/prod/ - music production general

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DON'T link to Soundcloud or youtube etc, anything that is not anonymous is considered self promotion and will result in bad feedback.


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sup, lemme get some feedback

so how weird does the weird occult sex shit have to be? I might be in the ballpark if it doesn't involve children (hate that)

I don't know shit about synths or anything for that matter. Should I get a monologue or a microbrute to learn on? I have very little space so those two (or anything else of similar size with a built in keyboard if you have a recommendation) are the ones grabbing my attention at the moment.

Are you sure that a monophonic synth will work for you? Hands-on controls are certainly the way to go when learning. Keep in mind that the microbrute does not save presets which I personally would find to be cumbersome as beginner. You'll have to multitrack it immediately or sample it if you want to get into producing at the same time. As far as I know the microbrute only has one OSC so there'll be no detuning, syncing or ringmod. Both synths have a very distinctive sound and (as they are monophonic) profit massively from at least a delay and reverb pedal if those effects aren't supplied. Both have a sequencer which is very good. If you simply want to learn synthesis there are other ways to go about it that are tactile but also cheaper namely using a tablet or phone with free apps for dipping your toes into the water. On a polyphonic synth you'll always have the possiblity of going mono with some slight differences. Might be more inspiring depending on your musical ambitions. Monos will force you into a different direction making you focus on bass lines, melodies and outlining chords via arpeggios if you don't multitrack each note.

>You'll have to multitrack it immediately or sample it if you want to get into producing at the same time.
I was thinking of first learning the basics of how to synthesize sounds and the theory behind synthesis first before I venture out into making any actual music. I'm slowly going to go through the pastebin learning resources. Right now I'm at the bottom floor with no knowledge on synthesis or music theory.

>If you simply want to learn synthesis there are other ways to go about it that are tactile but also cheaper namely using a tablet or phone with free apps for dipping your toes into the water.

The reason I wanted to go with a physical synth specifically was because I imagine having something tangible sitting there will be more motivating for me than something software based.

>On a polyphonic synth you'll always have the possiblity of going mono with some slight differences. Might be more inspiring depending on your musical ambitions. Monos will force you into a different direction making you focus on bass lines, melodies and outlining chords via arpeggios if you don't multitrack each note.
I mentioned those two synths due to their cost, availability, and size. I'm not married to the idea of getting a monophonic synth. If you have any suggestions for polyphonic ones I'd be interested too.

Thanks for all the info. I feel pretty overwhelmed by the amount of information there is to wade through.

Most likely does, and you'll have to attend the same functions as film industry heavies who 100% are into kiddie stuff.

Are you oppossed to buying used? I assume your budget is around 300 dollars if you were considering the monologue and the microbrute. I started on a used microkorg which cna be had for around that price and you still see it recommended but I wouldn't get it these days with all the options out there. If you can stretch your budget just a little bit or get lucky, I would recommend the Roland JD-Xi as a great allrounder. Digital polysynth with one analog mono voice in addition. Comes with drums and a 4 tracker sequencer plus some ROMpler type of options with classic roland string, keyboard and trumpet sounds etc. Truly a killer device for the price and still relatively hands-on. The only other poly options I see are a used minilogue (not the XD) or behringer deepmind 6. The 12 voice version is probably out of your range. Both of these are analog synthesizers with the minilogue being fully hands-on with 4 voices and a sequencer and the deepmind 6 having a great effects section and 6 analog voices. Check the sounds out and see what you think. People complained about the resonance on the minilogue because it drops the bottom end when being raised and because it sounds very 'modern korg' meaning relatively hifi even for an analog synth. The deepmind delivers pretty classic tones closer to a juno.

>tfw slowly getting better at programming drums

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I've exclusively been looking at used actually. I'll keep an eye out for all the ones you mentioned. If any of them pops up on craigslist for cheap I'll pick it up. Thanks.

How do I make quiets quieter and loud a louder? Or more preferably, just the quiets quieter

by adjusting the volume...?


started working on this deadmau5 sounding track, thoughts?

Gates, just fine one that has a depth parameter and use it to reduce (instead of remove) the volume of everything below the threshold.
SSL desk emus should have ones like that iirc.

I fucked up the upload of this sorry, it's clipping like mad

What is the path to getting good at writing cute electropop for cute robot girls?

This is my most important life goal.

I don't think it's going well right now.

How do I get to this level?

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trying to go for a dark dungeoney vibe, would adding more reverb kill this?
any feeback would be awesome though

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just program a generic lead and throw some arpeggios in

Is this supposed to be dungeon synth?

i don't think so, i don't really listen to dungeon synth. i just want to make the kind of music that would get played when people go into abandoned buildings to maybe dance a bit and/or just think about why the hell anything matters

I’m sorry but what does most of this mean? What is a gate, depth parameter, SSL desk or emus?

But how do I make a GOOD generic lead?

