/gg/ - Guitar & Bass General

Where's the thread? edition.

How do I start learning guitar?
Guitar chords and inversions
String tension calculator (D'Addario-based):
Music theory:
Guitar Maintenance and other information:
Why is my guitar buzzing?
Large repository of tabs, books and other resources related to playing and theory:


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Other urls found in this thread:


i wish i could fuck my guitar

i have a sexual relationship with my guitar

Guitars are tools. They're not "friends" or something to be admired. They're tools ffs. Stop obsessing over them you fucking losers.

just blew a hot wet steamy load all over my guitar, what are you gonna do about it?

Snap-on are better than Milwaukee tools.

>he's too dumb and/or poor to fuck a Gibson

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>headstock breaks just as you're about to nut

Get a job, buy a Gibson and thank me later

>scrotum gets stuck in robot tuners


Because I said so

Better than guitar center meme locking tuners

Waste my money because you said so? I don't think so.

Oh you can’t read. You missed the part where I said
>thank me later

>company goes bankrupt before i can buy the guitar

Because the used market doesn’t exist? Why are poor people always dumb?

You can. Take the jack plug out and put your pecker in there. Works for my telecaster.

For me, it's the Jazzmaster.

Want one of these '19 Gibson Explorers in antique natty. Are slim taper necks based? Can it play anything besides boomerrock?

i literally own a 58 gold top and it plays like shit. i just keep it on my wall now since i would never play it for any reason.

For me? The Jazzcaster.

For me? The Jizzblaster haha.

You literally will not post a time stamp to prove it.
>get a job, buy a Gibson and thank me later

give me four hours until i get home from work and i will post it

Post yours.

What's a good reason to buy a Gibson?

it might actually play well, but odds are low.

lole sure

Get a job, buy a Gibson and thank me later

I want to see your Gibby.

I bet you do little boy

Are Les Paul the best ones?

nitro finish

Explorer is based. V if you want to play boomerrock.

Please post a picture, I love seeing other people's Gibsons.

Why don't you freeze your own kaka and shove it upt your ass?

About to buy an SG and need advice. How bad is the maestro tremolo? I know that you can't dive bomb with it, and it is basically only for "shivers".
Playing without using the maestro, will it affect the tuning in any way?

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Not as long as you take a solid, hard nugget of kaka and put it behind that vibrola cover

Maestro is for low depth tremolo. Like a bigsby.

What's with all these Gubson shills? They're bankrupt for a reason.

Because they didn't like kaka

>will it affect the tuning in any way?
No. That's a myth.

>guitars are tools

alright go try and dissassemble an old jap carb without a JIS screwdriver set. use a regular one - without a handle. tools are tools, a screwdriver's a screwdriver.

some of the feature set actually matters and some of it is comfort

showing off

tonewood, finish, that shit doesn't matter. there isn't an audible difference that's consistent in real world data. it just exists in the minds of gearheads.
>all mahogany is darker sounding than all maple!
>are you sure it's not your strings or pickups mate? the things that actually make noise.
>no, trust me, i play gutiar *blues lick* and a famous guy used the same guitar i do so it must be good here listen to him play

instruments are sonic weapons in the right hands.

Thoughts on ESP Ltd?

I've really been wanting a semi-hollow, and the ESP Ltd Xtone PC-2 in Pearl White caught my eye since it's a bit different from the alternatives. Was thinking of a 335, but then I found it.

Any particular reason why I shouldn't get it?
Pic related

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That would look so much cooler if you rubbed some kaka on it!

It's a waste of money? That's a good reason.

Would it be a waste of kaka?

Every guitar priced from about $400 to about $1000 is going to be alright in build quality. Get your $50-$150 luthier work done and call it good. yes, even if it says dean on the headstock. yes, even if has abalone inlays.
Diminishing returns past $1000
Exponentially increasing garbage below $400
Except for gibson, they sell trash at every price point.

