I don’t get the hype

I don’t get the hype.

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What have you tried?

what are trying to look for? btw dumbass best of's or essentials aren't the way to go unless the artist is pre 60s, Listen to Blonde on Blonde.

No, listen to Blood on the Tracks

>i don't like dylan
welcome to the most basic bitch level of music fandom.

jokerman is the greatest song ever written

Sit and listen to an entire album (not a compilation). It may take a month, or a year, or five years but you'll come back.

My Boomer dad listens to this guy’s albums all the time. As a lyricist he’s good but not exceptional - about Anthony Kiedis level, but not any better. Musically his songs are pretty boring. His voice is atrocious, and not just because of the bizarre affectation that everyone (rightly) makes fun of. It’s not like he;’s the worst thing ever, but even by the standards of Boomer music there’s tons of better acts out there. How he got to be regarded as some kind of groundbreaking musical genius just baffles me.

Based Jokerman appreciator

>btw dumbass best of's or essentials aren't the way to go
Why? all his greatest songs are right there