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Other urls found in this thread:

smelly poo poo thread ban kpop


Attached: 1539025358530.png (720x595, 287K)

what the fuck is so funny

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first for dubu

Attached: ts4zyhnr95131.jpg (1000x1500, 178K)

based itzychad

Attached: 21.jpg (500x758, 63K)

just wait a month
actually, not even that

Attached: ICC-RV-Irene.jpg (768x1024, 111K)

>where are my tributes?

Attached: oh2h5xgswe131.jpg (1500x1000, 185K)

Attached: 1557594725968.jpg (2048x1152, 139K)

i just realized i haven't seen a single fagshit post in hours

Attached: D1SGVsUWoAAo5_X.jpg (750x750, 53K)

>this fat piece of shit is going to the military
he's gonna die from a heart attack during bootcamp

Attached: fatass running.webm (1280x720, 1.23M)

Is twice posting done yet

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Attached: 23158010835.webm (640x628, 2.12M)

i miss itzy so much bros xdDDDDDDD

Attached: oh no no no.jpg (1095x624, 123K)

Attached: D1IWfI7VYAAXRmb.jpg (2730x4096, 1.02M)

what did she mean by this

Attached: 61140496_356671838536009_3079882634881582446_n.jpg (1080x1350, 156K)

why is that guy mocking me bros

>implying he even has fat in his veins

Attached: 4fd066f93d9d72a122d1a30aca04b28c.jpg (960x641, 641K)

pisstain disbanding

we prefer to go by the term “shitzynigger”

Attached: 1533746681125.png (781x965, 817K)

because you dont stan loona

let's change that

Attached: 1559078721302.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

he seems like the type to rank the highest in his squad actually

why is lia laughing too

not funny
now die

Attached: 10919706_1573633206216101_1668894652_n.jpg (640x640, 111K)

i can already tell it's gonna get bad soon, i'm out

its never over friend

Attached: DOXPfdJVQAAZro0.jpg (1012x810, 245K)

this but unironically

Attached: D6wcrz9XoAEhgmc.jpg (919x721, 159K)

literal succubus

>driving with my mom in the passenger seat
>shuffling thru radio stations
>we stop at a station playing boy with luv
>shitting my pants hoping that we tuned in past suga's verse
>we did
>get home and have a painful diarrhea shit
thanks suga

how much did the ratings tank this time?

Attached: 1543745704852.png (1279x540, 453K)

wony’s sexy legs

Attached: 54FD8471-518F-49A2-8AB7-91840D2A92F5.jpg (1000x1500, 226K)

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tongue action

Attached: 60454166_435146937316961_8828415034664607211_n.jpg (721x901, 102K)

lol and ARMY think these shows invite BTS to boost ratings

you guys must not spam them enough. i didn't even know who that uggo was.

Don't mock him, he can probably drop kick you in a swift

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Attached: D3SBZ4lXoAEV2Rx.jpg (1352x2048, 268K)

>shorter than Suga
oh no no no no no

Attached: 167128f1565b861dbeed361e1c1cbf0d.jpg (1250x1750, 424K)

chimp’s cute forehead

very pure

>flash of light before waking up
every night, dreams are always ending so soon...

Attached: Dl5w9K4U4AAFo-V.jpg (1280x960, 242K)

that can't be right, why is he shorter than jimin?

Attached: juices.webm (1280x720, 158K)

Attached: D72UHjGWkAEspKP.jpg (1000x1500, 155K)


When did the first Burning Sun news come out?

seriously. how was this allowed on TV?

Attached: 1554865884810.jpg (865x1024, 140K)

they are super cute

If you don't like bunny then you're a faggot. Period.

Attached: xexybunny.jpg (1608x2048, 503K)

he said fag not chad

Attached: 1558497109542.jpg (1232x1582, 292K)


black magic chubster

Attached: lcx58eWovtG1tzeM.webm (360x480, 704K)


Attached: D7vToCZUIAYe-fk.jpg (472x900, 56K)

the only idol who's more of a open slut than nayeon

Attached: 1534616330792.webm (1280x720, 1.97M)

Attached: 1459889556.webm (940x1900, 1001K)

5 seconds into google
>It began on January 28, 2019


Attached: momo 987y897.jpg (959x959, 60K)

she was moving fast so you could hardly notice

When is he stripping on IG live

tell em

Attached: D1sffdKUgAAeoeO.jpg (1920x1080, 85K)

Cutest and purest Izone

Attached: 0a98dfeb78b1871aa342c7bbf124e0b295cf1b53.webm (722x1080, 2.71M)

Attached: 1547357524928.jpg (1000x1529, 222K)

lmao that's cute

super cringe

he does that on facetime


Attached: D5s6qzZU8AA9kFm.jpg (1613x2048, 377K)

did she get something black or colorful?