Your amp matters more and just the speaker and cab color your tone more than anything attached to the guitar



Yeah that's what I've heard. My current 400€ epiphone is pretty alright (as ar as I can tell anyway), this would be pretty much double the price if it was the original price, but the price is cut pretty significantly atm, so the ltd will be more in the 600€ price range

tldr light guitar with a whammy bar and 5 pickup modes > heavy guitar with no whammy bar and only 3 pickup modes

see above

you want a light guitar with a whammy bar and 5 pickup modes

you don't need a new guitar unless you have neck stability issues due to shit wood, severe fret wear that would cost more to fix than a new guitar, or if it's become damaged

Or if your current guitar doesn't have a whammy bar

Imagine not having a whammy bar lmao. What's it like to be that poor and dumb?

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lps don't usually have whammy bars, do they?

Only the good ones do.

I know this is probably asked a ton but it doesn't seem to be in the OP: what's a good beginner guitar for ~300 CAD? Or a good guitar/amp combo?
What should I look for in an electric guitar? I've only played acoustic and classical.

Get a kakana and a kaka kakinson sig strat.

THanks based kakaposter, already ordered from amazon for 300 cancuck dollars!

Buncha dumbfucks


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Thoughts on the Art Of The Guitar guys website lesson? If anyone here's ever tried them

idk about his website but his youtube videos are pretty helpful and he seems like a nice guy.

Squire strat

So when using a tuner to tune to d standard, I just click once on the flat button,right? It seems to work and all , but I can clearly hear that the 3rd string from the top sounds off. It doesn't seem to display the 4th string, it just skips it and shows 5A and 3G. Any tips?

cringe. bigger marketing gimmick than EarthQuaker Devices(TM). can't believe ""people""" actually pay >$10 for a set of strings.

just match pitch to the d string dude

You tried them? I can literally feel the difference

>Any particular reason why I shouldn't get it?
because it's ugly

Shitplank gang rise the FUCK up

Kakaplank here
Condor GIO top quality replica, better than American strats

Logistically, is it better to build a pedal board (or rather, train of physical pedals) or just plug the guitar into an interface to your computer and manage all of your effects on the computer?

the later but with a multiefects this way you have both the power of your multi + the efects in your computer.

>making fun of samy chinkplank
when he owns
1 kakakoranplank
1 chinkplank
1 shitdonesian
and 1 kakausaplank

the absolute state of this wetback

I wish I was good at guitar.

This is the most rent free post so far. That wasnt even me sam. Why are you so insecure? Lmfao youre pathetic. And for the record i have 2 korean 1 chink and a mia the Indonesian squire too. Your dads killing himself because he cabt stand being around a retard like you kek

What's wrong with EQD?
Heard some demos, pretty good effects, too overpriced?
Got Acapulco Gold clone from my friend, used it pretty long.

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Hes afflicted with poorfa/gg/ syndrome. So anything out of his poor financial reach is instantly bad and will use whatever mental gymnastics to justify and glorify the life of a peasant trying to make it seem like the better alternative than to being able to buy yourself things.

if i have a 350 watt at 4 ohm amp going into a 8 ohm 400 watt cab, do i need to worry about damaging my speakers?

I have fun playing guitar

Anyone had any experience with the Vox Valvetronix 40w?
I can get one 20% off and it seems a lot better than my current amp (mg15cfx)

I kinda want a 12 string acoustics. Are made in china Ibanezes any good??

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Get a dean

Same quality as the 1.5k Made in China Guilds

because you poorfags cant afford them
>t. gibson master race

this one looks nice

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your tuner is a piece of shit. Just tune one string and do the rest by ear/pitch matching until you stop being poor and buy a fucking gibson already


just because gibson is objectively garbage doesn't mean you aren't a poor faggot for not owning one cmon keep up and buy a goddamn gibson

wrong thread fucko

it's a step up from what you've got, but still not a fantastic amp. Save your money and buy a gibson instead

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t. fell for the EQD viral marketing campaign and bought a bunch of wacky unusuable stompboxes for $300 a pop

Seriously, EQD marketing department deserves a huge bonus this year. They did a great job parting fools from their wallets. I love watching rig rundowns and the interviewer points out some meme-tier wishy-washy reverbochorusdelay and the artist makes a soiboi face and goes "oh yeah EarthQuaker Devices(TM) those guys ROCK!!". And you can tell they've literally never engaged the pedal once even for one nanosecond.

