 409K)

you mad gay

Attached: Dcl1wq_X0AAzmAg.jpg (499x663, 52K)

Attached: 1458081609216.webm (1280x720, 1.32M)

omo she really does both?

at least shes trying her best


Because they appear to be are the most "outgoing" members.

i still support my group even though they consistently flop


you're the only one who talks about him. nobody else gives a shit

Hana is a pro

Attached: 1514315820429.webm (606x606, 361K)

and that's all we could ever ask for

Attached: DB3dIG5VwAIqxM6.jpg orig.jpg (1239x1615, 334K)

>"Haha I was saying 'I have so many different sides of me like dorky and LGBT queen...' Yeah, I support LGBT but don't get me wrong guys."
the absolute state

Attached: twiceboys.jpg (1080x1081, 111K)



It makes pleasing CEOs easier, and therefore makes promoting not successful

*to be the most outgoing

hands down the ugliest bitch in kpop

based 'whatever fandom that gives me more yous'

Leave chewy alone you fucking cambodian psychos

my dad looks just like male jihyo

Educate me, learned one.

There’s no dubu spammer, just dubu posters. Don’t bad mouth good people user.

Attached: D8CsMM0XUAEXfem.jpg (1003x2064, 513K)

Attached: 60491218_467977837370431_7534659217746061139_n.webm (480x480, 1.69M)

>WJSN on idol radio keep assuring ujung that this comeback is "special". Means, they still gonna keep their signature magical sound and concept. Dayoung keep saying "don't forget this album is special! Summer special!" and Exy keep said "don't worry ujung"

who's "we", schizo?

Who are you quoting?


#1 heart maker in the business

Attached: 9953C9335A1E1FCF2224F5.gif (470x415, 3.89M)

Attached: D79pEbLXsAAT1qT.jpg (1080x503, 100K)

rm and jhope are uggo mate
jin does deserve more views though

Attached: 1515626505667.jpg (1600x900, 398K)




any sharkman in

should i try that funny little beard?

Attached: [4k] 190530 우주소녀(WJSN) 다원(DAWON) - 너에게 닿기를(I Wish) 직캠 [아주대] by str (1012x1080, 2.93M)

Good Luck...
Power Up...

>implying it's just one person posting dubu
lmao at this nugushitter

Attached: 559.jpg (1536x2048, 346K)

Jin deserves the gas chamber.

me on the left

Where were you when fromis_9 nearly succeeded in destroying kpop?

Attached: Fromis_9-Fun-screenshot-2019-billboard-1548.jpg (1548x1024, 180K)

"we" is just code for me and my trashnigger buttbuddies

get their asses

gf sent me this

Attached: wjsn_cosmic - BxR8l0XJmIe_BxR8lpUpEVq.jpg (722x542, 49K)

post her butt

RM has Chad charisma

Where were you when fromis_9 flopped again?

That's a huge billboard

Attached: MONI_SATZU-1077233499789242371-20181225_000415-img3.jpg (698x1024, 117K)

it's not that bad, jeez

You idoits bullied Loonachads out of here and now all you have left is schizo posters. This place is shit and it is your fault.

are you a pedophile?


all I want is more jisun pits

Attached: 1555038643915.webm (1080x1146, 2.65M)

nigga, why ain't you pop duh question yet?

rm has a fucked up face

why is fromis_9 exiled to /trash/?

good, they are the cosmic girls after all

Attached: 1544650905458.jpg (1500x1000, 168K)


Attached: 1558413328826.jpg (1000x1500, 721K)

i guess it is a little rolf harris like

only the biggest for our boys

Attached: D78J4jPUYAA0A-I.jpg (748x923, 191K)

we're all dububbers here

it's cosy and actually less lewd there

lucky man

Attached: D8NojFoVUAYF0Ap.jpg (1334x1334, 280K)

Where were you when IZ*ONEnearly succeeded in finishing the job started by fromis_9 in killing kpop?

