I'm a convict (Guilty!)

I'm a convict (Guilty!)
Of a racist crime (Guilty!)
I've only served (Guilty!)
Nineteen years of my time

I'm sorry
For something that I didn't do
Lynched somebody
But I don't know who
You blame me for slavery
A hundred years before I was born

Guilty of being white

Attached: minor reddit.jpg (480x480, 38K)

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Minor Threat are overrated and so are Fugazi honestly

Retard opinion

that's a yikes from me

Man haha if they wrote that song today theyd get so much shit

this song is the reason why minor threat haven't reunited, iirc

Imagine the shitstorm on twitter and subsequent /pol/ incursion

Wasted trips on a weak response

The modern punk scene is ran by mentally ill social climbers it's awful. There's bans from Chicago called Tarantüla and they got cancelled because they're edgelords who included a tiny swastika on a 7" artwork. Their frontman (a gay dude) got jumped by antifa over it.

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The discourse on racial issues was different at the time, and I don’t think it was intended as a racist song.

I can't even see it

Based Slayer actually ended their version with "Guilt of being right!" once again btfo'ing pansy punk fags


lol, apparently ian mackaye was really offended by that line being changed.



He would definitely get labeled an incel today

Above the huge eyeball

One more reason why the national socialist underground is the true punk rock. Fascism is the ultimate form of anarchism. A fascist is an anarchist who wont let the freedom of the weak get in the way of his freedom. There is nothing edgier or more transgressive than Hitler.

I'm not a fan of fugazi either although I quite like minor threat

Nah Nazis are fucking dorks too.

I just want to pound brews and hear some good riffs.

>authoritarianism is anarchism
Hot take

>mentally ill social climbers
>edgelords who included a tiny swastika
Don't sound all that different

I'd take junkies who just want to make fun music with an edgy aesthetic over grad students posing as revolutionaries

I say all the people who have been blacklisted from the punk scene (and there's a fucking LOT of them) should start their own scene.

Being an edgelord is the exact opposite of being a social climber

A society is only as strong as its weakest members. more freedom for the weak means less freedom for the strong. See theoretically speaking I may understand transgenderism as a legitimate sexual perversion, i understand these people go through a lot of pain, it's not my fault they all happen to be completely insufferable. If we let them have their way, they will drag us down to their level. freedom requires high standards. some people will never be happy and in some cases i believe the most humane thing to do is to help them end their lives in a painless fashion.

>If I had my way, I would build a lethal chamber as big as the Crystal Palace, with a military band playing softly, and a Cinematograph working brightly; then I’d go out in the back streets and main streets and bring them in, all the sick, the halt, and the maimed; I would lead them gently, and they would smile me a weary thanks; and the band would softly bubble out the ‘Hallelujah Chorus’.- DH LAWRENCE

Have you ever considered adopting an ideology with some bearing on reality

Hi Boyd

The kind informal order required for a successful anarchist society would be far more invasive than anything an authoritarian government could dream up. Every last anarchist is a closet tyrant.

what i didn't realize before i read the azerrad book is how into fighting ian was. it was like literally his whole thing to get in fights.

All the DC punks were early on, they used to go down New York and start shit

Listen to Teen Idles half their songs were about fighting and beating people up. They have a song about killing Deadheads.

>They have a song about killing Deadheads.

I saw a list ranking slayer albums and when they talked about this cover, they called it "a racist cover". What did they mean by that?

switching the words from "white" to "right" changes the tone of the song massively

If you tell me where you live I will come to you and put you out of your misery, trust me it won't hurt a bit, it'll all be over in a second, no more dysphoria, no more suffering.

>singer isn't even white

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Is it possible that Tom Araya thinks that he's white? Vid related.

Tom Aryan