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guys i switched to 10's from 11's and i have a problem where i keep letting my low and high e string slip off the fret board (it goes up or down where it makes a terrible noise) is this just a good problem to have that will make me fret more precisely or are my strings too close to the edge?
im new no bully

sometimes i have that issue while doing pulloffs, but if it's happening while you're fretting normally you probably just need to be more precise.

They're pretty cool little pieces though, if quite a bit overpriced. I really want an avalanche run, but cant justify the retarded price. At the end of the day it's just aluminum and circuits, nothing materially within them is worth 300. CHON has been using them quite a bit in their new music and they sound great desu

You probably need to file out your nut a little bit, stock nuts can have that problem when moving up in guages
>t. B standard on standard scale length

>will it affect the tuning in any way?
Well the tuning stability couldn't possibly be worse. So no.

>tremolos without any form of locking mechanism
It's like paying money to be out of tune lmao

Has anyone played around with a belle epoch deluxe I kinda wanna buy one but not sure if it's worth it

>mfw electrical guitarists sperg out endlessly about their overpriced electronics and the wood frame they're attached to.

Come on guys. You never even sperg out over anything which has to do with playability either. Just price tags and brands ad infinitum. If you're reading this post as a beginner guitarist please know this: Gear doesn't matter at all unless it affects your ability to play your instrument. The people who obsess over gear do so because they're not good players and will never become good players because they're stuck with that childish notion that gear matters.

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>he hasn't figured out that Gibson posting is a meme
You're welcome, buy a Gibson, thank me later.

>unless it affects your ability to play your instrument
Well chances are a $2000 guitar plays better than a $200 so it does matter.

It’s great, I’d just get the regular one though. Not worth double the price for two extra features that you’d likely never use.

>Gibson™ posting is a meme


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>>not whamming by bending the body and neck
You are a weak and your guitar is shit.


What are the two extra? The expression pedal and preamp?

Um I'm sorry sir, but that'll be 50 dollars to use that name without permission.

I bought the regular one and it just shits all over my TC Flashback.

Get a job, buy a Gibson and thank me later

jokes on you bitch, I'm thanking your right fucking now

I dont even use pedals jackass

The expression pedal and the Echo Program control. The regular one has the same preamp.

Bought this guitar for $50 and slapped some $30 pickups on it (the stock were shockingly bad). Been playing it for about a year but I want to get a cleaner sound since it is pretty muddy even with the new pickups. Is it worth investing in better pickups and staying with this one or should I just get a better guitar? I can take more detailed pictures

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Don't know why the picture got tilted

personally I'd say get a better guitar, and I don't even have a super nice guitar like the best guitars in the world(Gibson). I don't buy into tonewood memes or anything like that, but there's really something to be said about solid construction, good tuners, a good bridge, and other nice parts just making a guitar overall more playable/better sounding/less likely to shit out on you. Look around in like the 500-700 range, you cant really go wrong there desu. Then go get a fucking job, buy a Gibson, and thank me later

Sweet thanks, I'll look around my local guitar stores and see if I can find anything in that price range. I have noticed that my guitar is exceedingly light even compared to other Squires so I'm guessing that doesn't bode well for its build quality

Squier Classic Vibe series is a good cheap option, you can also find some Mexican/Korean Fenders on reverb for pretty cheap if the name on the headstock matters to you at all.

>no guitars that tune themselves
This is bullshit.