Okay, I would have ripped it apart otherwise. The melody is just all over the place here. Scrap everything except for the percussion, make the bass hit harder and increase the tempo. Sounds too toothless and keyboard demo like right now. Add a simple repetitive melody and samples over it afterwards. Have you cross-referenced other tracks for this?

Couldn't tell you other than that it involves saw waves and a ton of unison but I've heard that exact same lead a million times in eurobeat so it shouldn't be too hard to find a guide

almost wrote a trainwreck of a post in reply but i'll just say thanks instead, and i have not cross-referenced

Study counterpoint.

what DAW? what drumz? what level of programming?

Read the preface to Counterpoint in Composition last night and that exercise of improvising counterpoint with the voice seems above my level. I studied first species counterpoint for a year at a music school and used to improvise it on piano, but my ear training went to SHIT. I'm struggling with just intervals. Time to go hardcore into practicing ear training I guess.
Anyone have ear training cram advice? I'm tired of sucking.


How's this? shit? maybe even fucking shit?


teoria is a good resource.

Lyrics, drums and synths are actually pretty good but the guitar is awful

Yeah that's what I've been using mostly.

what about it is shitt? the tone? the chords? it's place in the mix? the general playing of it?


using addictive drums 2, and i'm looking at Squarepusher right now as a kind of baseline for how complex they should be. drums used to be my worst area by far so it's nice to start getting better at them.

I feel like it's a little too dominant in the mix but I haven't listened with headphones. The tone and chords are alright, I'm just not a fan of the melody

Meme of the day

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I'll try and pull it back a little. Do you think I should just turn it down? You don't like the melody of the guitar (which part, the verse or the chorus?) or you don't like the melody of the vox over the guitar?

Thanks for the fresh ears, man

he SHOULD post more

on the other hand, I was nice to Sammy once and I still regret it

>Do you think I should just turn it down?
just listened again with headphones and yeah, I'd turn it down a bit and maybe shave off a bit of the high end but that's just personal preference
>the verse or the chorus
definitely the melody of the guitar during the chorus

Played guitars for 14 years. I got my start on synthesis using a Monotribe. Then a Electribe 2. Then a Novation KS4, and last an Ultranova. I got my start here on Yea Forums when grooveboxes were discussed.

Today, over a year later, I finally adopted softsynths. Put together a chill, minimal, loop interlude for my first work with just Massive.
Any critique, telling me to improve or quit, is really appreciated. Thank you in advance.

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I was never nice to him and I also regret it.

Forget soft synths, you should get some Eurorack modules.

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Trust me, user, I am tempted to get into it. I just cannot poorfag harder by being a guitarist and pedal person as my main trade.
VCV is an acceptable substitute for now.

*invests 10k into two Oscs, one env and a filter*
This is a nice generative patch but was it worth it?

I think shaving off a bit of the high end may be the key, it sounds much more palatable and less harsh. Will post it again in a bit, hopefully you're still around


what does this sound like to you guys
is it too long


Use a compresser

I meant what does it sound like aesthetically

Sounding good so far, I like the little ratchety hiss bits and the slow build.

sounds like a ghost level from super mario if the super mario soundtrack was made in FL

how does it even sound remotely anything like that can you give me a real answer

listen to the part at at 1:37

My bad, they actually call it "range" on that unit.
A gate is a device that applies gain adjustments to a signal below a specified level, typically used to remove noise from signals (like electrical hum).
A simple gate will only allow your audio signal through if it passes a certain loudness level, but more sophisticated ones can apply a variable gain reduction (the depth or range)
This is more useful if you want to keep the soft sounds but make them less apparent as in a singer breathing or a guitarist's fingers sliding on strings.
SSL is the company Solid State Logic and "emus" is my slang for "emulations".

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cool for you, synths are fun, but read the op, no soundcloud

phaser is friend

Whoah what happened? Did he kill himself on stream?

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how the fuck do i stop overthinking? do i time myself, what do i do? im sick of this shit


He passed away accidentaly when installing his new CPU. Some component was not properly grounded and the electricity of his entire favela fried his brain on the spot making supa de macaco out of it

Take a one or two day break from current projects and if it sounds good when you come back to it just force yourself to put it out

I'm already back from a week vacation, can't afford breaks right now.

Are you really dead set on hardware? Midi controller + 3 softsynths for the price of one of those.

i still need feedback

I watched a Chris Punsalan video a few minutes ago where he he did a 365 beat a day challenge. He only actually completed 129 days but made $4500 and said that needing to make a beat, upload a beat, and upload a beat video every day forced him to not overthink things as much because he had to get everything out at a specific time.

So my advice is just rush things, that's what I'm gonna do from now on.

Well, you've got the sounds, now you need to organize them.

>calling that generative
I'll bet you didn't even use 100% of your RAM on reverb.


RIP in peace, I actually liked his band's punk stuff.

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Is this label worthy?

