>Whole album is in C
Whole album is in C
Okay guys bump lol. I'm sort of new here and don't understand the humor too well. Could someone care to explain? Also how do I log in and make an account name, thx.
don't let them know. We've played it up as impenetrable noise this long, and it almost seemed like people were actually falling for it. We don't want them to learn that it is mostly just a standard blues album, when it comes to rhythm and tonality.
Thanks for the reply! How do I add you?
Shhhhhh, that's information for connoisseurs only.
sent ;)
ptr = (int*) malloc(100 * sizeof(int));
Post pics of your pee pee and butt hole please?
why do we need an array of 100 ints for this thread?
I feel like this is just really bad bait
based cs101 student
Modern music has become so alienated from the blues that modern audiences will always think it's "experimental."
It's modal rock and the whole thing was a concept album.
cuz im gonna stick my penis into your mom 100 times fagot
Almost bought into it for a minute but I analysed some of the songs and this is clearly false
>ptr =
>can't even initialize a variable right
you are shit and you will fail your cs course
>Whole album is in sea
>I analysed some of the songs
>I anal some of the songs
lol gay
what does it mean when musicians say something is in C or in B or whatever?
It means it's the version of the song. So, the first version is A, second B, etc.
that's the key its in, obviously you can switch keys, like hitting the chorus is n a higher key but the notation is the same, actually it's a cheap ploy
The root note is a C. Usually it's the note the song ends on if they use a cadence. It's also usually in major if it wasn't stated
there is the major scale, a pattern imposed on each "note" here, it's a mixture of mainly whole "steps" and two half steps. Steps are like keys on a piano, a whole step means to skip over a note, a half step means to move over to the adjacent note.
the pattern is wwhwwwh for the major scale, starting at the note of your choice on the piano, a,b,c,d,e,f,or g. in between most of the notes there are accidentals or sharps/flats, the black piano keys. Imposing this pattern from different starting points on the piano you will notice yields different emotional effects. The third and the fifth notes of the scale together with the first make a major triad, the major chord of the tonic, the note you started off on. You can construct chords for the rest of the notes in the set of that tonic's major scale, these chords together form the major "key", or otherwise the set of chords or almost chord scale from that note.
i may be kind of off a little here and there, I am self-taught, if another user would like to correct that's alright but as I understand it that's the gist of it. A common chord progression is the doo wop progression: I-vi-IV-V, the lowercase indictates a minor chord, the minor six chord. In the key of C, which is the simplest to remember since it's just all the white piano notes starting at C, it's C, A minor, F, G. You may recognize this because it's used in Blue Moon and Heart & Soul, two super famous songs. It's implied here since Beefheart is a dummy who banged on the piano without training that the album is all in the one simple key, C, but that's not the case either. TMR is really good, takes a lot of listens before the smoke clears.
Thanks for explaining me user!Im bad at understanding things because im very dumb but I actually got it,you wrote it almost like you knew who you were writing to,and I think thats very special,thanks!
It's actually written in A minor
imagine not knowing its in F lydian
the song starts with a C chord. The starting chord pretty much dictates how a song will go.