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Wish corrupted

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Sweet, thanks for the recommendations. How risky is it to buy online? I'm always worried it'll get messed up in shipping or something. Also is the "MIM guitars are the best" thing real or just a meme?

someone answer please i tried googling but i just got more confused

The monkey curls his finger

Didn't remember the ohms one, googling turned out a very clear answer that yes it's totally safe, just not optimal and may be a "lower quality output", however that relates to sound idk. Get better at googling, fren

as for wattage, amp wattage has to be equal to or lower than cab wattage, so you're good to go there too

>He doesn't know about Everyone bridges

Has anyone ever seen wiring like this on a strat before? It was giving off a tone of noise, turns out the ground was spliced in 3 places and had a loose crimp. I'm trying to figure out what this guy was doing.

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Not the best, but generally higher quality than anything from China or Indonesia. Buying online is obviously riskier than buying in person, but you can be pickier, and if you really want to be sure, you can always request more detailed pictures and ask them if they've tested electronics, frets, etc. You're not likely to have someone outright lie and sell you a dead guitar or anything, but you usually tend to discover small flaws after that fact.

Why do people say the Taylor A10 is better for flatpicking and the A12 is better for fingerpicking? I don't get it.

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You mean Evertune?

Different body shapes have different tonal properties.

Flatpicking is generally associated with dreadnoughts and finger picking with the other. It's all bullshit when you're talking about babby's first guitar, but I suppose that's why.

Yeah lol

I pay more than ten dollars for coated strings, but they last through six months of daily play so they're actually dirt cheap.

But why does that general association exist?


Why do i even own a bass anymore?
Been playing for 12 god damn years and have never been in a band

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Do it for the love, it's free of charge.

I've been playing guitar for 12 years and I'm not in a band desu let's collab 100% srs


I get that different body shapes give off different tonal properties but what does that have to do with how I choose to play them? What's wrong with using a plectrum on a A10?

I mean A12

Different shapes just lend better to the different playing styles. Yes, you can use a pick on an A10. You can do whatever you want.

Dreadnought is better suited for punchy styles like bluegrass. It projects better so that you don't get drown out by the loud ass banjo player and it has a tight bottom end for rhythm. The 000 style bodies are more balanced and subtle so it's better suited for intricate fingerstyle. You can flatpick on anything, but dreadnought is generally optimal. Similarly, you can fingerstyle a dreadnought, buy it will never sound as lush as a concert body.

Where do you live?

I'm a burger in the South desi, but once I get my recording shit back together from RMA city I'd unironically be down to collaborate with anyone in this thread through the interwebs. I dont have guitar friends irl

>burger in the South
Me too
Its too fucking hot outside

Do you need a band?

What the fuck am i gonna do with a bass guitar outside of a band?
Its not a lead instrument unless all you wanna do is Funk and some Jazz

My AC is broken for the third fucking summer in a row. Its fucking hard to play guitar when you're literally dripping sweat in your room

Damn man
I had my AC die one July 4th and could barely sleep from the heat

What about Taylor's Grand Auditorium bodies? They're supposed to have great bass and great treble

What about your moms body?

It doesn't really matter if you're considering academy series. It's all babby's first guitar construction with sapelle and meme dimensions. They probably sound similar. Just get the one you think looks cooler. I'd probably look into a yamaha though at that price point.

this will be my 8th summer without AC, first two on summer tours in shitty vans, next two were in 29 palms, 3rd was in Iraq, last three have been here in the south. I'm cursed to sweat my dude. It's absolutely fucking my strings too, I just replaced my strings a month ago and my sweaty nubs have already started to gunk them the fuck up. Not buying ernie balls again desu, I like my strings to last longer than what these have done for me.

What are /gg/s favorite strings?

For me, it's GHS Boomers DYXL with wound 3rd.

fuck these

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This 'ha would bootyblast any of those taylor academy trashcans: sweetwater.com/store/detail/LS6M--yamaha-ls6m-are-concert-natural

Barre chords?

work on that index finger strength user
remember to stretch before barring or you'll cramp

7 chords in particular. the 4th string is always dead for me

Boomers have no problem playing 7 chords so you should be able to clean it up.

Desu I want to try a wound third on my electric and have ever since I was a wee lad fanboying over Paul Waggoner, but can't seem to ever find them at my LGS and fuck ordering strings off the internet

About to pull the trigger on Gibson Explorer '19 in antique

Fuck that you fucking poorfag buy a gib-


Was usa dean too expensive?