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Probably, I really like the spring sounds.

u havin a laff m8


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ffs I made the single smoothest synth patch I've ever heard today but I can for the life of me not come up with a satisfying melody

build the rest of the song then. build the drums and make the melody ride them

already have the basic drums together but don't feel like recording anything definite before the lead is finished. Guess I'll just press random keys and see if I can invent a new chord tomorrow.

>tfw the generation growing up with this shit is going to be production geniuses and we'll never be able to compete as old men

Dm7/9 - G6 - C5M7 - G6
Dm7/9 - G6 - C5M7 - Em6

someone tell me that this progression isn't c# super locrian

how fucked am i with this progression for writing a melody if i have 0.001%'s worth of music theory knowledge

i literally can't think of any melody for such an overused progression

How can I improve this


im gonna go make some music guys

The 5th it pretty much always included in the main chord symbol, you only need to bring attention to it if it's altered. Also if it's a 9 the 7 is implied so you don't need to write it.

Pretty basic major progression with some extensions.

>Dm G C
>c# super locrian

This is just ii V I. Stop overthinking things and use the C major scale.

If you want to be jazzy, alternate between D dorian, G mixolydian, and C major as the chords change.

how many vst's you think it will run?

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Anyone know what track this is? I tried to recreate it from memory

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pretty gay ass melody brah

>28 Cores
>1.5TB Ram
holy shit

thanks, i'm just learning most of this stuff and kind of fucked myself going straight into half-assed attempting jazz, so i don't know how to notate at all

c# super locrian was, like, the only scale i could think of that used all the notes in those chords

i did immediately think of d dorian after but that c# towards the end has me overthinking everything

c major monkey dancing video edm

Currently making a Power Noise album, this is one of the softer tracks. Feedback would be great!

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>c# super locrian was, like, the only scale i could think of that used all the notes in those chords
The way you wrote it there shouldn't be any C# in those chords because the extensions by default relate back to the notes of the key, which in this case seems to be C. If your extensions aren't in C you'll need to add sharps and flats where necessary to show it.

I agree with the other user about organizing the sounds, maybe try just focusing on an element about the piece, such as a driving synth or the drumming. Also probably needs a mix to focus on that element as the wobbly synths seem to take over the track. Listening to some Jojo Mayer might help? but anyways keep at it


>If you want to be jazzy, alternate between D dorian, G mixolydian, and C major as the chords change.
>If you want to be jazzy just play in these fancy names for the same fucking scale
Fuck jazz.
Fuck modes.

there's an em6 towards the end of the progression with a c# in it, which pointed me to the super locrian thing. otherwise i would just try to follow your logic and do... e phrygian? but, you know, the c#.

kontakt just corrupted my whole session to the point of it being unopenable anyway, so i guess i'm just asking for future reference at this point

im sad but it doesnt help me make sad music it just helps me make shitty music

track is good
maybe i need to hear it in context to the other songs, but doesn't sound very power noise. but i can see how it could contrast well with a power noise track.

>em6 towards the end of the progression with a c# in it
You're right, but can someone explain to me why the 6th is sharp?
E minor is the relative minor to G major which only has F# in the key... so why the sharp 6th?

needs to be more of it. add different melodies or switch up the arrangement a bit

yeah that shit has me agged too, but the other scales sound different from c major at least. unresolved-y

i'm an idiot that doesn't know what they're doing, is why. just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks

with that being said, does that mean the whole progression is c# super locrian??????

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do y'all save different versions of your project as you are mixing it, or do you just keep saving over the same project?

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I tend to save as many copies as possible

I bounce stems at each stage and save over the proj file. No respect

yeah that's reatarded

>the whole progression is c# super locrian??????
No dude. C major.
That C# is just for flavor.
I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing; I don't jazz.
>i'm an idiot that doesn't know what they're doing, is why.
Nah, I'm the idiot who doesn't understand that chords are unrelated to key signatures or something. Minor 6 chords are goofy with that major 6th.

wtf user it sounds like you tried to make ambient but that tempo is way too high

Godspeed buddy.

Daddy likes...

Wait I thought Em6 was the same notes as Cma7?

That's what I thought too! Are you classically trained as well? I think that's where we're getting hung up.

i will be in my grave before i understand how to figure out a melody. before i started trying to figure some theory out, i was doing okay chord progressions without being able to really give them a name. i obviously still can't do that, but i can shit out chords until the cows come home

how in the f u c k do melodies work

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I'm creative, you're gay.

-3rds and 7ths is your salt and pepper makes anything sound good and land on them while you...
-Utilize the upbeat and understand why by reading this

>Utilize the upbeat
Damn. I need to read that too -- I have a feeling you're the guy that gave me that advice last time I posted a vocaroo.
Thanks, user.

Em6 would be the name notes as C7 first inversion, but from it sounds like he meant Em#6

(also me)
Another track I'm working on, a bit more noise-y. It's essentially power noise, drum and bass, and glitch.