Attached: D4HbpBGUIAILoPQ.jpg (2730x4096, 2M)

i stan EXID and its over

omo hopefully soon

Attached: Dy1y0oGWsAAtpBQ.jpg (1499x1956, 374K)

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b-but I like nayeon

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cute jeongers

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can we say that our girl rosé made it? i'm really proud of her

Attached: 1533851020014.jpg (750x1334, 57K)

so anything is allowed as long as it happens fast?

lol i thought the same thing but the eyes seemed off

honestly idols should be ashamed if wony's lips are bigger than theirs


>bacon stripping on facetime while wearing his goofy facemasks

Attached: D7QPdJmVUAA3uLQ.jpg (746x1024, 124K)

black I hope, looks amazing with pale skin

Attached: momo 87h.jpg (1280x1920, 218K)

girl just get the facemask off

Attached: 1550245166280.webm (568x716, 2.8M)

Attached: AdvancedWhichGalapagosmockingbird.webm (640x1138, 2.43M)

so he’ll look like a mummy then



Attached: 1596E912-1FDA-4E0B-8476-AC9F0BACE19F.jpg (1600x2482, 2.4M)

thanks it's probably my favorite jeongyeon picture

didn't the other members say he walked around the dorms naked?

Attached: 1077530360555032576.webm (1280x720, 1.38M)

imagine being a handsome chinese boy...

Attached: 20190522_114248_4680.jpg (2065x3098, 1.26M)


>getting fit by lifting jihyo's melons over and over again like dumbbells

Attached: jihyo workout.webm (1280x720, 2.69M)

you guys always manage to lewd exo in the weirdest ways

Attached: chinese discrimination.gif (223x300, 3.65M)


Attached: WinterFrame-1078971010014040065-20181229_190829-img2.jpg (1400x2100, 705K)

The boy’s locker room does that all the time, so yeah

Attached: 20190522_114257_9595.jpg (2147x3221, 1.47M)

why is he so ugly

Not purest

Attached: Chaewon Rumor 1.webm (700x671, 1.47M)

Attached: D7Kq8zbUcAUyI32.jpg (1360x2048, 285K)

jackson needs anti wrinkle cream before those lines deepen

wasn’t it something about showers

what the FUCK

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Our girl Thomas

Attached: 3D47D585-18FB-41A1-AE74-84EA091D140C.jpg (1280x720, 110K)

did a lot of people liked wony already or was this one day that changed it all?

what the fuck is wrong with gahyeon's lip

nasty boy

Attached: 공항17.jpg (1200x1800, 205K)

>my boycott
>trending even in korea

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Attached: WatchfulAromaticBarracuda.webm (1088x1080, 1.47M)


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Attached: laughing whores.webm (1244x700, 2.92M)

i prefer the jigglypuff comparison

Attached: 1559133163507.jpg (2635x2635, 426K)

Did anyone watch BTS on Britain’s Got Talent

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he showered with all the members but iirc he also likes walking around naked. kai said he had the worst body in exo so they probably hated it but omo

Attached: D5ny937UcAAFvmC.jpg (1370x2048, 410K)

Purest Izone is hitomi

Attached: 3c65b3f6996c4a9de2bab13c39c4fc1f.jpeg.jpg (1000x1000, 195K)

britbongs need to die

erasing your gains by piping jihyo all night long

Attached: speed.webm (1280x720, 2.3M)


Attached: R8rgqhb.jpg (2000x3001, 1.11M)

Bacon’s body isn’t even that bad, Kai was probably talking about his small penis

where's the older snapchat filter

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Attached: D7qUqZoUIAEiCQu.jpg (1200x1800, 294K)

>itzy webms
>but no chaeryeong
throw the squidchads a bone will ya?

