Favorite metal albums? Here's one of mine.
>Favorite doesn't mean the best, just ones you like in particular. People love to forget that.
Favorite metal albums? Here's one of mine.
>Favorite doesn't mean the best, just ones you like in particular. People love to forget that.
Other urls found in this thread:
Motorhead - Sacrifice
Black Sabbath - Sabbath Bloody Sabbath
Rammstein - sehnsuct
This, and Bathory s/t, and Reign in Blood by Slayer are my absolute faves
Anyone else on the west coast ip range banned from v and vg? This happens a lot.
Also I dont want to tell u my fav metal albums because u will calle me soi
You're afraid of being called soi?
Pic related, mostly for the first five tracks. I think that At the Gates really perfected their sound in those tracks (they're similar in style to the first album but with more coherent songwriting).
Works fine for me, soiboi
I mostly want to know about the ip range ban thing
>>Favorite doesn't mean the best, just ones you like in particular. People love to forget that.
based retard
This makes perfect sense. Its a matter of subjectivity vs. An amalgamation or average of all scores for the albums of the genre at hand.
Kinda overrated imo but not bad
Good taste
Pic related is one of my favorites cant really choose
Non-Divine and Primal Breath are really on another level but that whole album is great, nice pick user
choose wisely
Solid choice
Why isn't there any painkiller in this thread?
Riff after riff
MOTHER EARTH HAS FALLEN TO MOTHER MAN. AAAAGHHHHH the riffs on that album are so dank
Blind Guardian - Battalions of Fear
dude this cynic album made me either gay or enlightened
lel both
but actually this cynic album is 10/10 listen if you can
The fucking build up to those riffs on I'm But A Wave To. Fuck
My whole life I believed Powerslave was the best Iron Maiden album, but really it was Somewhere in Time all along.
Gorguts - Obscura
Eyehategod - Dopesick
Death - Scream Bloody Gore
why. in the hell would you post the instrumental version
but this is the best metal album
sabbath bloody sabbath is based aswell
my favourite album is also paranoid but to post something else, carnivore - retaliation
>first listen
listened to return trip and it's based af
what else you got?
My 2nd favorite Death album. Gets nowhere near the respect it deserves.
Op's is my second favorite, almost favorite I prefer this one
Fine choice, sirs, fine choice.
+ Children of Bodom - Hatecrew Deathroll
+ Opeth - Still Life
+ Opeth Watershed
+ Death - Symbolic
+ Sabbath - Paranoid
Holy Mary mother of ZOG!
Holy shit that is pure homosex
What does ghoul pusy taste like bros
Tin can