In classical land, yeah. I made that mistake too.

this is probably the only time i posted in /prod/ where i actually learned something

bless you user

Not since music 101 back in 05. I'm just doing self-guided study and recently noticed that minor 6 chords with the sixth moved down an octave are the major 7 chord of that 6th.
I thought it sounded really pretty as long as you establish the minor quality first, then when you add the 6 underneath it sounds a bit plaintitive.

>add the 6 underneath
Isn't that a half-diminished chord at that point?


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I don't think I am that guy bro, just lurked around for a while.
No worries bro

maybe you should invest 2 mins into research before you post fucktard

I'll admit I'm relatively new to Jazz theory, but I'm pretty sure extensions are diatonic unless written otherwise.
I think maybe he should have written it as a 13 though because I think added 6 is reserved for the tonic.

I lost my HDD and now I can't fuckin remember all the plugins that I used, also the other windows programs.
What the hell I knew my brain was frying but not this much

What sort of music do you make, I'll recc oyu some good ones.

Track I'm working on, would love some feedback! I think I kind of overdid it with the synth effects. instaud.io/3LD2

I really like the texture on this, especially around 54 seconds.
I suppose, but it'd depend on the label though

only use the ones you remember because the others were probably superflous~

rock and other guitar based genres

lmms is based

The drums are weird and kind of disorienting. It's difficult to tell where the down beat is, but it adds intrigue. If that's an effect you were going for, I think you nailed it.

Ive been using a sub 100 dollar guitar plugin (JST Menace) for my metal tones for a year or so and decided I was due for an upgrade so I picked up a line 6 pod HD500x after reading some good stuff about how its still relevant yada yada. Genuinely couldnt believe my ears. Is the pod even worth tinkering for presumably hours on end to get a decent tone? I made just a quick A/B test using a stock pod preset and Menace with the literal default settings, nothing changed whatsoever.


How bad did i fuck up?
Excuse my shite playing.

The first, dark tone is the pod, and the second one is menace by the way.

you're not supposed to tell people which is which so you get a more objective opinion

you're not being completely clear- are you surprised that the pod doesn't sound better or you thought it sounded amazing?

okay the pod doesn't catch your ear because it's darker but it sounds more realistic and closer to my ear; menace sounds closer to a practice amp imo.... i mean they're both usable

fuck i kind of want a pod now lol. nobody ever leaves this house and i'm uncomfortable as fuck cranking my amp to actually get a usable tone :S

i want to get into waves plugins, which ones should i get

The second one definitely sounds like it's muffled with a giant pillow.
Sick guitar playing -- makes me want to jam. The drums are pretty cheesy though but that always happens with programmed drums.

why would you even deal with that shit man lol.

maxx bass, whatever that tape one is.... some people still use their compressor emulations even though their competitors are better now lol.

thoughts on my band's guide track for the drummer?

world famous albums were made with waves
their tape plugin (no kramer one , the abbey road) seems good also

I meant that i was surprised how bad the pod was, its more expensive than the digital amp ive been using. The pods great for just jamming, it has a looper and a pedal and tons of preset but it sounds kinda shit put next to that plugin, in my opinion.

Yeah its just some midi drum shid, and i agree it does sound very muffled.

>world famous albums were made with waves
>inb4 "it was the people using them not the plugins xDDD"
yeah no shit

bro i'm not saying they can't produce usable results i'm just wondering why the fuck you would pick those over newer offerings that everybody agrees are better, and don't put you through anti-piracy bullshit and retarded installations, especially considering that you're having to ask which you should get as if you don't actually know them

>tons of preset
presets aren't really a basis for judging the overall quality
maybe the plugin produces more pleasing results from the get go and the pod just requires more tinkering to get you further


I improved it a bit, let me know if you like it

No idea, my book doesn't have that term in it's index.
Is there another name for it?

is any of this tuned? what the fuck

What do you mean tuned?

I know the bass is shit I don't know how to make it better

it is D I S C O R D A N T

Why did you make it difficult to look up

go read a fucking book lol

no for real wtf that's the fucking harmony term you dingus
it's the opposite of consonant, as in pleasing and not at odds

i don't know what the fuck to tell you if you can't hear how unpleasant those sounds are together.

I can hear it I just have no idea how to change it

make them in the same key for starters

impose a new rule:
ask yourself, "does this sound bad? like really?"
if yes, change it, do not keep it, get rid of it completely. it is that simple friendo, like why the fuck did you keep it that way and post it? you know it didn't have potential like that

Yeah that's 100% The Riddle.
Also a good lesson for everyone here, the lyrics were intended to be placeholders until the artist could think of something proper, but they decided to go with vague gibberish instead.
The song was a success.

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Help, how do I groove this hard yet so simply?
>It's just two chords for the whole song and that's fine


Lydian af progression

not too different from a system of a down song


That's some nerdy ass shit. Might make some good video game music in the same way the Demon's Souls OST worked.


Looked it up when I got home and no, I don't think so because the 5th isn't modified at all.

