Do art hoes actually exist or is it just some meme you faggots made up?

do art hoes actually exist or is it just some meme you faggots made up?

Attached: 'art hoe'.jpg (640x615, 80K)

it's real
t. uga student surrounded by townie 23 y.o. art hoes

lower to middle class colleges, especially liberal arts or colleges with well known arts programs, are full of these arehoes. I WANT TO HATEFUCK AN ARTHOE SO BAD

theyre real and theyre contagious

didn’t you go to college?

they are real, i went to my freinds show and alot of girls that dress like her were there

do they actually listen to the same 50 garbage albums you fags spam every day?

They definitely exist. They can be found in universities and in urban areas working low skilled service and retail jobs.

Yeah I'm dating one :)

College girls in portland are all art hoes. They’re attractive and have that defined look but are insufferable in conversation.

prove it

you need to get out more

i live in portland, its real. ive never been on a college campus but just existing here is enough to know its real

social media

Go on Instagram dude

Same here. Can’t go to a concert without the stereotypical art hoe. Also a handful in high school

I saw a bunch of them at community college before I dropped out, but that was 2 years ago. I’m sure they are everywhere now since every basic bitch is a wannabe arthoe

i live in southeastern michigan and all of the art schools around here are flooded with them, especially ann arbor and the north side of detroit. only most of them listen to midwest emo.

I made fun of Mac Demarco and got spat on. Best feeling ever boys

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Yeah i don't like the term art how though because girls who look like your pic are usually cooler than average

dont touch art hoes, they'll break your heart and blame it on their daily horoscope

are there many of these types in new york?

go on Tinder and find out

>are usually cooler than average
thats what they made you believe.

Doubt it, new york is mostly just farms and walmart parking lots