Hell yeah post pics when you get it
Fucking lol

Got mine from stringsbymail.com. pretty painless and fastshipping.

Maybe if they made a Z body without the retarded headstock. I need a V guitar. Maybe I'll get one of those based Rust Mustaine models.

V's are based but seem just absolutely horrid for playing while sitting, frankly I dont know how anyone can deal with it

too many capacitors it seems. like, they're probably working against each other, or just super stacked and blowing out a high voltage number than normal

Can I git gud by just learning to play songs, or do I need to learn the technical side of things first? I've just been teaching myself how to play increasingly complex songs on the bass. I feel like there's a lot of technique I'm missing out on, but desu I like just having fun playing songs.

Are these fender player strats any good? Thinking about preordering this one

Fuck forgot the image

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You can develop a good amount of skill just by playing and pushing yourself, as long as you have a decent grasp on "good" technique pushing your limits will force you into playing well because there's no other way to pull off some harder material. Where you'll be lacking is theory and composition, like for example I can play plenty of Chon songs because I've practiced them enough, but I just dont have the kind of knowledge of chord shapes or theory in general to ever be able to compose music on that level, if that makes sense. If you're just doing it on your own and for fun there's no real need to do lessons or anything like that, but they'll only help in the long run, especially as you get further along in your journey. Dont be like me, playing necrophagist but unable to play a scale off the top of my head except for a single string major scale, its embarrassing desu

Some user in another thread said they're heavy

bass player here, played on about 100 different bass guitars and had about 20

ernie ball musicman sterling is the best bass there is that's not a Wal or a Spector

fender basses are not as good as ernie ball basses both in quality of production and in tone (however, that's subjective)

thank you, carry on

Same as any Strat

Hell no. Not even in the same league as the Academy series

We already knew this. Stingray best bass followed by chris squires ric
Get a squier bullet pic rel.

Fuck forgot image

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Pay no attention to soifags.

Cringe. Whatever, enjoy your laminate acoustic guitar with an """armrest""". Lmaoing at people who would actually buy this.

I've got a squier VM jazzmaster right now just wanna upgrade to a fender strat and learn how shred like rivers Cuomo

here's my retarded lawsuit les paul custom

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I hope you didn't pay for it to be fucked up

got it as a gift, was sitting in a dead dudes basement for a decade. haunted vibes bruh

i recall philip mcknight saying they were a bit shit and more for the whole pure vintage vibe than anything.

How do I decide on babby's first bass? I'm thinking of just going with a Squier Jazz Bass because I have small hands and I kind of want to learn how to play jazz anyway.

I've never seen a Player Strat in that colour before. Is it an American FSR? Here in the UK they released a shell pink one.

>CME exclusive

Get a Squier Mustang PJ.

Holy fuck am I a retard. It's a given because I play guitar but still.

Fender aerodyne bass, does jazz and precision tones.

okay that's pretty dope then, real wear and tear, and spooky too
Make some scooby doo music with it

So does a PJ

I'm bored so I'm going to post these. They're made of glass. I built them.

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The regular one has a tremolo mode if you unplug it and max the mod setting and plug it back in.

>made of glass
you work at gibson?

No you didn't

those guitars still have their headstocks attached.

>They're made of acrylic*
>I did not build them*

Not him, but they are actually glass...and he didn't build them.

But... why?

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Obligatory shoe on guitar

If it's really glass, shoot it with a pellet gun to prove it

KEK haters continously blown the fuck out, first PRS brah, now glass brah leaving poorfags absolutely seething. good work my guy looks sick. how did you make them?

i thought it would be fun look cool? Curious what they would sound like

How's the tone?

Well then, hello Alex

they better have glassy tones

post clips



tfw you will never be this good at guitar

is this good enough?

