What is the best Death album and why is it TSOP?
What is the best Death album and why is it TSOP?
Because it has the least amount of that annoying set of samey tremolo patterns that exist on all Death records. It’s still on this record though and usually my least favorite riffs on the album.
Celtic Frost - To Omega Thereon
Also, not even the best from the technical era
i don't really see the hate for the more technical, proggy death albums
they're pretty far from basedboy prog metal
and you know the songs are pretty good for the most part
>basedboy prog metal
What are some examples of this?
dream theatre
le funni beard man .............. soilint...........neentado swi tch
This or Human are the only correct answers
Might as well add the bridge between the two
While TSOP is amazing, I prefer Symbolic.
I have no idea how anyone prefers TSOP for later Death.
Human is easily the best release that isn't trad death, and Symbolic is still better than this.
Voice of the Onions
Hey now nigger, don't go insulting one of their best songs
This and Devin Townsend stuff