Attached: 04.gif (500x350, 2.48M)

getting fat off jihyo's milk

Attached: 1556614945512.webm (1280x720, 2.4M)

this is softcore porn

Attached: doyeon lollipop.webm (1280x720, 1.78M)

Attached: 1553700788630.jpg (3141x1463, 419K)

imagine bacon dropping the soap OMO

They liked her after the side to side performance

Attached: 1559239986614.webm (498x276, 1.33M)

that's totally not an accident waiting to happen

muh dick

dat aromatic barracuda

Attached: wony 76587.jpg (1500x2250, 1.83M)

lick my taint

there they are

fake shark

Attached: Shark Objection.webm (720x1134, 481K)

it was meh

Attached: DRLfKwNUEAANIVj.jpg (2000x1333, 324K)

thinking about SinB...

rat outed bacon a while ago

Attached: DFywhe0V0AExXJG.jpg (1241x910, 136K)

Attached: D4LzkQQU8AA_gaL.jpg (2480x3248, 2.2M)

based tomi keeps her cool

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that means they aren't gay

>fake shark

Attached: 1552287521589.jpg (2048x1365, 265K)

holy shit busanbros just got btfo

extra cute

Attached: 187_.gif (410x601, 2.2M)

post more of wony’s long sexy legs

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Attached: D70kOt_VsAImHoM.jpg (1000x1500, 174K)


nah, there's no seks or open bob

Attached: doyeon-ZNJahj4.jpg (1976x3000, 288K)

blackpink fighting

Attached: 1532036977678.png (303x208, 31K)

Attached: 46odm7ybudh21.jpg (1078x1916, 241K)

finally an attractive guy

Attached: DsE-3m_U4AAzhQA.jpg (1366x2048, 480K)

Attached: tiddies.jpg (591x590, 164K)

they just do gay things no homo

Attached: tumblr_o967w1Asu51ukrnrro3_r1_400.gif (268x233, 1.78M)

Attached: DkjJEGRXoAA8zFK (2).jpg (488x781, 78K)

do you think bacon is packing and that's why he's walking around naked?

it won't happen because they disbanded a long time ago

freezing jihyo's milk and using it in an ice cream mix to enjoy later

Attached: 1528740854750.jpg (1740x1720, 334K)

why do blinks always try to compete with armys

only wonho has tittes out of all of them

they're all roasties

kyungsoo cooking me a nice dinner after a long day of wagecucking and then he pipes me on the table after

Attached: D6hm1ffV4AUNPtH-orig.jpg (3919x2613, 1.2M)

so underrated

her post-apocalyptic webseries was decent

using jihyo's milk in my protein shake


imagine how easy it would be...

its all they have in their small and brown lives

idts, i think he's just comfortable with himself

Attached: 1554856669950.gif (568x588, 3.92M)

it's not just armys don't forget about young ones too

he's no sehun obviously

imagine gowon doing that in butterfly

Attached: 1554732542052.webm (1280x720, 2.25M)

literally the ugliest shit

Attached: 1557562399351.jpg (700x902, 168K)

Attached: FailingBlankEskimodog.webm (720x1070, 2.07M)

Pure is just a codeword for ugly

how much calories are there in human milk

male blinks are jealous that their SEAmonkey women prefer Chad East Asians

your heart might explode from too much protein

haven't watched it yet desu

Attached: D1bOhgJUwAAFcwO.jpg (1800x1200, 169K)


Imagine Reeny treating your like trash and using you as her personal human toilet.

Attached: Ice Queen Reeny.webm (800x450, 2.31M)

Protect YG at all costs.

Attached: yg fan.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

Attached: WY Long Legs.webm (797x764, 1.22M)

who remembers this classic

Attached: what the fuck.jpg (388x543, 42K)

what does your pic have to do with your comment?
omo tho

massive gains incoming

Attached: DrsA2WYVAAA_yHp.jpg (1364x2048, 692K)

she would fall and die
unfortunately she will never do that


Attached: low_nrg.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)



this is some vintage squid

Attached: Dq69QhKU4AA6tEl.jpg orig.jpg (1200x1800, 532K)

Attached: 1558496282900.jpg (534x800, 62K)

>that translation
kind of cringe

Attached: xiumin.jpg (879x875, 42K)


cringe roastieluv

shes a cute girl

Attached: D6hmlTMUwAI7BtE-orig.jpg (3919x2613, 1.35M)

>Angels don't exi-

Attached: 1559007980478.jpg (1280x1920, 335K)

that pose at the end

Attached: 03A1B7B1-49A2-4DFE-8686-F0353CFB4D19.jpg (1335x2000, 687K)

mijoo is cold

Attached: Dlc-9tdVAAE8rFx.jpg (1200x1186, 194K)