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what the fuck, wouldn't have expected him to get trendy gayboi hair coloring

must have hung out with polyphia too long


a glass cutter. various diamond tools/bits. really strong adhesives

I love their music desu but mario has always been a bit of a faggot. I remember when they released their last album and it was half future bass shit that sounded like it would be their walk-on songs to the stage, their whole fan page/group thing on facebook let out a collective wtf and he made this big whiny post about how the fans weren't real fans and blah blah how bad it hurt his feelings etc. I mean I get where he's coming from, but at the same time it was like, dude nobody listens to you for future bass songs with 1 guitar loop in the background, you took a swing at a new style and missed no reason to be such a fucking faggot about it. Think he's around too many soiboys at Smash tournaments honestly. Atleast he's smashing yvette

Warmer than expected. the sustain is phenomenal. the way the glass resonates creates some subtle yet pleasing harmonics.

do I know you personally?

Get new/used american pro or used american standard

>Atleast he's smashing yvette
Oh yeah? lol
It's funny, their music gets progressively more boring with every release
2008 demo was gnarly, Newborn Sun was still the shit, then it all just loses energy. Still pretty good here and there but not at all what they could have been


How’d you do it? Just melt a bunch down or mix your own?

Not everyone can be consistent as deicide. Literally all bangers on all albums without weird experimental shit or shit covers. (Looking at you shitallica).

nah but he should. I sure as fuck would. I think their last album had some misses to be sure, but the newest one is really sounding great so far. I like that both them and polyphia finally stopped just slammed through scales as fast as possible and actually are experimenting with effects/chord shapes/time a lot more. I think polyphia are fucking faggots but NLND was one of the more refreshing guitar focused albums I'd heard in a long time, cringe memes aside. Hopefully this new chon one is good, if it was full of Nayhoo's again it would be a massive disappointment. But I think they learned their lessons last time. I will never understand how artists can be surprised when they release music completely different to what they had been doing originally, and have some fans not like it. It'd be like if mcdonalds started selling Indian food only and were surprised people were pissed they don't have chicken nuggets anymore

He made your mom sit on sand that was in a mold. The immense mass pressure created the heat necessary to create glass


Holy shit dudes, I really wanna smash Polyphia's guitarist
I knew he was twinky but I didn't know he was going full femboy

Who's y'alls favorite queer guitar icon?

And that's a good thing

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I'm pretty sure he unironically does gay porn in his off time. You can have him I call dibs on yvette


her music as a band is boring as fuck but her alone is incredible. And that's not just because I want to fuck her desu

I don't do lamp/kiln work. I just cut and grind plate glass to get the shape

holy shit they're both fucking gay lmao we're all getting outplayed by actual literal faggots


nah it's just being gender-nonconforming and pretending to not be straight is very hip and Polyphia is at the forefront of all things hip


dude, look at this nigga. he's gay as fuck


yeah, pretty sure he's not straight bro

I converted a file to webm for nothing. It says I cant post audio streams. I don't come here very often lately so forgive me

I'm sorry you're so insecure about your own homosexuality. Maybe some day you'll stop enjoying bands that are terrible too.

Post to streamable, user webm hosting that isn't a gimped upload limit

What band is that? Next time they come to l.a ill see them and try to fuck the green haired chick.

Do audio timestamp

Ok dont get your hopes up. I made this clip a while back. same pickup, wiring, amp, same everything basically


Damn user that is legitimately fucking badass. Congrats you posted the coolest shit /gg/ has ever seen or probably will ever see. Now stop being poor. Get a job. Buy a Gibson. And thank me later.

Shes not in the band, probly just some groupie that taught him how to do his eye liner. It's honestly cracking me the fuck up that polyphia are gay, I remember people giving them shit about asking girls to come up on stage and make out with them, now all the over compensation makes so much fucking sense

How is the tuning stability? I know aluminum necks have problems with tuning stability and temperature.

Fuckin' ay that thing sustains almost as long as a Gibson LP.

Never heard of polyphia and im sure thats good.
Im guessing its twink metal.
Listen to real metal pic related

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Good as far as I can tell. I use Grover tuners. The neck is fucking rock solid so I don't use truss rods.