Made it better


stop flexing theorycuck

m audio oxygen or novation launchkey?

Is this okay? instaud.io/3LEd

How do I make these 808s better



Awesome, this seems really helpful. I owe you a nice slow hj.

Everything but drums is too quiet.

Alright, thanks.

Behringer UMC204HD or Focusrite Scarlett 2i2?

Also, is it just me or did the Behringer go up in price by like $40 dollars? Pretty sure it used to be around $80


How does my mix sound on your guys' systems? (I'm going for a noisier sound here with the wide, distorted guitar sounds)

I want to learn how to master, but all I know to do is go back and forth mixing between my headphones and earbuds as references.
Any tips out there for getting a good sounding master with Ozone 5 in Ableton?

Sorry, didn't realize we were using instaud.io now.


Good, now you can start from scratch without all that useless crap

The master is very far off yet. Its the mix that we need to worry about. Here's a few points: Follow the drums throughout the track. They are about 60% obscured by the bulk of those guitars that are sitting in the midrange freqs in the middle of the stereo field. Ideally we can hear the subtleties of the cymbals and snare and kick while taht shit is going full on. We can't here. Some of this may be gain staging related- relative volumes a bit off- but another factor is EQ. You might want to make some frequency "windows" in the really dense layers to let other instruments come through. If you do it right, you will still get that wall of sound vibe, but you won't obscure some of the percussive elements as much. The tiny dips you make in the spectrum won't be apparent. Another thing- the kick and bass-line interaction. Yet again- the drums are being overshadowed here. I don't think its the sounds that are the problem here, just the mix. You can stand to lose a lot of freqs from each one of these tracks and it will still work out. That synth lead melody SAYS to me that "i'm the element that sits on top of the whole mix, in the sky, floating above the wall of sound". But that's not what we hear. the way its mixed, it is in the midrange more than anything. You have plenty of real estate in the high freqs to shove taht thing into instead, so it sits as a unique element unimpeded. I want you to look at the spectrogram I screenshotted while listening. Look at all that frequency space up there that is not being utilized. Everything is overlapping in the same dense zone in the middle freqs. "wall of sound" isn't about every element sitting on top of eachother, its about a bunch of individual elements stacked up, layer by layer, frequency by frequency, [brick by brick], creating a complex 'wall' of activity. What you have going on here is a "small window halfway up a wall" of sound. Forget about ozone until you have this mix at 98% of the way there.

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fucking horrible

Thanks so much for your feedback man.
I'll definitely work on making room for the percussive elements by making small cuts in the guitars and utilizing those higher frequency ranges as visible in the spectrogram.
I think part of the problem might be that I'm mixing with my headphones (ARH-MSR7) which have a bias towards more shrill/loud higher frequencies (hence why they fall off in the spectrogram). I'm trying to buy a nice pair of studio monitors in the future (perhaps Yamaha HS8's) for mixing and eventually mastering.

Thanks again, I appreciate it.

Make something good for once, cucks

How often should I take breaks when producing?

every hour for ten minutes because tinnitus/ear-fatigue

5 minute break for every 25 minutes of work.
Once every 4 breaks it should be longer (15 or 30 minutes).


But if you're "in the zone", no breaks at all.
Work until you've completely milked it.

>bro i'm not saying they can't produce usable results i'm just wondering why the fuck you would pick those over newer offerings that everybody agrees are better, and don't put you through anti-piracy bullshit and retarded installations, especially considering that you're having to ask which you should get as if you don't actually know them
i use the slate mixing plugins. do you recommend any else?

I pirated the complete Waves bundle and I get none of that bullshit at the cost of a couple GBs of drive space and the few minutes to download it and install it.
The only downside is that I can't organize them how I want to because of the WaveShell VST thing they use (when I load the individual converted dlls Ableton crashes so I have to use the WaveShell), but other than that it's nice to have.

>i use the slate mixing plugins.
what you have is fine wtf

>at the cost of a couple GBs
it's more to look through and more to distract and more to learn over what you've got homie

>it's more to look through and more to distract and more to learn over what you've got homie
True, but I don't spend time looking through it. I just have it there in case I need some utility or something I don't use enough to get a specific plugin of (they have a plugin for everything so my bases are usually covered).
It's also nice for those times where I'm not getting the results I want with the plugins I usually use, and trying the waves version takes a second since it's already there ready.

Of course I could get rid of it and not cry about it, but it's only been an upside for me so far.

i want variety of console and tape emulations

lol yeah i'll make drums with ReaSynth instead of a drum vsti.

I'm in a band with friends, and we'd like to record songs for ourselves (and ultimately make a demo, but that's in the long run).
What little recording gear we have:
-a SM58 -used by the singer- and a 50€ sennheiser mic (don't remember the model, it's just cheap shit)
-a Roland Sonar V-Studio 100

I know it's really bad, but how can we make what little we have sound decent?

