Friends say "vinyls"

>friends say "vinyls"
>go to a large store and the retail worker refers to them as "vinyls"
>go to an independent record store and the shop owner asks me which "vinyls" im interested in
>go to a show, buy a few records at the merch stand and the bird behind the counter says "so just these two vinyls then?"
>the oldest surviving record store in the city is closing down, and the owner refers to them as "vinyls"

should i just stop getting upset over this and start calling my selection of plastic discs "vinyls"?

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Elpees. Or long players.

ive been trying to refer to them as records or LPs but its not catching on

who want pp sucked

what autistic shit am I not getting here?

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A record is a music album, a collection of songs. A disc is a carrier which has a record on it. An LP is a type of a record. Vinyl is the material a disc is made of.
It’s kinda dumb to call discs “vinyls”.

you’re witnessing the bastardization of the english language not dissimilar to “finna” or “axe”. get used to it.

>friends say "vinyls"

Stopped reading there. Waste of time and money. If you want to be edgy and unique soulseek 'record rip'

>go to record store
>browse CDs
>find two CDs i like
>check out with equally autistic clerk
>mumble "hey howsitgoin"
>he responds "heygoodmanhowryou"
>tells me my total
>i pay him
>"thanksman yeahyoutoo"
>walk back to car
>listen to new CDs

i like my local record store. they don't care that i buy CDs.

language changes over time. would you prefer we still talked in old english?

And this my friends is what poorfag cope looks like.

>tfw will never be this well adjusted.

>how dare you dislike a specific language trend, i bet you wish trends never existed
fucking idiot

oldest surviving record store in the city is closing down, and the owner refers to them as "vinyls"


you didn't say you disliked it, you called it a bastardization. how much of a fucking sperg do you have to be to give this much of a shit about a slight change in a word hardly anyone, i'm pretty sure including you, gives a shit about day-to-day?

how much of a fucking sperg do you have to be to give this much fo a shit about a use of a word that offends your sensibilities on a level that you won’t even remember in the next hour?

>no u
not to mention you're the one who went on some dumbass high horse calling it "the bastardization of the english language," as if it represents the collapse of society or some shit, in the first place. pretentious bullshit

guys stop
you're my, buddies, my brothers, don't do this.

>"Vinyls are coming back in but it's only a small little market," owner Jerry Pasqual said.

its in the link

sounds like you’re reading into something that was never there. maybe someone ought to stop projecting.

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Axe has been used as a variant of ask since Old English. Chaucer used it.

I like records better.