It sustains longer but im sure it also mutes certain frequencies. Sounded more square shaped compared to the fender.

I'd do some tuning stability/temperature tests if I were you just out of curiosity. I'd try to simulate stuff like bringing a guitar into a warm bar from below 0 weather outside, or taking a guitar out of a warm car into a cold weather outdoor gig.

They're extremely talented guitarists, but are also the zoomiest fucking zoomers to ever zoom and it pretty much ruins it. They try to play the ego schtick as a defense against their crippling insecurity and cant pull it off very well. The sort of dudes who spent so much time autistically practicing that they forgot to have personalities and replaced them with memes.

maybe. some frequencies seem to stand out more than others.

Alright let me ask the real questions.
Have you ever chopped and snorted an 8 ball of coke off the glass back?

redpill me on finger gunk

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I guess I'll put that on my long list of shit I need to figure out.

Compare its performance regarding that shit to regular wooden guitars. It's a viable design if it's at least equally tuning stable or negligibly worse.

Sounds like Gayngel vivaldi: the band. Im sure theyre talented tho. Metal musicians skills are underrated especially as you get to the more extreme intricate stuff. Outside of jazz and classical the best current bass and drum players are in death metal bands. Death metal autists are all about perfect timing with a metronome and changing time signatures and key on the fly. It's just hard to pay attention to the virtuosity because the dominating guitars and vocals.


Love the sound or hate the sound they're pretty fucking good at their instruments, and have an original sound at least in the instrumental guitar world. Honestly I find they're drummer just as if not more impressive than them though, he can and does pull off those trap beats and then some live. Hes not Aric Improta levels of midi-pad drumming but hes pretty good. I just wish Paul Wagoner hadn't decided to suicide making good music in an attempt to be the next fucking Petrucci or whatever. btbam used to be so good, now they're the progressive metal equivalent of late Yes and it's honestly embarrassing to watch. At least the fucking cancer that was djent is mostly over and done with. Cant believe metal turned into 000-00-00000-X-00-X-000-0000 for so many fucking years and everyone pretended it sounded good and original. Fucking hell I hate djent

the fuck is that

they stay in tune better than my strat i suppose. I guess I've never really concerned myself with tuning stability or it just isn't an issue I'm having with these

No. I prefer amphetamine.

Have tried learning bass in the past, but i find it boring to practice by myself. Also the normal rhythms i play are boring as fuck but i love complex bass lines like progressive metal/ tech death. Is it worth picking back up again or is a guitar going to be more worthwhile due to it being fun to play from the get go? Thanks for your time in advance.

Its because plebs cant play heavy sinister metal in E standard. This is in e standard but sounds pretty fat and dark.

These kids were the ones wearing evanescense and cradle of filth shirts amd would get made fun of by real metalheads. Also if you own a ride the lightning shirt youre guaranteed pleb

Addy gang?

that and coffee at 1 am

Dont have to convince me brah the dillinger escape plan plays in e standard and Lurch is one of the heaviest songs of all time imo. I play in D standard though, with occasional drop C because its convenient. Once I took the standard pill, drop tunings just feel fucking retarded

Why tho? Night job?
This is in e standard and sounds unholy as all hell cumming on raped diamembered and disboweled nuns.

>tfw figured out what caffeine pills are
>now up to 400mg a day
>sometimes with a monster at lunch
>smoke a half a pack a day
Somehow still perfect blood pressure. Thanks for reading my blog.

Heart attack at 38.

I only play in e standard to noodle over k pop songs

Desu I'm hoping it comes sooner, give me that sweet sweet release.

Wait there are people that actually practice scales?

in between jobs right now. go back to the 9-5 next week.

why wouldn't there be

Scales aren't music nigga

Just buy a Gibson and you won't have to learn how to play.