Attached: 500px-IZONE2ndPromotional.jpg (500x281, 46K)

only in your imagination

Attached: D8Rw9vjXYAEjVyj.jpg (1527x2048, 470K)

the hey literal girl wanna go for a ride in my crappy car beard.

i'm just waiting for the right moment

Attached: [#KCON2019JAPAN] #WJSN on the #KCON(E){hosefGFPnG8}-2.webm (646x720, 2.94M)

Loona has the worst wannabe-white-girls in the game

what did jin do


>flying nugu shitters first class to try to exude a facade of success even before anything has been achieved.
kpop is starting to become just like american rap. it's kind of disappointing.

I wanna poke her

Attached: meandmygf.jpg (960x960, 149K)

Would anyone else force themselves on Naky if it was just the two of you stuck in an elevator with her looking like this?

there are less retards there

This is why YG makes blackpink travel coach and before that by boat.


I wonder if shes an 08th MS Team fan...

Attached: 1558826319876.jpg (1367x2048, 494K)

i wouldn't have to, she'd jump on me first

stupid fucking dubunigger

hirai momo

guys this is a very important thing we need to discuss or else the future of kpg is in jeopardy so check this out:

hani's ass

No, I have the strength to endure

gf sent me this

Attached: ludaknife.jpg (480x599, 44K)

Attached: 1558428304192.webm (720x720, 975K)

seethe harder im almost there

stop saying that

Attached: D6nhQ0AW4AIERQF.jpg (960x960, 95K)

I would have to but I'd apologize afterward so it's okay

Can you guys post Jisoo's ass? I need some material for a project later.


>big 3 employees flying first class on their business trip
wow, it's nothing

which Itzy has the tightest pussy?

what did you do?

u a qt

Attached: sallee.webm (480x480, 774K)

hirai manmo

you'll have to be more specific

Attached: 1492229679134.webm (1280x720, 800K)

the ugliest one


Attached: 14598895567.webm (700x1000, 1010K)


told her my ideal gf height was 5'4"


only retards post on trash

Attached: DyUTt1OW0AET6Cz.jpg (720x720, 53K)

Oh no haha, he thinks he’s caught us samefagging. What an idiot!


whys she in the hospital

I'm actually a twicebro but Exid's disbandment is a HUGE loss for kpop

Attached: 1555461233883.webm (563x1000, 2.86M)


Attached: 1485323023001.webm (270x900, 2.68M)


Attached: 1559767697756s.jpg (374x499, 53K)

she's dying

That will work. Post her ass.

had to get her stomach pumped like rod stewart


ferry accident

They're all cute idiot

Attached: D1YD7YmUcAAAFxU.jpg (1199x1800, 309K)

oh wait, i thought you said ears




Attached: Subin & Seola(WJSN) - Gee, 수빈 & 설아(우주소녀) - Gee [두시의 데이트 지석� (1920x1080, 2.49M)

thinking about SinB...

Attached: duck.jpg (480x720, 54K)

luda! let's grow a few inches!

Attached: (1500x1001, 1.01M)

cute haggy

Attached: D7-mSFFVUAE-Mtv.jpg (2000x3000, 849K)

whipping it out right in front of Ryujin

Somi debut out.

noo hyomin not you too

Attached: 61243085_505492080280773_770893921601877306_n.jpg (1024x1820, 434K)

Attached: 1558170705429.jpg (340x578, 31K)


Attached: D8RxBmHXYAE4zDB.jpg (1455x2048, 475K)

no one gives a fuck about that nugu group

they all get colonised eventually

why is momo in twice? her sing is bad she average looking decent dancer little be chubbier than i perfer too

Attached: 1559768248453s.jpg (240x412, 20K)

shut the fuck up ret ard

>decent dancer
nice bait

I'm thankful to hani for saving Exid. but hyewin is the real key player

Attached: 0724bdef26ea6242d3c092f45608b9de.jpg (720x1280, 149K)

has Jennie ever given YG the succ?

kys nigger fag

ten pro


where are you from?

she was voted out of sixteen then jyp personally brought her back in, why do you think she's in twice?

