Scaruffi fags will defend this

>scaruffi fags will defend this

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i dont see any lies

Aliens should be an 8, Titanic a 5 and Avatar a 3.5

>Aliens should be an 8

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Alien > Aliens

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also Alien 3 > Aliens

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I think you mean Aliens should be 11 m8

Terminator is a fucking classic, you fag.

it aged terribly

>using aging as an argument
Confirmed retard.

>Watching movies for entertainment purposes
>Scoring them
This hurts him.

James Cameron is a legit shit director
Alien Covenant and Prometheus are 100000x more kino than Aliens

so sick of seeing screenshot of this vomit-colored blog from this Italian fuck, kill yourselves all of you

The internet is cancer, critics and zoomer critics are cancer. Critics always have shit taste in films 99% of the time

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What the fuck, are we in fucking Yea Forums?

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>he thinks Citizen Kane is the best film ever made
What a fucking pleb

what films do you like? I'm inclined to agree that the highest of highest rated films by critics each year aren't usually very enjoyable, but honestly when it comes to films in genres I like or with movies I'm already somewhat invested/interested in, they're usually pretty right.

Though I'm shocked how split everyone was on TLJ. The critics unanimously praised it, and the audience panned it. I came out of the theatre really just not knowing how to feel at all, and then as I thought about it on the way home, I thought, wow, there were really good parts and pretty bad parts, so I'm pretty mixed, and was shocked to see that critics weren't mixed and that audiences weren't either.

>Terminator 7.5
>Blade Runner 7.5


Disney films aren't really films.
What critics praised TLJ?

extremely based, aliens was fucking garbage

TLJ is one of the only really good star wars films it's a pleb filter that pissed of the marveltard plebs who also like star wars. It's the best star wars films along with revenge of the sith

I would agree if Avatar was a 0

Avatar is garbage and he gave it a 6.5 it and aliens deserve 2s

Obvious bait

Kys redditor
It isn't bait
you legit can't tell a shitty action flick vs actual kinography that is visually masterful with good horror direction
Camerons aliens is dogshit for niggers who like mad max fury road and john wick and avengers trash

well, you were right

Forgot pic

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what is pierro's stance on 9/11?

>7.0 Seven

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Avatar is kino you pleb

>avatar is kino
It's as far as kino as fucking possible it's writing is literally fucking terrible and predictable popcorn shitskin global money grubbing shit

GOAT taste

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Blade Runner is quintessential pseud-core
>paper-thin story
>hollow stock characters
>awful dialogue
>the most interesting character is barely in it
>nothing about it conceptually is clever or original or deep, it had nothing new or interesting to say about the themes it was even barely exploring in the first place
>"but muh special effects"


It's a ripoff of Dances With Wolves masquerading as a Saturday morning cartoon

>Mean Streets
Pseud detecte-
>Sunset Boulevard
>Days of Heaven
>Lost Highway
Nvm, big based

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doesn't he not even watch every movie he rates?

Feel free to elaborate when you're done with your buzzword tantrum

>Yea Forums has terrible taste in music
>Yea Forums has terrible taste in movies
Makes sense

>Yea Forums has terrible taste in music and movies
>mu/ has terrible taste in movies and music


Yea Forums is my home board and I unironically think Yea Forums has better taste in both


I don't like any of those movies except maybe Terminator. Alien 1 (one) and Terminator 2 are good though.

I actually completely agree, the best part of it is easily the score and the visuals but yeah, it’s not the classic most prop it up to be. The book actually left me pretty unaffected as well although I do think it was a lot more interesting than the movie because it focused on this whole idea of the ethic of care and empathy as being a huge defining characteristic of humans, an idea that goes almost wholly unexplored in the film. But it’s definitely an example of “all style, no substance” to me. Ranking it higher than Alien is quiet frankly ridiculous to me

As opposed to the rest of those films?