A $2500 guitar isn't anywhere near out of my reach. I just can't justify it because when you buy a nigson you pay $2500 for $500 worth of tone and worse QC than chinese ibanez.
Jace Robinson
Aaron Sanders
>heavy muh hoggany shitplank >worth more than $500
fresh talents and relevant talents play fender, ibanez, and esp for a reason
Maple and ebony have the best tone. If it's too bright just change your EQ.
But you can never make mahogany brighter.
Blake Morgan
>falling for the wood = tone meme
trees aren't consistent. anyone who's sawed a log in half can tell you that two cuts from the same tree will have different densities and that it gets even more fucked up when you age it. all you pay for with tonewoods is a pretty wood grain (and then you coat it in a fat layer of some sort of paint). any hardwood would do, even american oak, just hand pick it so you get a good one that's not going to warp in a year.
What could influence this poll The actual sound? Surely not. Even with acoustics, experienced guitarists fail to identify woods based on sound alone in double blind test. Maybe, poor people attempting to appear upper class? Likely. It's like niggers and iphones and niggers and air jordans. Anyone with a mcjob can afford one even if they squat in an abandoned apartment but they act like they're rich because they have one. Gibsons are nigger guitars for blue collar hicks with nigger attitudes.
Jason Robinson
>The actual sound? Correct. I'm glad you figured it out.
When did you starting jamming with other people? How did it go?
Evan James
When I was a teenager, like most normal musicians. It went well because I don't suck.
Ryder Foster
washed up old farts
Chase Roberts
The guy on the left is literally the greatest living guitarist.
William Richardson
like a couple months in good, because we were both beginners and progressed together Then when I was kind of okay I started jamming with people who were way better than me which always helps you progress faster
Anthony Moore
>jamming with people who were way better than me I never knew this feel.
Dylan Barnes
How do I stop aimlessly noodling around a few pentatonic scales? I can't seem to make up riffs, just couples of notes.
Zachary Rodriguez
Me and my firend both started playing very late together. We've been jamming ever since and we do fine. But we do it like once a month
Nicholas Lee
The first step is accepting that there are no wrong notes, but that accurate rhythm is critical. When you hit what you think is a "wrong note," the average pleb thinks it's a "jazzy note." When you hit a note out of time, though, EVERYONE can hear that shit. They know you fucked up. Once you accept there are no wrong notes, your improvisation will soar... unless you simply have no talent. Then you're just fucked.
Jaxson Harris
>timing is everything >tfw you're too white for music
Ryder Rogers
Only a Gibson is good enough for high test men and cute anime girls.
you gotta start developing your ears. Imagine something in your head that you don't know how to play, and try to pick it out by ear. It'll really suck at first but the more you do it the easier it'll be.
They have really good sounding pickups that are pretty underrated. But I will add that it's retarded how many iterations between them end up confusing people. Like trying to explain how 'they're not p90's, except for these two models that basically are.' Or how the mij ones are built completely differently and sound more like a strat.
How do you guys get people to listen to your stuff? I dont care about making money from the music I make or anything like that but I'd like people to listen to it no I'm not posting it here
Jose Lopez
this whole post is a joke
Angel Morgan
Wish I started playing earlier, now I'm too old for black metal
Camden Lewis
>solos Haha, what is this? The 80s? Try applying for a 60+ years old cover band
Cameron Taylor
ego is bad do not stand out you own nothing, not even your life your soul for the party now plain the soviet anthem in unison
I play bass like a mixture of Hooky, Simon Gallup and those guys that do solo arrangements on youtube. Could I make shoegaze by splitting my signal, playing just the clean bass on one amp and filtering the other signal through some effects and then playing it through another amp or would that just sound horrible? I would rather not deal with a guitarist
oh also the signal with effects will also be pitch-shifted an octave up
Christian Butler
It's not gonna sound like a guitar if that's what you're asking. The guy from Royal Blood does it so why couldn't you?
