What the fuck

what the fuck

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wow, we got btfo

courtesy of a different user

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their chart is such garbage

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they took Yea Forumscore and changed the name

lol, thats just the Yea Forumscore chart

>Closer instead of Unknown Pleasures
Based move I must say.

all they talk about over there is fucking stufjan stevens and some other faggot flavor of the month folk crap

the fact that it looks semi normal in the thumbnail makes this ever funnier

>the joy divisions
>but not the cure

Literally was shadow banned from there. Never posted off-topic, just not in line with le reddit group think

Banning is one thing, but shadowbanning is some real unethical shit. Fuck that place

Thank goodness Yea Forums still exists where you can be authentic and not have your comment hidden/account banned

indieheads just appropriated Yea Forumsculture/charts but made it moderated by SJWs

>not Surfer Rosa

Reddit is nothing short of normie, don't kid yourselves. There is nothing surprising about this.

lift your skinny fists and itaots are the only good albums on that chart

Reddit is for serious discussion, Yea Forums is for shitposting. Everyone knows it.

Eat a pussy you fucking idiot.

>Eat a pussy
Is that supposed to be an insult, or you're one of those ""men"" who actually think eating pussy is degrading or some bullshit like that lol

We're nowhere look at this not even mentioned

Reddit is for boomers, Yea Forums is for banter

>what? popular indie rock albums of people in their mid 20s
>are also being listened to by other people in their mid 20s???

Reddit is for people who think "serious discussion" is a thing.

Attached: tenor.gif (350x232, 461K)

>The Cure is not r*dditcore
This is based.

I got shadowbanned in some sub for saying Blink-182 sucks. That place is a joke. Yea Forums sucks in its own way but at least there are no sensitive pasty nerds silencing my opinions.


let's not even pretend this isn't Yea Forumscore

So this means that King Crimson and the Cure are legitt/ourguys/?

my normalfag roommate told me he got banned from r/sex for telling someone guy with porn addiction that he should go on nofap.
i can't fathom why anyone would want to use that goddamned site.

wow not even recognising Yea Forums as the patrician's choice for music discussion?
Anyone see Clario's footpussy btw? tight 2bh

>chart vs chart



Yea Forums is a reddit board, are you guys really surprised?

Based Fripp

This, Reddit's useful for darknet stuffs and sports streaming, but making an actual account and stressing over saying the right things, sometimes trying to be le witty using their fedora Rick and Morty humour and hugboxing other users for internet points is something I can't even fathom

even tripfagging is better

you said it buddy

>Reddit's useful for darknet stuffs
what subs

Literally Yea Forums

I mean everything on there is just obvious. Wouldn't say most of these are bad albums.

the glow sucks to be desu


The Strokes
Sufjan Stevens
The Microphones
LCD Soundsystem
Arcade Fire
Godspeed You! Black Emperor

All suck and are 100% Reddit

it’s the Yea Forumscore chart but even more basic bitch

We are better than reddit in every conceivable way.

>Serious discussion

reddit is just more marketable than Yea Forums. They don't want to be linking to a website known for trolls, incels and fasicts

>absolute pioneers of 2nd wave post rock

Sensitive pasty nerd here, and I would never silence your opinion, user

Soof is /ourguy/ you retard

Unironicaly this though

Irreverence and bullshit and nonsense and absurdity directed even partially towards serious substance is still better than a polite and disciplined approach to what amounts to overly safe and overdone music

>implying that you cannot have a serious discussion through quality shitposting

I'm sort of proud of the fact that I was banned from r/sonicthehedgehog

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Oh wow, reddit only talks about flavor of the month shit? I'm glad we don't do that

>No Beefheart

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this is literally Yea Forumscore lmao

literally does not exist

go back you motherfucker

Holy shit. Did we steal our core from Indieheads?

this but 100% unironically. i also like paranoid android, but the album as a whole is very overrated.


is there a thread to call these faggots out. fuck this means war

Second wave post-rock is total trash and GYBE are commie faggots.

hell yeah dude we need another based LOAF thread soon

>hasn't been a serious discussion on Yea Forums since 2013
>is offended when we're not top dog anymore

thank you zoomers for ruining the board :)

We were never top dog man. We have at most 200 posters. Indieheads has 700000 subs. We don't matter.

Yea Forums died with The Dicklick Brigade.

How is Talking Heads (a genuinely popular band) indie?

stop advertising your article here dude

>influenced dozens of bands
>plenty of artist Q&As
>single handed launched bald fucks career
>pushed ITAOTS into meme status

at least it was fucking board culture unlike the absolute nothing we get today. The Spaghetti Tapes were pretty fucking cringe but at least someone was doing something other than shitposting

>plenty of artist Q&As
Bitch when? And who?

>Dan Barrett who did two legit video Q&As
>Zach Hill considering we literally launched Death Grips into orbit
>Car seat Headrest used to post all the time

i miss 2012-2014 Yea Forums bros

As if sufjan isn’t the Brian Wilson of our time

This article could literally be about mu if it wasnt filled with such toxic people and annoying zoomers that pushed all the good posters away. Now it is just filled with blacked bait threads and twotter screenshots.

wtf I hate all these bands/artists now

Don't forget that one guy from DIIV