What's the deal with this chick?
How did she get so famous? How is her music so widespread? Who is behind her? Who writes her songs?
Is she the fruit of nepotism, manufacturing or both?
Someone for the love of god, enlighten me.
What's the deal with this chick?
How did she get so famous? How is her music so widespread? Who is behind her? Who writes her songs?
Is she the fruit of nepotism, manufacturing or both?
Someone for the love of god, enlighten me.
Other urls found in this thread:
haTErs gonna HATE
edgelord girl, producer brother
she's a bad guy
She also clout chases established SoundCloud rappers in order to gain popularity among hip hop fans despite her music having nothing to do with hip hop.
She’s relatable to a widespread audience, she’s a pretty decent singer, her brother is a good producer, and they’re solid songwriters when working together.
I just kind wish you weren't gay OP
I dunno but this chick at my work says she's been listening to her for year and o told her she looks like she fucks niggers and she should listen to Clairol instead (joking) and she didn't know who I was talking about. I don't get it.
Daily reminder that she was raised in an LA cult and doesn't write her own music. She is a product, don't take her seriously lawl
She played a show here last night. All of my female normie friends were there, didn’t realize how big she was
Read through all of this.
They all took shitty recordings and it blew me away how present the audience singing along was
You can't manufacture that kind of fan loyalty.
she looks like she fucks black guys
No talent planted "artist". Anyone who likes her is a fake music fan and doesn't belong on Yea Forums
B-b-but Melon told me she's LITERALLY Leonard Cohen.
>Sleeping around to climb the social ladder
And women complain about being oppressed.
wtf even is a "fake" music fan? Just because they enjoy something you don't? Could you be any more dense and elitist?
Big incel energy
I fucking knew it.
I'm married, but thanks.
Fake music is music that's made by somebody else and presented as being a genuine artistic statement by the person performing it when it was nothing but a contrived formula made as a marketing scheme
AKA all pop, it's fake music, music = art, this is not art
Music = sound organized in time. includes common elements such as pitch, rhythm, dynamics, and the sonic qualities of timbre and texture.
Music can be fun and dumb and still be real music. For christ sakes Billie is fucking 17, cut her some slack. She's still finding herself musically.
I don't "cut" fake music "slack" unless they're the slack I'm cutting out of my life, or cutting their throats when I catch all you faggots in public I'mma love it.
>whats the deal
she's an industry plant
>how did she get so famous
her entire family is involved in the entertainment industry
>how is her music so widespread
see above
>who is behind her music
her brother, also well established in the music industry, and entertainment in general
>fruit of nepotism or manufacturing
tl;dr for fucks sake nigga
we ain't gonna read through that shit
Entertainment oriented family, grew up in nice neighborhood, released "ocean eyes" produced by her brother, got big, appearence changed to more of the "soundcloud rap" aesthetic,
>her entire family is involved in the entertainment industry
Why are we allowing this shit to go down?
Why are people so stupid and buying into this?
She's "organic".
For you.
She's engaged in unspeakable sex acts with hundreds of execs and goons, and every day gets so inebriated she vomits and pisses herself before her handlers clean her up and give her more drugs. When you realize this is the lifestyle of every, yes every, pop star, your waifuism will cease. They're no longer human beings, and I don't mean that in a fedora way. Every facet of their personalities and actions are planned by the industry for their profit.
i just hope she pays her writers/producers/social media managers/agents well
but hey her voice isn't really uhhh its uhhh not uhhh
Her having access to get a foot in the door from the get go doesn't invalidate her music. You can't force people not to like music just because the creation of it didn't conform to your parameters.
Every artist ever known received help from someone to get them into the industry. Being related to that someone doesn't disqualify you from making music and having people listen to it.
I listened to her album. Her vocals go from decent to irritating, and it's difficult to listen to the whole album start to finish because of this.
She's immature lyrically. It's going to be embarrassing for her if in 10 years she wants to prove herself as a well-rounded musician and has shit like "Bad Guy" hanging over her. At least Lorde's lyrics were extremely mature for a 16-year old. Billie's lyrics sound immature for a 17-year old.
>Her having access to get a foot in the door from the get go doesn't invalidate her music
Yes it does. She didn't just have a "foot in the door" btw, her entire life was built and manufactured around it.
>You can't force people not to like music just because the creation of it didn't conform to your parameters.
No but I can sure as hell call them stupid for buying the musical equivalent to McDonalds. I'm calling you stupid right now.
>Every artist ever known received help from someone to get them into the industry.
Imagine being this deluded, Jesus. Take that corporate boot out of your ass and for the love of god don't start licking it.
>Being related to that someone doesn't disqualify you from making music and having people listen to it.
No, but using that relation to someone to become an overnight star with no merit and having a choir of corporate ties pumping money into you just so you "make it" does.
Her music is shit. Her creativity is lackluster. She's a product and nothing more. Cope with the fact that you're the same as a brand changing their colours to a rainbow flag in June to fit in. Your music taste is trash.
I only know who this is because her name is in the file name, and I only recognise her name because people post it here, often with no context at all. She might not be as famous or as widespread as you think.
I feel like she's an obvious industry plant
ugh just spam katy's single on spotify and make seem like katy is more important
then get tested for ADD
hi any /x/ posters here? I just watched billy eylash's tourettes syndrome compilation video and this looks like clear signs of some kinda MK ultra stuff.
Bought the audio cd of "When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go" off Amazon earlier today.
She won the connection lottery. Her family had been in entertainment for years once she finally came around, and there were just the perfect amount of connections, "uniqueness", and money involved to make her happen. She appeared at the perfect time for Universal to wring her out and as fabricated a near perfect image of being a genius despite probably having 4 teams of people under her at all times.
What I find is interesting are the arguments defending her, or any pop artist, saying that you can't manufacture fans, that you can't fill stadiums without having a degree of talent. It's a dumbass statement honestly. Capitalism and marketing have proven that anything can fill a stadium if enough dollars and good enough product are behind it. Her ad campaigns are probably upwards in the $50,000,000 - $100,000,000 range. Top it off with her audience having the biggest spending and retail necessity of all of them (Women aged 13 - 35), if you can market to them, you win the game of pop music. Ralph Murphy has a really good talk about how this marketing works and how these artist are manufactured.
That's why it's so useful for Interscope/UMG that her brother is her only songwriter/producer: they save money and can dump all that extra cash into shitloads of payola for the little thot.
>Top it off with her audience having the biggest spending and retail necessity of all of them (Women aged 13 - 35), if you can market to them, you win the game of pop music.
This. Look at literally any top Pop star and you'll see 99% of their fans are women in that age range.
operation Monarch
is in full effect. has been for decades
>muh white privilege
>muh gentrification
>muh cultural appropriation
Why do all leftists seem like they're writing from a script?
The least subtle industry plant in years.
if you haven't noticed already, people are brainless zombies that only act in response to stimuli and never of their own impetus
I listened to this whole thing five times to see where the hype was.
Only songs I liked were Xanny, Crown, and the first of the last three ballads.
The rest of it was either painfully edgy or painfully overproduced.
She's the Cara Delevingne of the musical industry.
This is one of the most NPC article I've seen a while.
>For christ sakes Billie is fucking 17, cut her some slack.
Nah she will OD in her 20's.
Kate Bush wrote some beautiful tunes at 17. All on her own too.
Now you all know how it felt to see through Lana Del Ray 10 years ago and wonder how no one else had noticed
Best description I heard of her so far.