Samuel Bell
when I was like 11 I got into a weekly blues jam in my town for like 2 years ish, gave me a lot of great experience playing with others. played with one of frank zappa's old rhythm guitar players a lot which was really inspiring.
now i just go to jazz jams after big band rehearsals but it's not as fun as wanking out dorian over a blooze for 3 hours :(
Hunter Perez
It's pretty limited with what you can do with bass when it comes to doing solo shoegaze. octave up fx on bass wont make you sound like guitar. Your only option is the digitech whammy ( the new one if you wanna do chords) as analog octavers usually can't do clean octave up.
Carter Smith
To be more specific. If I play a bassline like love will tear us apart could I make the second signal have the role of the synths?
Sebastian Gutierrez
oh yeah baby you KNOW I had to rip it up a lil vocaroo.com/i/s06XtRGoveSa les pauls really are the best guitars
Pretty much symbolizes gibson. The most modern example is from 93 lol. Not a single young player is using that dinosaur garbage and they do absolutely nothing to remedy that. Fender on the other hand is the brand for new talents next to ibanez.
>got called to do a little freelance as a bassist tomorrow >first rehearsal last night >pizzicato sounded weak and lifeless no matter how I tried to bang the strings, dynamics all over the place, finger noise and missed notes, even had problems skipping up to the g string >decide to grab a pick >bass sounds lively and punchy, I can play up to the speed of my left hand and my brain's >still felt like a jerk cheating and an incomplete player Why can't I just be good at fingerpicking reeeeeeeeeeeee
Sebastian Sullivan
guys, i was thinking about getting a new neck for my oldass crapcaster. shit's really entry level and the neck's fucked. but for my susprise the body is actually not that shit, it's a one piece agathis, damn pretty too. so i thought about slapping a new neck and i'm looking at warmoth's offerings, they have some pretty interesting woods but it's kinda hard to judge how well it looks and feels just from some not that high resolution pics and seller's descriptions. so, what can you guys tell me about their necks?
I have held every single one of these and just going to a store and holding it didn't work to help me decide, they all feel fine, I like different aspects of each but its impossible
Well Apple isn’t in serious financial difficulty so no.
Aiden Hughes
How do I make a vid with loops quickly without setting up a computer with mics? Like vid below, he plays the lead lick then loops it and dubs the rhythm over it youtu.be/sKZTdkvr4qo
Alexander Cook
>squier strats >ibanez semihollows I'd drop these from the equation immediately. That leaves you with the fenders and yamahas. The revstar series is all humbuckers (except for the P90 model) with no possibility for splitting them (there's only the dry switch). The pacifica range offers coilsplitting options on each model with a humbucker on it I think. There's numerous options for you to venture into below 300 bucks here. 120 with HH, 311 with P90H and the 112 with HSS plus a trem. I started on a pacifica 311 myself and there are only two complaints that I have. For one the necks are among the thinnest I have ever seen on a guitar in width and second they can sound a bit dull if you don't tweak the EQ a bit. Don't put anything below gauge 10 on there if you want decent tone (11s work best imo). For my second guitar I went for a much bigger neck because it became quite heavy on my hands to play them easily once I got into holding barre chords for long times and when finger picking due to the precision needed with string spacing that slim. With fender guitars you obviously get classic tones but if you aren't certain what you want in a guitar yet the 120 might be a better choice because there is so much stuff you can try with it in terms of possible tones. In the middle position with a bit of EQ you can get relatively close to a funky strat too. The split bridge sounds tele enough aswell. All in all the comfort of the guitar and especially the neck are the most important aspects next to looks and sound. You have to like the instrument and feel comfortable on it.
Leo Rogers
i'd go for either the pacifica or mim strat
Samuel Rogers
I like the sound and the looks but I couldn't find one to try out locally and can't order them online. Might order a Doheny instead.
Easton Harris
tfw like white block inlays but also fenders
Hudson Foster
Post your guitars/gear set up. I wanna see what y'all got.
Christian Reed
They are available just not on standard issues. Jaguars and jazzmasters seem to be the most common type of fender with them.