Attached: hani (84).jpg (610x1040, 93K)

because beating the #1 kpop boy group at anything is exciting and kind of incredible for a not-even-three-year-old girl group with 15 songs

chuu is cold

explain this

Attached: omo.webm (1280x576, 1.38M)

this is NOT what you do with your bros

more rollies

now imagine doing it without telling her

imagine easily tripping her and taking advantage of her while she's down

>she would fall and die
sounds like a win

I believe it

Attached: 1557678898430.jpg (520x390, 35K)

on their way to meet SEAmonkey investors

He has average tits, Wonho is straight up perky

kek implying army weren't in tears over ktl's views and then talking shit for days when bwl bet ktl


Attached: jihyo 89y789.jpg (1370x2437, 451K)

this is really gay

Attached: wonggers.webm (736x720, 2.67M)

chen is so straight kek

was that on purpose?

uggos don't exi-

sana angel vs jennie devil


Whatever happened to spotted at music bank?

do you think kard have fucked each other?

Attached: 8c47d8149cff19e90bc91815dece5a27e00a19b14dce4ac4e2379f1927ab4afc.jpg (800x533, 78K)

they are just too old for that shit

sana jap uggo vs jennie goddess

rosie is so cute bros

for being incredibly straight males, exo sure does act like a bunch of homos

Attached: xiuyeol.webm (720x720, 2.93M)

bm fucks. jseph watches.

Attached: MeekBogusCollar.webm (1080x1920, 1.94M)

no this is literally how korean men act with each other, skinship is common there

explain sehun

Attached: D63Bn6xWsAA2xPP.jpg (1024x2298, 1.28M)

Attached: hyelin (137).jpg (720x960, 113K)

that shit lay said about spreading xiumin’s ass was even gayer but ok

is that mingyu

word this is my favorite Rosé pic

Attached: 47787AC4-A9C4-44F0-921C-C0BC5DE9DC78.jpg (1200x800, 218K)

ninie mentioned

Attached: 1540579454536.webm (480x480, 2.63M)

>it's not gay if it's the culture

Attached: D7wHoGRW0AExL81.jpg (1365x2048, 340K)

it's not gay to them because it's normal for koreans, but to outsiders it is

rose pounding your ass with her horse cock...


but they certainly made it in practice otherwise they wouldn't try... right?

Attached: 170114_8.jpg (1000x1500, 280K)

xiumin you fucking slut

wished this was yeonwoo from thumbnail, big disappointment


Attached: 61381964_346773439359157_5362641920348651520_n.webm (480x600, 2.62M)


I hope bacon is bi at least, it would be such a waste

Attached: 1556062950510.jpg (583x874, 58K)

It's not gay unless you kiss

Attached: 1544900619390.jpg (453x594, 62K)

just missing her wings and it would be perfect

Attached: smile.webm (1064x700, 784K)

word just like how afghani old men will fuck donkeys and underage kids
it's okay because it's their culture

nothing gay about kissing

Attached: 1483129585202.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

When you think about most people are somewhere on the bi spectrum..

our gorgeous princess

that shit walks on a thin line, only straight up butt sex is gayness for certain

Attached: 1559002967543.gif (450x300, 3.68M)


our guys

Attached: e3af8t5L10.jpg (800x712, 148K)

>wildin all day
>wildin all night

what the fuck lol
bestially and child abuse is an entirely different topic from skinship

thinking about showering with bacon while we caress each other’s bodies

korea is still relatively conservative but guys acting close with each other is something no one bats an eye at

Attached: D6Xw_GJU0AAt_Qt.png (1280x1919, 2.37M)

they're literally the same thing

last image wasted on an uggo

is that winner?

this, penetration is ok unless you go gay and start kissing and shit

this is just the same bacon guy

god i wish that were me


listen to el dorado

who are these people


it's the opposite actually


toppdogg i think

is that the got7 whore?


Attached: 1559061766794.webm (690x720, 793K)

semen demon

i can't fucking remember hiragana

bacon on top of sehun, it's from their show EXO Next Door

I'm the leader.

don’t drop the soap faggot




those two always act suspect or maybe it’s just sehun



>Can't even remember hiragana
lmao, just give up languagelet



Make next thread a wony thread

for you