I pay $10 for elixirs because they're the only strings that intonate right on my guitar

EQD is a shoegaze company

Nothing they make is good for anything but shoegaze, and they price their shit accordingly and refuse to update their production process because doing it old school makes the hipster fucks that still play shoegaze feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Speaking of fuzzy, I pray for the lost souls who fell for their endangered fuzz meme.
>*same fart noises as any other fuzz*

kek, i haven't followed them in a while so i didn't realized he'd crossed over from twinking to blatant crossdressing.

neck stability and quality fretwork are things that cost money and then end up costing more money because they pair them with fancy finishes and overpriced pickups like EMGs and seymour duncans for marketing reasons

just saying

below that they pray nobody will care because you can't hear the buzz through the gain knob that's set to 20

Scrolling through his Twitter was fucking gross honestly lmao but he did confirm hes bi. Guitar in one hand dick in the other. Hes also apparently a xanax faggot so, expect an overdose death in like a year or two. They act like they're motley crue and not an obscure niche instrumental band that is reviled throughout the scene for being annoying hypebeasts, pretty entertaining.

G.O.A.T. was pretty cool though, you have to give them that.

I want to learn bass and I want a good electric bass, what do I get

Fender Precision.


Gibson basses are shit. Epiphone is unironically much better when it comes to basses.

cheapest one on amazon

nobody cares because it's a bass

Attached: this image might give someone a boner.jpg (820x781, 174K)

>mfw portrait of tracy

so good but i cant make it all the way through yet. anyone else learned this one?

Where do you get "insecure about your own homosexuality" there? I'm literally saying I want to have sex with a dude.

PS here's one of his gay guitars so this is still on topic

Attached: BoiWithNiceGuitar.jpg (1920x1080, 134K)

Oh wait, you're probably a boomer and don't know smash now means fuck, not fight

That guitar isn't very gay

Now this is a gay guitar

Attached: Les-Paul-Standard-50s-Spec-1.jpg (1400x1867, 238K)

I like what he did with that guitar. They come standard with black pickups and cosmo black hardware iirc. The gold and white looks nice.

buy a Neck-through bass at aliexpress.

Help plz

New levels new devils was one of my top three albums of last year, I'm not one of those that cant separate art from the artist. I think its hilarious hes bi after years and years of pulling chicks(some underage) on to stage to make out with them. It all makes so much sense now

Will playing guitar get me girls with a vagina?

No, but it will get you a vagina of your own.

Just ask Timmy.

Judging by
No, but probably some sweet boipussy

you right, clownburst gay as hell

thats a chibson real nitro is not that glossy.

this guitar radiates so much gay i looped back around and became straight, but now i'm a girl.

pic related it's me now

Attached: c8836d98eda03d0108d72f8850e0aca2.jpg (640x960, 58K)

Ur cute

please don't say that, this ruined my life. i'm going to have to kill myself if someone doesn't find a guitar that radiates enough heterosexuality to change my back.

butterscotch tele

Quick, someone post a Dean

Start a private snapchat. Save up some fucking money so you can stop being fucking poor. And buy a Gibson. Thank me now. And do it again later.

What technique is the bass player using in this video?

>change my back
me back

if it just changed my back i would be an anime girl with back hair

>with a vagina
wtf dude don't be such a transhphobe

No, this calls for a Taller Than Midgets guitar.

This is a good thread :^)

>looked up "very very gay guitar" to post a pic with this post
>a pic of Tim pops up
top lole
won't let me DL though so here's a thumbnail

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-06-04 at 11.09.14 PM.png (389x396, 183K)

After going through some forums, I saw some suggestions to stack the Crimson Drives with either Way Huge Red Llama or Catalinbread SFT. Since the former is almost Tweed-like I saw that Catalinbread Formula 55 is based on the 5E3 preamp. They have a Bassman circuit in their Formula 5F6. Which one do you all figure would sound best with my Crimson Drive? I'm open to any suggestions. Preferably I'm looking to get a blown amp sound out of my rig.

Attached: 1478885067589.jpg (1000x544, 76K)

I do not know what you mean by this

ibanez ts9
two RATs


Attached: 55EA9FFB-C095-4A09-A7A4-4545F541483F.jpg (1065x1550, 1.08M)

Think Dean guitars, but with more Dean.


Alex Webster has a good book on how to play bass