LE won't ever quit kpop so we got that

this applies to all of twice

Computer not loading, kpop for this feel

Attached: ADDAF9CB-EA4D-481B-8C7E-B971DA61CB49.jpg (1000x1500, 203K)

they put her in cause she's retarded, so you can relate to her

Attached: 1557423744865.webm (1280x1046, 1.03M)

what a cutie

japan we have many momo. mina is the pretty one here

new wjsn is finally on spotify

fuck. feels bad when i'm a small yellow...

sting - stellar

you're a couple hours late bro

same except SinButt

Attached: tumblr_phgh5kcp8H1qk12q0o1_1280.jpg (1279x1920, 417K)

that's a lie but you're not wrong

great now i can show off to all my normie friends what summer banger i'm listening right now

>decent dancer

>Lia Kim is a popular choreographer who is behind many memorable dance routines for songs such as Sunmi’s “Gashina,” TWICE’s “TT,” and I.O.I’s “Very Very Very.”

>When asked to choose the idol she believes is the best dancer, Lia Kimpicked TWICE’s Momo and didn’t hold back her praise. She said, “TWICE’s Momo is like a dancer sent down from the gods. She’s really good. Not even a sponge can describe what Momo is like, she’s able to start dancing right after she watches a routine. She’s able to recreate a choreography with very little explanation. She’s even able to take a routine and add her own charms and quirks to upgrade it to the next level.”

Attached: IMG_20190604_173249.jpg (2048x1365, 367K)


don't lewd the talent

Where are the blinks?

Attached: file.png (838x1048, 1.83M)


Attached: Black-Pink-Jisoo-Member-Profile-Facts-Ideal-Type-1.jpg (630x944, 124K)

why are you here all day

mental hospital


The fuck did you just say you idot? Don't ever compare goddess Jisoo to that frog

I'm not lewding her
I just like her butt

Attached: tumblr_ph97koaG8W1qk12q0o1_1280.jpg (1000x1500, 188K)

then she slipped the 1mil won check from jyp into her purse

Attached: 2NgiSVNWC2bXGnvn.webm (720x720, 2.52M)

so much better than fun

Attached: D8RxDnuXoAASK9s.jpg (2048x1245, 367K)

Attached: i-said-you-got-a-lumpy-butt.jpg (278x181, 40K)

Attached: Dv1YMnTVYAIXuqQ.jpg (1024x682, 60K)

how do you think seamonkeys get such high youtube views?

I am about to go to sleep, cu in 10 hours.

Attached: file.png (800x1200, 1.91M)

that's like 2 dollars

wtf happened to her face?

not a fan of this hair on our iljin

Chae is a cunt.

button slut

Where are jisoobros?

she's cheap

Momo is the best in JYP, I'll give her that

could you post her button please?

better than red hair

Attached: D7U4IvcU8AE5B03.jpg (1342x2048, 319K)

Lisa always looks sleepy

She got the first place on the idol's poll as the best dancer. Cope more.

Attached: MOMO23339.jpg (1067x1600, 249K)

the pics are kinda lewd tho

top 3 in the industry

Twice and Itzy are the only good kpop groups dbh

FBI got em

i'm a drone btw

she's a good girl now

Attached: Dgy6HEDVMAEcn8Y.jpg (1080x960, 177K)

you really think that can't be bought?

>tfw no fansite gf

Attached: CyQ9CL_UQAAlyOi.jpg (675x1200, 128K)

how small?


>bought the opinion of idols of different companies

Attached: poll0.jpg (767x337, 53K)

inherited some money from a long lost rich uncle recently, how much do you think it would cost to get eunha to shove her feet in my mouth? i'm willing to pay extra for it to be after a long day of dance practise

Attached: D8NyHLpUIAAIWIc.jpg (1080x1345, 335K)

>#1 kai

isn't that literally hyebin?

