Jrock/Visual Kei General

What are you listening to? Been listening to Dir en grey and The GazettE and Deathgaze. Recommend me some new bands, particularly if their on the heavy side.

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No one? Really?

I remember old Yea Forums, this thread would have tons of replies. Fucking faggots and nazis took over this site

Fuck Yea Forums

Where did all the weebs go? Am I the only one? Has this place really been taken over by normies?

VK had died down in the west, sadly. VK and Jrock were quite niche, and after the plummeting of just about any rock music what do we have? Hardly any fans.
DIMLIM is a pretty good newer band, btw. They released their debut album last year and it was much better than it had any right to be.

vk has become a very small club on the internet, it kinda sucks but ya know

random question: does midwest emo vk exist?

I got really into 9mm parabellum bullet recently. Only good thing to come out of Berserk 2016.

I just checked out DIMLIM and they're pretty good. Thanks

deathgaze is fun.
I like deg, but never got into gazette.

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Deathgaze is really good.

how do I into Jrock/Visual Kei?

Try to not pay attention to western fangirls or else it'll alienate you from the music itself.
Probably start with classics like X Japan, Buck-Tick and Luna Sea.

If you are into metal, X Japan and possibly Versailles, but if you are into dm and heavier stuff Dir En Grey would be great. Buck-Tick and Luna Sea are punkier. The Gazette is a bit more nu-metal and straightforward. If you'd like something not related to metal, Malice Mizer is pretty much baroque pop, although later on they became neoclassical darkwave.
There's also Kuroyume, which is mostly straighforward rock.

I personally started with L'arc~en~Ciel's early music and was sucked in from there

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thanks, I'll check them out

please rec me more ballad-focused bands, i cant get enough of Tears by X Japan right now

Glay have a bunch of great ballads. I usually get bored by ballads but tears is great.
Glay's Winter Again is a classic. I also love However.

hey this is great thanks user

X. Luna Sea. Buck Tick. Media Youth. Malice Mizer. Versailles. Sadie. Deluhi. Far East Dezain

Oops Dizain*


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