Meme of the day

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I think they did. I have a 202HD and I like it, but the only thing I've ever done with it is plug my guitar that I never play in and fuck around.

Whenever I try I just end up hating what I do and leaving yet another unfinished project cluttering my drive, so now I pretty much only do joke projects.

What's the consensus on these piano libraries?

>The Giant
>Alicia's Keys
>Emotional Piano

I only tried The Giant because poorfag with no HD space, and also can't tell the difference between any piano at all, so I have nothing useful to say.
You're welcome.

Yeah I mean that’s pretty much what I’ll be doing. I'm more of a guitar player than a producer but I trust you guys to know your shit more than /gg/

It seems like Behringer is just the better option in every way, more I/O plus MIDI capabilities, unless I'm missing something. I'm just put off by the fact that the Scarlett is always more expensive. Is there something I'm missing?

don't clip when recording

Does anyone know of unconventional ways of making kicks?
All I know is synthesizing them, using an envelope on a self-oscillating filter (on noise or some sample), pitching some other percussion (like a tom) down, or obviously, recording a real one.
Any other way?

Do you ever make something and it's fine for a start but you can't figure out what you can add to it??


I tried combining a trap/new rnb beat with some saw waves and it's okay but I can't figure out what it's missing to feel completed. Also the saw might be too quiet yeah not at real mixing stage yet

Not really innovative but I like layering pre-recorded kicks

>Check out Melodyne because an user recommended it
>849 USD
Time to rev up those torrents.

all the time.
A method I found that helps with getting out of that rut is: EQ out garbage, SPAN on the master, find the freq. band the mix is lacking in then audition or design sounds that target that area till something works.

A holistic approach to mixing genuinely helps with composition imo.

I know of a trick but I'm not sure if I should release it to the public.

1/10 you're bad

stop being a coward!!!

I think... most people prefer pianoteq out of those? or the giant

i've got the giant+maverick/gentleman/grandeur
... it's nice

ableton's default grand piano is surprisingly nice too though js, obviously not as flexible though

i am itching to give this a serious paragraph long answer but secret weapons o__o
they're mine

foley and....
the self oscillating filter thing is how the 808 works... been there, not that useful unless you've got your own custom filter imo lol

sounds like a terrible idea honestly
like use your ears lmao is it missing an instrument or not???

r u secret 2

>i am itching to give this a serious paragraph long answer but secret weapons o__o
Post yours and I'll post mine.

Is Demarcus in the building RN?

fuck you dude there i'm not giving away muh secret

make secret music with me


Posted this earlier, got some good feedback and made some changes

What do you guys think of it now?

I'm just an intern in a recording studio who's just started fucking around with Ableton a few months ago.
I'm not even close to start maing music with other people, but I do know a trick or two from my time in the studio.

then you are worthless to me
good luck making music though mate

Ok fuck it, I'll post it anyway.
Here you go.
I hope at least someone will find it useful.

Attached: DCIM_0818.jpg (720x960, 41K)

that's not a secret
i see /effay/ shoes tho

Oh, I was told it is.
I wonder what else I've been lied to.
At least FM synthesis is still a secret, right?

>like use your ears lmao is it missing an instrument or not???

neanderthalic reduction of the question, user.
no one needs spectrum analysis to tell them something's missing

so the secret is... clipping a beat up samson mic with a beater? this explains a lot desu

how do i improve this

Yeah well, different mics will have different results, but that's the gist, correct.

upload sample pack

You know what, that's not a bad idea.
Maybe I will make a pack of it.

I hope you layer them at least good lord that would sound so shit in isolation

shift+del on the project file

Are there any Logic users out here?
What do you like about it?
Please talk to me about Logic.

maybe he's recording super low so it doesn't clip

whats wrong

Nah, I just shape them with envelopes and compress the fuck out of them and they sound good for what they are.
Obviously they're not usable for everything but with aggressive or unpolished genres they fit quite well.
As soon as I have access to my other computer (I'm at my gf's house rn) I'm posting a few.

>At least FM synthesis is still a secret, right?
... I don't want to think so but... idk probably. it takes more work than just taking a wavetable from somebody who actually knew what they were doing who made it with fm

bruh the world lacks decent acoustic sample packs, shit's tragic
like maybe i don't want them in a vst you know???

Record yourself hitting your wall

Generally what I've heard is:
>muh China quality
>muh signal noise

I'm no expert on the components used.
Mine doesn't have any appreciable issues so it might be that Behringer just has shittier QC and you could end up with a bum unit.
Maybe try searching the /g/ archives?

Don't most Kontakt packs have a WAV folder that you can take samples from?

wut's SPAN?

Only after you record your mom hitting hers.
She's still under 30 right?

a spectrum analyzer, user

Attached: Voxengo_SPAN_3.jpg (849x603, 169K)

no lol. some free ones like big mono do.... and Native instruments reused their session drummer kits in battery like cheap bastards.... I use those a lot though

learn to google fag

naw they're usually encrypted and compressed .ncw files or something. occasionally there's wavs but none of the big libs do that for those reasons

Ah shit, that's unfortunate.
What about other romplers?
Do the Spectrasonics plugins or non-Kontakt orchestral libraries use unencrypted WAVs?