Dunno about that. I'm pondering my second one right now and it's fucking hard. There are guitars I like the looks of but they are basically the same thing. I have a 2-humbucker guitar right now with pretty low output vintage pickups so the only things I can't play "effectively" are something like death metal and I dunno j-rock or surf or something. But I do want to play exactly that and that's two completely different tone requirements.
So there's just that struggle of "I want to try a new guitar with a different sound" and "It either has to be something that can do both or something that can do one extremely good". And since I'm a rarely have a lot of money to spend freely it is a big deal for me. Currently torn between wanting a tele and some shredstick with actives.
If it was my first I'd just go with the one I like visually and be happy about it but a second one? That's way harder to actually justify, not to mention choose.
Tyler Edwards
too poor for that maybe I can just buy a classic vibe
You could always build a parts guitar with things you like. I think this is beneficial because it helps you learn how your instrument works and how to do proper maintenance. Plus you have something you want to play and not just a generic thing everyone else has. That being said, there are a lot of great options from pretty much every brand for every style of player and most of them are affordable. Honestly I've been really impressed by the Music Man Sterling stuff. Usually around 600 bucks and they are set up well and sound good right out of the box.
Easton Gomez
You may want to check your eyes. The first thing I see is pig iron screws, pig iron whammy bar meaning the bridge is also pig iron. Also shitty actives.
The worst acoustic guitar I have ever played was a Dean. Lots of decoration on it and more tortoiseshell than a Ray Bans shop but sounded and played fucking dreadful.
Jaxson Martin
Daniel Morales
Post one that hasn't been posted before WITH timestamp
Jonathan Bennett
Yeah I think need to get a new one. I'm just using a Zoom H4 I got like 6 years ago. I've been having some fun with its glitches though. I believe in working with what you've got.
Yngwie was an early warrior of kaka. He channels so much kaka, he's spurting out metric tons of kaka a second, as much kaka as he can. And when he stops and vibratos, oh my God, it's a fat, almost solid log of kaka coming out. Based Yngwie
Strangely ive played some real good dean acoustics. They also own luna acoustic
Kevin Cruz
Don't even try, you won't kaka yourself out of this one.
Zachary Davis
You haven't played a bad acoustic until you've tried a vintage Eko Ranger.
Julian Nguyen
I have that dean without the trem. Crazy good unamplified tone.
Kevin Williams
the trem is shit, i need to block it. cant even stay tuned for 2-3 songs when I dont touch it
Matthew Edwards
Learn to set it up right. But licensed floyd are shit regardless. Get a floyd 1000 at least. The design and parts used in an original floyd rose but made in korea.
Aiden Fisher
>tfw trying to play barre chords with small hands this is fucking hell on earth
>consider using a pick the motion for plucking shouldn't be different from the motion you use while strumming with a pick if he has tendinitis he needs to a) stop playing for at least 4 weeks b) apply heat locally and take some NSAIDs for a week c) do warm up exercises for a week d) do active exercises for another week e) add some weight/resistance to those exercises f) practice his fucking playing technique and do warmups before playing If you don't get it after that, quit it. Learn another instrument. t. medfag and bassfag
Bentley Bailey
He's no one
Isaiah Parker
It's "bad technique" to pick from your forearm to compensate for and lessen wrist/hand pain, and even though you "shouldn't" it's actually doable up to a very high tempo.
There was a guy who played guitar entirely with his fucking thumb. There are no rules.
50% some youtuber with more wanking ability than real musical talent 50% some nobody who hasn't composed a full song in his life
Levi Ramirez
Never mentioned bad or good technique. But if you play a couple hours a day and still develop tendinitis, you need to change it.
Aaron Cruz
It gets buzzy and makes some ugly trebly noises
I've been plucking near the bridge indeed
And I've been using a pick and it sounds great but I want to sound good with fingers
>the motion for plucking shouldn't be different from the motion you use while strumming with a pick No what the hell. For plucking the hand stands still and only the fingers move. Picking the fingers stand still holding the pick and the wrist moves.
