Convince me not to shut down this board

hi guys :), mark here i've been browsing on this board for the past few months now, deciding whether this board is worthy enough to "stay afloat". from what i have observed this board is filled with nothing but males ranging from the age of 14-20 constantly competing for validating that their taste is "based" or "red-pilled". i have to truly understand what this means, regardless i am here to decide if this board should exist or not.
convince me

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You wouldn't be able to so it isn't worth wasting the effort

thank you for killing myspace and their shitty scene. how more based can you be

this pleases me

Mark gimme the ZUCC

what music do u like mark?

please nuke this board . it's a shithole where coping losers go to pretend their taste is unique and interesting. and make blanket statements about any genres their high school bullies liked.

I'm into kraftwerk, radiohead, beyonce, and throbbing gristle
i will consider this


Please do it markie mark, end my suffering

shut it down mark

you're more or less correct. today has been a good day though. lots of interesting threads. come for the shitposting, stay for the recs.

just buy Yea Forums from the 2ch jap and close it all down

based throbbing gristle poster

NO. Yea Forums is a containment board. If you shut down this board, the floodgates will open and all other boards will be flooded with unoriginal "Billy Eyelash xD" and "Lubless xD" posts. And that's assuming they all stay on 4channeru; worst case scenario, all other online communities could become contaminated and overrun by former Yea Forums posters looking for a new home.

Really THINK about what you are proposing. Is this what you want? To watch the internet crash and burn? Then go ahead. But otherwise, only a fool would even consider shuttering such a board as this.

you have made me reconsider, human.

Fuck you mark

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fuck off nico this does not concern you

u alright white boi

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will you please impregnate my wife Mister Lamar

haha wow you are so epic xD like really??? Mark??? woooow

No, but seriously. You guys are fucking retarded. Zuckerberg isn't autistic, or robotic. That's his persona, he lives off of playing the socially retarded 30-something year old twink.

Why do you think he studied psychology instead of computer science to a point where he managed to drop out effortlessly and fuck everyone over? He's not a sociopath, he's a psychopath who knows exactly how society works and their brains work. That's why he's come this far. He figured that he doesn't have the greatest of looks, so playing the loveable dork during Facebook times was his greatest bet. Since then, the robotic persona to attract all the socially awkward kids who slave away as codemonkeys in his company once they literally spend years in college working towards a degree so they'll be hired.


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you really wrote all this, wow

he's a CIA front who gives a shit

i feel attacked as an oldfag. this is oldfag erasure

t. aka the KING OF CRINGE

This is a low effort post. Zuckerberg, you have no power here.

Posts as OP user,
then trips to answer
How in the fuck did you code facebook you imbecile?

Well no. he originally devised facebook as a website to rate college whores and other females. In all fairness he is the king of Incels, who happen to make good with a few million dollars
oh and thanks to the napster dude who pushed development.
So a big thanks Metallica, if you hadnt shut that awesome filesharing site down we probably wouldnt even have farcebook today

you have two options zuck
ban everyone and only allow /classical/
ban everyone and only allow /rym/
your choice

thats a real life 'sliding doors' thing right there

you will be deleted

classical of course, is that even a question
also only the Zucc will decide who will be banned and who wont

nice try incel
gusic will live forever!