What does he listen to?

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Why are most conservatives fucking fat?


I know Mr Johnson he's actually my neighbor, I won't go further on how strange is to see a neighbor posted here but I have heard this song coming from his car and I actually want to share it... wow life is just so... sometimes.

higher average income

Because they only eat frozen tv dinners.

Big Black Conservative

Attached: unmolested_and_free.jpg (220x213, 13K)

Uncle Tom's Cabin The Audiobook

Based black dude
>pic related

Attached: Ted_nugent_album_cover.jpg (300x300, 100K)

They are powerless to their pavlovian impulse buy and consume all the shit they see on commercials every day

Based bands like Oxbow and Bad Brains


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Probably black conservative music like Kanye West, 50 Cent, B.O.B, etc.

lmao the balls on the trailer hitch

Have you ever seen a leftist "march"?



what a snowflake. the ballsack is the cherry on top

he's a big guy

for you


Bruce Springsteen, ironically.

>eating mcdonalds every day means higher average income

yeah, tons of hot college girls and college men, a few fat sjws of course but generally a much more attractive crowd than an alt right rally

He's black. So the answer is obvious. Whatever he wants to, you bigot.

what do you expect from americans?
Also fresh food is liberal woohaa

it is fine that he has own opinions but i would appreciate if this uppity nigger kept it to himself

I don't know but he's fucking based

he can listen to whatever he wants. he's not on the plantation

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the inexplicable combination of a roof rack and cargo carrier is really accented by the balls hanging from the trailer hitch

They eat strong and hearty meat-based meals to maintain a tasteful thiccness, whereas lefties are bony weaklings from all the vegan dieting and basedmilk.

You really have to wonder what's missing from someone's life to feel the need to wear their politics so heavily on their sleeve -- or truck, as the case may be.

someones mad user called them ugly. Let me lick your tears snowflake


he also had a massive pp

Attractive conservative here, can confirm

Called it "jumbo" too. Flashed a lot of politicians.

You did alright, user.

Nice dububs, can confirm also.

I think it's an american thing.

source: american diabetes institute

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Conservatives don't listen to their doctors.

what does he listen to tho?

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