I've been doing some stretch exercises and warm water and diclofenate and it's been improving. A year ago I couldn't play at all.
I saw a vid of John entlrwise moving his arm as he plucked the strings and I tried it. Guess what? IT STILL SOUNDED WEAK AND DEAD ESPECIALLY COMPARED TO PICK
Angel Nguyen
What did he do to make you so salty user?
Nolan Perez
Aren't nails for guitar not bass
Lincoln Ramirez
>For plucking the hand stands still and only the fingers move I thought you meant plucking as in doing slap n pluck. Anyways, you should try to adjust the angle you rest your wrist while plucking. Do you anchor yourself to certain level or do you move your hand as you move through the strings?
James Ramirez
Intermediate player here, Looking to really grind a bunch of songs out quickly for ideas, is Rocksmith a good idea for this? Is the latency fine on PC?
I don't anchor because I don't want to bend my wrist ever. I think I rest the hand on the strings. My finger picking technique is shit and I even have trouble going up to the G string on fast licks
Jaxson Cooper
Do I need USB3.0 or will 2.0 still work without much latency?
Brayden Harris
You just need to practice then, still would advice to rest your playing hand a bit. Doing activities while injured lead to compensations that could result in technique deterioration.
Isaac Nelson
2.0 works fine enough. I got 3.0 because my mobo supports it so why not
Landon Hernandez
Cheapo epiphone sg or cheapo squier strat?
Justin Hall
Will it ever get painless again tho As I said this been going for almost two years now. It went from not being able to play because of extreme pain to being able to play with some little pain but the improvement is too slow
Thomas Garcia
How can I practice playing with technique that provides good tone if I don't know that technique to begin with
Luke Adams
bolt ons are more suited to being cheap, especially fender due to parts availability.
a bad set neck is bad for the life of the guitar. you will never get that guitar set up perfectly, you'll always be compromising because the neck is off or isn't in there solidly. a bad bolt on can be shimmed and nudged into being in the right place and replaced if it breaks or is just so shit it goes out of tune if you hold it wrong.
Julian Ortiz
learn the technique you monstrous retard
Mason Rogers
A job, son. Its about time.
Carter Allen
My first post is that I couldn't figure out how to make a good sounding note with fingers. It either sounded dead or dead+buzzy.
Liam Williams
opinions on Agile guitars? been seriously considering getting this neck through les paul
Always buying the best thing you can afford is how wageslaves stay wageslaves. Your riches are forever no more than what you work for, and if you want more money you have to work more hours, because you already bought the most you could afford. One gibson, two gibsons, maybe a few ESPs. Right on dude now nobody will think you're unemployed even though the adult world assumes everyone is employed.
Buying no more than what you need and investing the rest is how you grow your wealth.
So buy that gibson, prove to the world you have something everyone who isn't on crack or meth has anyways. I'll buy a squier and put the $2000 I saved into the stock market.
Juan Ramirez
3.0 is worthless right now, essentially snake oil. Jcum can tell you all about falling for that.
Owen Phillips
Depends, the hand is a delicate place. Most tendinitis have a good prognosis with conservative treatment (rest, nsaids, home rehab). However, if the tendinitis is serious enough to decrease blood flow to certain area or compresses a nerve, they mostly require surgery. Still with good prognosis, but nobody wants to have surgery. But if you don't give it rest or insist on doing stuff that hurts it, it will always come back. Fortunately, there are many ways to play a bass, so even if your current technique is what it is hurting it, you could always change it. Explore, find what bass players sound like you want to and investigate their technique. Find a balance between what they do and what you feel comfortable doing.
Brayden Long
a true jew would never play anything but a squier affinity strat
even if you have a million bucks, if you buy a nicer guitar you just have less money.
Hudson Brown
I have better guitars, I just want something lightweight and comfy to sit and fuck around on.