I shook hands with Sunmi yesterday and told her I love her I am so happy guys


it is going to cost a lot of money proably at least 200000 won

>Kai is the best gaypop dancer
fucking lol, Jimin has as many votes as Taemin even though Taemin is leagues above him

the only person you have to pay off is whoever published the results, genius

I'm pretty sure Lisa voted for Momo

yeah and cheer up won SOTY despite being trash because it's all just a popularity contest and she's the best dancer of the most popular kpop girl group by a mile

>all that ass and thighs
>wants the feet
give me that money retard i'm gonna make your uncle proud right now

oh no Twicebros...

Attached: no1.jpg (817x265, 68K)


>yoona and krystal
this is how you know it's a retarded list, or people just name a safe answer

>roastie votes

when was that, 4 years ago?

it is, jane would be a better choice given her past


Attached: D73rlvzUYAAiBl2.jpg (1080x1728, 330K)

this poll is trash
irene should be lower
jithoo and jennie should be higher
twice is uggo collectively so that's bs
suzy is plain and overrated
krystal didn't age so good

who the heck voted on this

Attached: 1162.gif (300x386, 2.12M)


Attached: Kim Soy-Jak.png (644x800, 162K)

I'm not seeing any twicebro talking shit about irene. Also tzuyu mogs the shit out of irene any day.

Attached: 1556978306880.jpg (900x1405, 433K)



my sugarmommy...


Attached: chinothy.gif (268x380, 736K)

Mr Kim is right you know



Attached: DF-4ICaUwAA32Kd.jpg (693x1000, 107K)

so when most of them started looking busted?

Attached: 86b9ccbd294698efa01f2010470414c1.jpg (563x844, 52K)

dubu mogs the shit oit of oldrene

Attached: 1559769320680.jpg (1364x2048, 218K)

>suzy is plain and overrated

Attached: large(4).jpg (500x313, 20K)


chewy looks like a trap here


Attached: lol.jpg (1200x800, 124K)

#WJSN - 25,481 total copies
#fromis_9 - 16,874 total copies

WJSN YT - 2.7 M views
fromis_9 - 1.8M views

did love die yet?

>irene higher than chewy
I guess not even irene herself believes that bulshit

Attached: chewy51.jpg (1371x2048, 306K)

Word. Dubu profile mogs all of East Asia

no one gives a fuck about fromis lol

saved to my sana folder

she is
notice how no one talks about suzy's beauty anymore now that the jyp mediaplay machine stopped

Attached: DrX20HlUwAEuaBB.jpg orig.jpg (1280x1920, 344K)

Attached: D7_KP36UIAIqQCm.jpg (1080x810, 154K)

I'd suck that dick in a heartbeat

Attached: D54JbRHUUAEmD8E.jpg (1039x1200, 199K)

now thats a busted shit


he's not wrong for once. suzy isn't visual material

but those idols told me otherwise

Attached: Son Seungwan.jpg (800x1200, 136K)

Attached: D5kuiB5W0AE7Ugf.jpg (1000x1500, 244K)

Attached: DdUBMyNU8AAduA7.jpg (1200x1800, 329K)

meant for

Irene is a top tier visual. Don't be jealous.

and that's a good thing!


Attached: 1508.jpg (596x250, 22K)

our fridge

Attached: hardmogged.jpg (1130x1695, 387K)

STFU roastie
we like fromis here



no miss we do not like fromis here

title track is kinda weak
three (3) songs

Attached: chewy not found.jpg (335x209, 42K)

we only care about lovelyz here

wanna get drunk on seaweed

Attached: 과즙美 팡팡↗↗ 우주소녀(WJSN)의 '2018 잘 부탁드립니다'♪ 투유 프� (1280x720, 2.79M)

>white pepe and michael jackson

thinking about dubu...

why did you quote me twice

surprisingly accurate

Attached: ph_interview_01.jpg (920x1188, 95K)

>hwasa #1
>yeonwoo not on the list


4 2

it is body yeonwoo is saggy

Apparently, album sales is pennies.
Comebacks need to win a show or you get waaaay less money for gigs.

not according to idols


roses for me
