I'm going to be honest with you if she didn't dress like a NIGGER I would have no problem with her desu senpaitachi

I'm going to be honest with you if she didn't dress like a NIGGER I would have no problem with her desu senpaitachi

Attached: large (5).jpg (639x624, 46K)

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Imagine those lips wrapped around your cock

Your opinion is shit and you should feel bad
There are many reasons to dislike

The only reason for her image change was to win over XXXTentacion's fans. That's why she went from pop princess to suicidal SoundCloud sadgirl almost immediately following X's clout martyrdom.

Pic related. Check the date.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-09 at 3.51.21 AM.png (933x596, 785K)

turbo degenerates are so lame

or, you know, she was sad her friend died.

Rich people cannot experience sadness.

>serious billie threads
post boobie please

If she didn't dress like a nigger you'd have no problem with no effort corporate soulless tween pop music?

Faggot who's head I'd smash a beer can on.

Billie is vapid and narcissistic as hell. You think she experiences emotions like a normal person? She didn't know X IRL, just from the internet. Her Montreality interview where she stated what a huge impact he had on her seemed VERY scripted.

Attached: Billie Eilish tits.jpg (640x798, 56K)



Attached: Billie Eilish pool.webm (480x480, 826K)

Attached: Billie Eilish tits bouncing.webm (274x342, 317K)

BASED so true

She's fucking fat of course she has boobs

Attached: Billie Eilish tits 2.webm (640x640, 481K)

That's not even dressing like a nigger, that's dressing like a white kid trying to be cool like the rappers on TV

Personally I wish she showed her massive tits more

Attached: Billie Eilish tits 3.webm (640x640, 1.1M)

She is NOT an industry plant.

Look at her live show. Hear all those young girls singing every lyric to her songs? You can't manufacture that kind of fan loyalty.

She fat


fuck off pedo fag

Yes you can and you know you can