Anyway, if you search AudioZ (or whatever site that has pirated sample packs) for " kontakt wav" you'll find a ton of packs that are high enough quality to have a Kontakt version, but also have the WAV samples.

no big plugin company does any unencrypted anything these days. closest you can get is old gigastudio/akai stuff and one shots like you mentioned from sample packs.
besides libraries use tons of scripting to make their files work so you wouldn't get much out of the raw samples anyway.

I guess the only solution is to sample them lmao.
Hopefully one of the resident autists will do the needful and help us out.

What's clipping?
I assume it's when the sound is "too loud" so it saturates, but...


>"too loud" so it saturates
that's a tape thing
recording digital makes digital clipping
essentially the signal goes over what's capable of being recorded so it's smashed down to 0 db producing a (never pleasant) distortion. Recording is basically fucked.

yea but... what are you asking for samples of? you need the scripting to make use of most orchestral libraries on a per-song basis

I don't need them, but user above said he wanted some good acoustic drum samples that aren't in a plugin.
Aren't those more feasible?

well, yes, but no. easy to sample, yes, but for realistic performances the scripting in plugins eliminates the machine gun effect by alternating samples automatically. pretty much every drum lib does this (superior drummer, bfd, perfect drums, et all)

so you could pull samples for electronic/less natural sounding purposes but they wouldn't be super useful for much else

Well, I don't know what he wants WAV drum libraries for, but not having scripting and round robin playback is an intrinsic part of them. I'm sure he's taken this into account for his goal (which I guess is resampling, cutting, and making breakbeat-type music).


Anybody have any advice on how to make this better?

then there's no point in sampling kontakt libraries. the best wav drum libraries are already better produced. they only fail in the realism department when programming em... if that's not a problem than this whole topic is a moot point

im gonna go make some music you guys

Maybe he disagrees on "the best wav drum libraries are already better produced".
But until he stops letting us speculate and actually tells us what he wants, this whole topic is indeed moot.

I've been making some of the shittiest tracks of all-time for the past week, I hope I get blessed by the muses soon.

why the fuck are you guys discussing my wants out of samples o___o

but yes please point me to "the best wav drum libraries"

I do not like the interface of session drummer and having to route of kontakt to use other plugins per channel

(free (mostly) acoustic drum samples i've heard are recorded like shit and not sampled closely enough to make worthwhile round robbins (that i can do myself lol)

also most kontakt libraries are too "clean" radio rock friendly imo

I don't make a lot of rock music so it's really not a huge issue for me honestly. Ideally i'd just want multiple (non pristine/processed) samples that come prenormalized, suitable for round robbins, and aren't organized all ridiculously by mic or whatever.... black metal/punk ish. If i had money and wasn't a neet i'd just cop superior drummer :^)

i've had writers block for a month and idfk what to do man... or not writers block-writers block but every idea is just bad. I actually finished like 3 songs last month I feel like shit :(((((((

What's the best microphone for vocal recording?
Looking for something between 200-300 bucks

I heard SM27 is good, is that true?

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I guess cause /prod/ is basically dead we're a little mad now

I dunno any wav acoustic one shot libraries that are suitable for making your own round robins. they're either looped recordings or made for electronic stuff.

there are plenty of libraries that cater more to the.. less radio friendly side of kits. check out itmightgetloud KVLT drums to start. they have some other packs that are pretty cool too

I'm actually not a big fan of superior drummer for those reasons you said. they sound too polished, you can always pick em out. these smaller boutique libraries are more unique, even if they don't come with 100 snare/cymbal options

Use an Xbox headset, it'll give you proper lofi street cred.

or classic sm57 duh

yeah i like the sound of kvlt drums.... I tried their freebie and it was actually pretty disappointing- their whole deal is it's supposed to provide one non-polished sound without much flexibility but also have a lot of round robbins to avoid shotgunning.... didn't do it at all :S

lightning bolt did that one (or more) albums with a phone headset or whatever lol.


Attached: 303.png (195x197, 106K)


the phaser on the drums sound gay. Melody would be nicer with better arrangement and backing




here's my band latest guide track

there's a weekly meme folder e-mailed to you once you buy reason

what's the reasoning?

the idea is that people who use reason see it as part of their "identity" as a musician and will probably end up incorporating memes into their conversations about production... and mentioning reason as a consequence

user you could be so powerful if you give up the vocaloid

My recording was my singing, I just slapped the first effect on it that made my voice unrecognizable and I thought it sounded neat.


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It's in the name friendo.


is there a technical term for having multiple vox tracks self-harmonizing with yourself?

cost money and an area to actually record in friendo

not a whole lot of good ones on subscriptionnoise.com

multitracking/multitracked vocals

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lmao theres no reason for that, you must be shit to use your daw as identity

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Wow, just stop and kys

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Seems kind of excessive for an info dump, but that's just my opinion.