Charles Roberts
>Orange Dark Terror >Orange Jim Root Terror >Orange Crush 35rt >Vox AC10C1 or AC15C1 >Vox AV30 >Boss Katana Artist >something else entirely what would you get and why
Not salty, realist. No one famous comes here. Even if they did, recognizing them isn't a legit excuse to not post playing. Just play something thats not in your recording catalog. It's LARP bullshit.
Caleb Gomez
I have a hot rod and it's loud as fuck for home practice. Gimme dat boss katana meme.
Adrian Mitchell
As good or better than other import guitars in the price range.
Jace Flores
as long as you have a good amount of gain and if solid state, it's a good design instead of squier SP-10 tier, cab and speaker matters more than the amp
>Just play something thats not in your recording catalog Isn’t that what he’s doing? I’ve heard him play to back tracks and post at least one full song. I don’t think he’s famous but I also dont think he’s a larp.
Christopher Moore
"famous" is my bet. One of those better known youtube fags with a modicum of noodling ability but not a lot else like stevie T.
Lucas Sanchez
>he says he has a career in music and would be recognized if he posted his real stuff
Lincoln Edwards
Pink suhr is Sithue Aye I’ve know for years
Zachary Stewart
>implying he's that good
Owen Lopez
How do I tell if a nerve is compressed
One index finger didn't stretch fully at one joint, as if the tendon were stiff and pulling it back, it's the finger that hurted the most, but I did some pulls with it and now it's straight again
Ryder Fisher
He’s probably a hired gun, that’s my guess.
Robert Butler
you guys know tfw learning to play all of those old nostalgic runescape songs? feels good man
Either burning pay or numbness in one of these areas. By what you're saying it sounds like the tendon is getting compressed by one of the many levels of the pulley system. Better go to see an specialist, those things always require surgery.
I've had a foot fetish for about twenty years and I swear between these anime pics and K-pop creep shots on Yea Forums I'm starting to go off it.
Carter Torres
Anime feet just suck. The realism foot fetishists try and shoehorn in clashes with the rest of the picture and creates an unsettling atmosphere.
Anime is really the genre for the boobs guy.
Aiden Gray
It's getting better with stretches and warm water and surgery is too much hassle
Lucas Gomez
How many power chords do you guys remember by heart without having to check the notes? Im new rn but Ive decided to dive deep into the music theory to give myself a headstart ahead of other beginner but found myself stuck on learning powerchords. So far I got 7 but in the heat of a jam it gets real confusing sometimes(a becomes c etc) and I just stop for the rest of the day real pissed because of how frustrating it it. Any tips?
Nolan Martin
So youre saying you support pedophilia?
Noah Morgan
>How many power chords do you guys remember by heart All of them
Chase Morgan
lol hi jcum. Too easy
Benjamin Butler
How do I stop having gear regret?
If I have cheap shit all around it sounds bad. If I have expensive shit it sounds okay but I sound bad, and I feel bad because I'm not worthy of it.
William Powell
I'm just going to be honest and tell you straight up - don't learn the music theory, but rather start training your ear. That's where your music comes from. Sure, it explains something, but it's much better to invest hours into training your ear and going for the music theory once you're feel confident(at least somewhat). To answer your question: all of them.
Anthony Ramirez
be conscious about what you buy, try before buying cheap isn't always bad, expensive isn't always good, middle point isn't always flawless
Connor Peterson
Unfortunately there is none. You feel what feels right, bro. I've been actually feeling like my gay as gear is holding my guitar-god strength back. So let's help eachother out, mate. Hmu and I'll give you my adress.
Ryan Barnes
for what use? considering practice, gigs and etc i like the jim root terror a lot, damn good head. loud as fuck too.
Josiah Brown
Does anyone else feel like music theory opened up a new whole world to them? People were actually impressed when I mentioned that that radio song we had just heard was a basic I IV V theme and it felt great. Now whenever I go around I just hear a I a V a IV a ii and so on. Feels like I get it now. and how are your guys' Music Theory study going?
