I'm here to shamelessly plug my tape label... since it was Yea Forums that got me into harsh noise originally. deathbedtapes.bandcamp.com/
For fans of Harsh Noise, HNW, Industrial, and Power Electronics. I put out one tape a week, every Monday. I started this label last year as a way to put out my own stuff, but it quickly turned into this big thing. I've been working with artists like Masonna (Controlled Death), Richard Ramirez, Subklinik, Vomir, Macronympha, and a ton more. I love doing special box sets. My Subklinik one included human bones and grave dirt. The N. one came with a 1930's Last Will and Testament. The Macronympha one came with a leather gimp mask. I'm planning one that comes with real prison shanks purchased from a corrections officer. The digital discography is 90% off. That's 38 releases for $11.40 There are tons of tapes in stock, plus t-shirts and patches. I have a HUGE queue of releases planned... about 50 of them (some notable ones are Contagious Orgasm, Guilty Connector, Masonna, K2, Breathing Problem...)
Keep track of the label on facebook at Deathbed Tapes on IG @deathbedtapes or follow on the bandcamp.
noise is good and you should feel good glad people are still doing cool stuff
Ryan Sanders
Thank you!
Appreciate that. I just try to put out stuff that I would wanna buy.
Owen Phillips
how in the actual fuck did you get to work with masonna
Colton Rodriguez
Good stuff, refreshing to see something actually interesting/underground on Yea Forums.
Camden Adams
Asking just out of curiosity since I'm involved with a cassette label myself - are you not considering a SoundCloud presence? It seems to be the way to go for many small industrial/noise/experimental/techno labels, even those way underground, for getting noticed and staying relevant.
Thank you so much, glad that people find it interesting.
I sell so many digital sales, and have tons of "backstage" subscribers on BC that send me $5 a month - they get 20% off all orders, early access, access to a private forum, and the digital discography. I'm just so happy with bandcamo that I feel no reason to mess with soundcloud. Not worried about being relevant, I work with enough amazing people that the word gets out about my label.
Lincoln Lopez
faggot that not music thats just noise and sound effects and people pay for that shit lol so yer a scam artist agagaah
Leo Robinson
Julian Jenkins
lol get a load of this guy
Jeremiah Diaz
I dig it my dude. Got one of your codes. Hate the music but love the visual style and the special box sets, I work in a hospital and I get access to some pretty weird shit. Every time we have someone dies I look to see if they left any food, I think theres something bitchin about eating a dead man's apple, for example. I once snagged a small bottle of champagne left for a priest who died. If something comes up that would make for a cool addition to a box set I'll let you know.
Juan King
Since you seem pretty knowledgeable, how would you say one should go about getting connections in the noise scene?
Jaxon Turner
Will you send me free merch and cassettes for going on the same imageboard as you?
It helps to live near an active scene. Lots of great artists come through Dayton (or are from this area) and that's helped me out a lot with meeting artists, distributors, etc. Instagram seems to be the main networking place for noise dudes, just start following people on there and messaging people.
No, I give away all kinds of free shit, but only to customers.
I have some european distros, but none for merch... I will think about that.
Ok, well thanks for letting me know lol. I get 2 or 3 submissions every single day... doesn't hurt to send me stuff though, I put out tons of submissions.
I don't use any software for my noise. Just a contact mic, a couple distortion pedals and a USB mixer - no editing or anything, I just change the volume sometimes. My projects are begravd, DEATH CULT RITUAL. dead man walking, and I'm a member of อาชญากรรม and Unknown Assailant.
Appreciate it man!!
Cool I have no issues with that. I want everything to be as accessible as possible. I try to make everything affordable, but I have enough supporters that I don't worry about illegal downloads lol
A lot of distortion and literally any sound source. Then get twiddling. Having analog shit helps, because you can fine tune it for better textures.
Let's say I made a submission, how likely is it to get put out, even if placed on a backburner? I copped a code earlier btw, forgot to say. Thanks.
Nathan Sanchez
It just depends on if I like how it sounds and the general vibe of the project. I tend to work with projects that deal with darker themes like death/violence/sex but if I don't put it out, you can always send it elsewhere
Leo James
Guess I can always try when I have something. I'm not really dealing much with the transgressive themes myself, though.
Luis Perez
Cool, I mean I can really make any project fit into the label, but that's what I tend to put out - just because that's the kind of shit I enjoy. I'd be happy to give it a listen. There are so many great labels out there you could try to send it to as well... some favorite active ones are Bizarre Audio Arts, Foul Prey, No Rent, Contradiction, Angst, Breathing Problem, Heavy Days, Damien Records, Torn Light, Putrescent Tapes, Oxen, etc.
Benjamin Ward
Thanks. I don't have anything to send you at the moment, but I'm planning to make some new stuff this month. Probably HNW this time. I have no idea which labels take submissions from nobodies, so thanks a ton for the names!
Nolan Rivera
Not many labels put out HNW, but I do. Join the HNW facebook group if you haven't, ton's of HWN labels on there.
Hudson Hill
I'm not on Facebook right now, I finally managed to get them to delete all that shit they hoarded on me so I'm not super keen to go back. But I guess I'll have to eventually.
I didn't do HNW yet, its just something I want to try and see how it turns out, since I have some ideas.
John Parker
artwork is on point, do you have a website where i can see more of your artwork?
John Cook
No, I don't really have time to do much art outside of the label these days.