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I'm done now, faggot.

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I'm not.

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i need a really good video on music theory whats a really good one?

Attached: 1546365143970.jpg (747x1869, 519K)

Michael New gets shilled to death here but if you aren't a smoothbrain 12tone runs through the same information in half the time.

Attached: 1550430667073.png (1600x5592, 2.89M)

is there any good alternative for this synth? something 64 bit since I'm on ableton

Attached: sq8l09.jpg (590x293, 47K)

Protip: the Greeks had a hard-on for circles and the modes are simply rotations of each other.

Attached: 800px-Modal_Interval_Sequence.png (800x232, 30K)

This chart, while technically accurate, is more likely to do harm than good if you don't understand why all this stuff is the way it is.

Also many universities make videos of their lecturers available online, so try some well-known schools' websites.

Attached: chord functions.jpg (567x130, 47K)

Is this any better?

Attached: generic major key chord map.jpg (765x993, 208K)

Ben Levin is a great teacher, but this series is aimed at guitarists
If you're not a guitarist it's probably still good though.

Same problem, but maybe worse because the effort you put into understanding this would be better spent just reading a theory textbook
speaking of which I want to recommend a book to
Find the 4 Berklee Harmony PDFs here in the theory folder. It's a clear and very concise presentation of jazz/pop theory.

Forgot the link mega.nz/#F!KIoilagC!3KtnUYdTW53VsQu9QrJS_g

rate my processing done to this bass instaud.io/3LU9

What's the most efficient way to pick up some keyboard skills?
I'm thinking about signing up for skillshare for a bit just so I can get a better workflow

>Find the 4 Berklee Harmony PDFs here in the theory folder.
Is this some Where's Waldo shit?

wow it really fits in the mix you can tell a huge difference from the before and after!


probably lessons

seeMusic theory -> Theoryzip -> BerkleeCollegeofMusic1.pdf

They're pretty easy to find just with google too

I was joking because of the number of books in those folders. I grabbed a couple that looked good :3 Thank you.

Attached: loslibros.jpg (346x200, 35K)

How do I start making different genres? I attempted to get into EDM but the tutorials I looked at don't explain how the genre works and they put their drum samples in the playlist instead of the step sequencer.

I need help asap.

I just wrote a song that I think has real potential to go viral. No joke no troll. How the fuck do I get professional studio time and then successfully promote my music. I've been chasing this dream for years and I just found my holy grail.

Attached: c40.jpg (616x384, 37K)

what i meant to ask with the studio time is how i can find talented musicians to play my parts for me flawlessly. can you usually hire someone through the studio? i play piano professionally but the song has guitars and other instrumentation, im just not very good at them

>12tone runs through the same information in half
12tone doesn't provide examples for any of the shit he's talking about and speaks autistically fast.


Yeah, as much as guitar general is a gearfag trashfire, they have a good sticky.

>the tutorials I looked at don't explain how the genre works
don't just make shit you don't actually like

lol'd out loud

replying just to humor you
i am sincerely sorry but 9/10 times i see this and hear the song it's complete shit and the person who made it gets mad as shit about everybody's reaction

Just the bass alone you huge faggot. Did you never solo a track in your life

>how i can find talented musicians
I'm right here bro.

>they put their drum samples in the playlist instead of the step sequencer.
I've noticed this too and I brought that up before. People here said it was to have better control over each sample.

Imagine watching tutorials because you think that's how people learn to write music.

nobody knows what the fuck you did dumbass
don't mix in isolation :^)

I watch tutorials because I'm lonely and I want to hear another person's voice...

never gonna make it bro

Attached: Multiplier.png (598x424, 211K)

just watch anime like every other miserable asshole here you weirdo

I've found tutorials really helpful in a lot of ways. They're obviously not everything you need, but in combination with other forms of serious study they can teach you a lot.

I've already watched a ton and I guess I got sick of it -- what should I watch? Haven't watched anything in two seasons, at least. Last thing I remember watching is Love Live! Sunshine!! S2.

Boku no Pico

idk your taste man o__o
any harem trash shit gets the job done

start to day dream in the middle of the day thinking about goofy 2d girls and friends having fun.... snap back to depressing reality and realize how shit your life is.... then get back to producing so you can feel some kind of worth eventually lol :(

>don't just make shit you don't actually like
Besides hip-hop and pop, I'm not sure what genres and subgenres I'm actually into. And there's not a lot of good pop tutorials, especially for FL, they're all for Chainsmokers and top 40 stuff.

>People here said it was to have better control over each sample.
Better control how? In what way?

How are tutorials any different from having a teacher or reading a book

god damnit demarcus

>there's not a lot of good_____tutorials
Learn how to transcribe.
Do it.
That's your tutorial for how to do the music.