Chase Ross
i honestly feel like pentatonic is the only thing I need rn. i know all positions and can bust a nice solo/improv whenever I want and no licks stop me nor do they sound the same. whenever i feel funky I drop a new note or two which i usually just figure out myself. so bros is there really any need to learn other shit or is it just a meme at this point
Owen Adams
>People were actually impressed No they weren't. They had no idea what you were talking about and thought you were a pretentious dick.
Asher Mitchell
Valvestate amps like orange tiny heads sound every bit as good as valve amps for a fraction of the price.
Solid state sounds close enough to cut it in a mix but just isn't the same. Good SS amps aren't grating on the ears but they have a much tighter, more focused sound while tubes naturally suck at audio reproduction and that flubby saturated sound is kind of cool (though possible to emulate...if you spend as much as an actual all-tube amp)
Try them out with the cab you're going to use. A good amp can sound like a shit amp through the wrong cab.
t. tried a head with a 4x12, bought it, went home and used it with a 1x8, was disappointed, had to buy a 2x12
Austin Garcia
can antrhax, metallica, megadeth and slayer sound okay on a SSS strat?
Alexander Kelly
they will actually sound better
just get EMG SAs first to buck the hum
Jayden Nguyen
its going to be my first guitar and plebbit tells me not to buy emgs as a first
Parker Garcia
just buy whatever it doesnt even matter since I assume you're a beginner/intermediate and at this point it matters that you just play and dont care about this gay ass shit until later.
Lincoln Barnes
They call it plebbit for a reason. EMGs sound great, as long as it's not the regular 81/85 set. Their single coils in particular are among the best pickups ever made without resorting to crazy modular multichannel shit and they've only gotten better with the new models.
If you're a beginner having cool stuff will make you excited, just don't listen to faggots on plebbit and forums who think a $200 set of seymour duncans sounds better than $30 OEM passives (they sound the same).
Austin Reed
i meant that you play and don't abandon the hobby in the first year.
Samuel Brooks
My 81 85 sound great dumbass
Josiah Gray
Lol no. Get buckers
Owen Harris
So did mine but I had an active tone control, rarely had the guitar volume on max, and had the 85 in the neck sitting almost flat with the guitar body.
The 81X/60x combo sounds better.
Benjamin Butler
>(they sound the same) Schedule a hearing test.
Aiden Ross
Gavin Cruz
All musical instruments essentially sound the same, I mean they all play the same notes for fuck sake.
Jace Nelson
that's why i play with ur momma
Leo Fisher
Use the tips of your fingers, not the pads The attack that comes from fingernails sound gross
Evan Ortiz
Its called timbre you stupid fuck. Get an education.
Charles Edwards
Actually, as a beginner I'd also like to know if Rocksmith can help to improve your guitar playing skills.
Isaiah Baker
man it’s so fucking difficult deciding if I want to learn guitar or bass more so I can start already but what it seems like to me is this?
guitar: funk sounds good can play epic metal like I listened to when I was 12 can play classical probably can do more alone I don’t really get much feeling when I listen to it?
bass: backbone to most genres lots of depth to the sound looks cooler and more fun/involved to play in demand if I ever got good looks very dull to practice alone
Xavier Davis
Why does classical guitar sound so full of soul, beautiful and emotional compared to acoustic?
You sound like an idiot. So bass should suit you fine.
Hudson Johnson
Why are you so mad?
Jason Edwards
play guitar, chances are you can switch to bass without scene people noticing your skill level
Adam Roberts
Im not. just pointing out the obvious.
Cameron Jackson
Nylon strings.
Steel strings are for electric guitars only.
Lucas Richardson
Depends on what kind of music you actually want to play. If anything you can't really compare them like that, if you have to make a list of pros and cons think about why you want to study in the first place - it's fucking hard at times and if your heart isn't into it you aren't gonna make it far without passion.
The best way to go is to get both, of course. But the ultimate pragmatic bottom line is, If you start on guitar and later decide to switch, you can at the very least transfer some of your skills onto bass, like simply playing with a pick like a rhythm guitarist and going further from there, but I dunno if that really works the other way around (I went from guitar to bass to both).
