give me recommendations PLEASE
Give me recommendations PLEASE
Ayyy watching that movie rn
Get off your phone then fucking troglodyte
Daughters - You Won't Get What You Want
Greeeeeeat album.
Pink Floyd - The Piper at the Gates of Dawn
I can't tell if this is bait because newfags are genuinely like this.
based dead milkmen, Takin' Retards to the Zoo and Bitchin' Camaro are god-tier tracks
acid bath - paegen terrorism tactics
eyehategod - dopestick
burzum - hvis lyset taross (and some other entry-level black metal)
definitely primus. specifically frizzle fry, pork soda and punchbowl
extremely angry autist or very persistent shill? we never learned
peak jap jazz punk
its also has anime tiddies so i think thats a plus
shut up shut up shut up
replace acid bath with eyehategod, and it's a good chart
just listen to speak English or die
Magma - Mekanik Destruktiv Kommando
D.R.I. - Thrash Zone
Kreator - Terrible Certainty
and this:
>this isn't bait
Oloff - Doing It Stealthy
hearing "you cant see me but i can see you" while peaking
hearing "i have a mouse, something something gerald"
I laughed, I cried, but most of all....I ate a kiwi in the rain.