Jaxson Ortiz
Higher performance standards.
Christopher Clark
I’m trying to get an acoustic vocaroo/clyp thread started, your company would be much appreciated /gg/
Jose Carter
yeah totally I want to learn to play both anyway and I’m a long way from deciding what I actually really really like but thanks I’ll probably just start with a guitar
I guess going from more to less strings wouldn’t be a bad thing but the only real argument I hear for bass first is you can’t develop groove or good timing if you play guitar bro! and I’m destined to be shit with timing if I start with guitar
Jaxon Morales
This is coming from a bassist, but as long as you practice with a metronome and get use to using your pinky on your fretting hand, you'll be fine if you ever switch to bass
Robert Long
how did you guys get people to listen to your music?
how much theory will I know once I’m through all of the justin material?
Caleb Brooks
Play at open mics. Encourage people there to follow my Facebook page where I upload videos.
Shilling on Yea Forums doesn’t work particularly well, a lot of people just pick random posts to ‘rec’ (e.g. I have had “recs” on videos with 0 views).
Jackson Nguyen
>you can’t develop groove or good timing if you play guitar I can understand groove, it can be different for bass, but timing is important to guitar as well. Generally if you feel the rhythm and can follow it you can certainly play both bass and guitar since both need it. Of course stuff like slapping is mostly exclusive for bass and will require additional training, but so would sweeping and artificial harmonics and whatnot on guitar. Basically what I mean is both instrument have intricate advanced techniques but on a basic fundamental level skills do carry on from one to another.
Try out both and see if you like the feel of them and most importantly try out different types of both. Sometimes guitar just fits right in and you "feel it" like you have to play it, sometimes a bass just overwhelms you with its tone and you get into groove just by listening to it. It's more about what kind of emotions the instrument invokes, even if that sounds questionable it is true, having a plank you fall in love with every time you pick it up can get you through a lot of hardships, hesitation and doubts while learning.
Lincoln Carter
soundcloud threads were actually pretty interactive like 5 years ago. Got 30,000 listens just posting in those. Haven't been in them in awhile, but they started going downhill years ago
Blake Lee
Does passive neck J pickups sound weak or I'm just homo?
Ryder Hall
Highest number of views I have had on anything via Yea Forums is this video, 80 views only. I don’t post my stuff here that often though. youtu.be/TfVYacU2gs0
Daniel Wright
Thanks for clearing it up. I like the sound of both and it’s good to know that just because I start with one it won’t limit me. >sometimes a bass just overwhelms you with its tone this is exactly what happens and I love it but then sometimes it’s non existent for some music and I feel the guitar a lot more
Jose Allen
Bentley Cook
more like you can't develop groove if you play metal guitar
you can't develop groove if you play anything that isn't sufficiently africanized, actually, because groove as a musical concept is pretty damn african. the european way is just playing with the right time durations, tempo being a suggestion that fluctuates throughout the song, and being noisy and fast enough for out of sync players to blend together. it's not a better or worse approach but it's a different sound.
Charles Evans
>more like you can't develop groove if you play metal guitar Nigger what, there is a shit ton of groove in metal
Brandon Morris
"metal" metal, stereotypical metal, noodly "dude i wanna solo" metal, "real guitars have 36 frets" metal.
Austin Lopez
Nathaniel Kelly
How much?
Joseph Lee
No one rated my riffs I'm sad come on gg :(
Jonathan Hughes
The guitar was $99 new. Not mine but i put about $200 into it. Its pretty loud acoustically
Cooper Parker
Fuck off peasant.
Charles Morgan
maybe you should have played them on a gibson les paul in heritage cherry burst (the best tone color)
Owen Nguyen
I prefer my 300 bucks Jackson, at least it's a esthetically pleasing
Daniel Thomas
>Its pretty loud acoustically With your soldering skills, that's a necessity.
Joshua Brown
Post your jackson
William Garcia
If it still has the headstock attached youre ahead of nigson already And im off late today so i cant go to harbor freight to pickup a new set. My old solder gun was on its last limbs But nonetheless the squier is surprisingly loud.
Asher Sanders
im just going to waste all my money on pedals and do shoegaze
that's pretty metal but can you play hockey with it
Caleb Roberts
Do you think people will laugh when I'll be playing solely Beatles covers with it?
Jacob Stewart
Replace that atrocious bridge and shit pickups. Looks cool. I was gonna get an alexi laiho model but i decided for a superstrat instead.
Jonathan Sanders
I took.a piece of masking tape, put it on the side of the neck all the way up and wrote each note.of the fret on it so e f f# g etc, I had that on there for about 6 months probably could've been shorter but I didn't practice every day. But did this until I didn't need it to k ow which notes were where. Having that rather than having to count or look up each time.made a huge difference. Also power chords is more like a shape to remember that you place on any note (root) to make that chord rather than a chord itself. Most chords are shapes (in the beginning) you can move. Knowing the note on every fret on the first to strings (the thickest) makes this concept waaaay easier.
Benjamin Foster
what's the deal with klon ktr? is it made in limited batches or something?
Evan Allen
play slow and sing what youre playing
Benjamin Parker
The power of friendship
Evan Cook
*proceeds to do slow divebombs*
Grayson Wilson
Ac15 if the Katanas are sold out.
Hunter Hernandez
done bombs and throat singing
Brody Peterson
No. I've yet to find a synth pedal that can take more than one note at the same time and not sound like a garbled mess, let alone bass register notes.
Xavier Robinson
Dylan Ward
Probably the same reaction when I blast metal out of this flowery jazz machine
Ayden Foster
GG Allin was popular and he literally shit onto his audience. How does that make you feel about your prowess as a musician?
Caleb Watson
He wasn't popular, he was infamous. There's a difference.
I'm working on filing this mdf. Pretty slow process. Unrelated: Does anyone know what sorta cable I should buy for DIY guitar cable? Like what specifications do I need to look for?
I mean, are there certain specs like oxygen content, alloy, gauge, or shield material, that are important?
Logan Smith
That's the most aesthetic LP Studio I've ever seen. I've actually never liked a Studio until seeing that. They usually look naked to me without the binding but that's fucking sexy. Nice.
i dont like your fusion, i like the tiny bit of jazz you insert on them tho.
Connor Butler
Please go see a doctor for your excessive vomiting
Jaxon Garcia
My brother has one of the neck throughs. Extremely playable and flawless. They are really good about returns if you have in issue. IMO they are the best LP on the market, pickups aside. The one I played was an older model with ceramic magnets, sounds fine but not my cup of tea. The electrical components are smooth and noiseless, the wiring is good and all that. They come with good tuners.
If you're like me and you just care about the neck, I haven't seen any better. My guess is that it will last a lifetime.
Jack Evans
should i upgrade my shitty 50 dollar strat copy to a yamaha pacifica or should i spend my money on something else
Jeremiah Phillips
Does the shitty one you have have neck whip? If so, upgrade. If the neck isn't a noodle, buy yourself a level and some fret files.
Jonathan Cooper
This and some EMGs
David Adams
>putting EMGs in a shit guitar
they have a flat, honest, and broad response so if you put EMGs in a shit guitar they will sound like shit. the "EMGs always sound the same" meme comes from the vast majority of guitars they get put in being shit (ie: ibanez, dean).
Henry Brown
sorry if i sound like a retard but what the fuck is a neck whip
Zachary Reyes
it means the neck is flexible
if your guitar goes way out of adjustment and gets buzzy with the weather and you can bend notes by pushing on the neck it's not stiff, not stable, not properly attached to the body, or a mix of those. the quality of the body wood and neck joint can also affect this so it's not like your guitar is all neck unless it's a neck through.
Lincoln Evans
friendly reminder that only a Gibson™ is good enough